It's that special time of the year ! My favorite day during the school calendar ! Forget "The King's" BD in January, Forget Valentine's day in mid February along with Presidents Week . . . The day to celebrate is TODAY !! Happy Groundhog Day Everyone !!! Woopie !! This is a holiday I can relate to. Here we have this fuzzy FAT little creature, all snuggled into his warm bed for the winter. Nice and warm, tummy relatively full, curled up and dreaming sweet dreams of what ever groundhogs dream of. (I"m thinking tender green shoots of grass, crystal clear streams and sexy girl/guy groundhogs.) Now along comes some idiot human bent on waking up said GH just to see if he runs back inside when he sees his/her shadow. I figure the GH is reacting either of 2 ways . . .
1. "Someone banging on my door, WTF, get the hell out of here I'm sleeping," stomps to his door, curses them in groundhog speak and goes back to bed. (We idiot humans translate that to mean 6 more weeks of winter)
2. "WTF, what's that noise that won't stop", stumble stumble to the door, look out in a daze momentarily blinded by the sun, crowd and noise, realize that it is just the idiot humans that show up every year around this time and eventually stumble back to bed. (Translation . . . Spring is coming)
Either way I figure the poor GH is still tired, (cause we all know that 2 months of sleep just ain't enough), he doesn't like to be interrupted from his dreams and he really will NEVER understand Human Beings. And that folks is why I do love this day! I am a groundhog at heart.
Happy Spring/Winter, what ever the next 6 weeks have in store for us, just don't call me cause I'll be snug as a GH in a den dreaming sweet dreams.
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