Friday, August 20, 2010


Am I the only one who has Valium on her weekly shopping list? If only they would legalize pot I wouldn't need drugs. If they would legalize pot and drugs I wouldn't need alcohol. If I could have 24 hours ALONE I wouldn't need anything!
I have just had my last "conversation" of the evening with husband and I think I need All of the above mentioned aids. It is like talking to . . . I just don't know what but the conversation left me angry, upset, anxious and annoyed. It is almost midnight and there isn't a chance in hell that I can now go to sleep. So here I am spilling my brain to anyone who dares to read this.
Most conversations with husband are less than satisfying, and at most times not even close to pleasant. To be fair, I think he tries to converse but it always turns into a lecture or a homily. I used to be able to stay with it and appear interested but I gave that up long ago.
Tonight was my own fault though. I went into the garage for something and noticed a plastic garbage bag in the metal and glass recycle bin. I pulled it out and saw that it was a bag of garbage from the kitchen. When I went back inside I asked husband (who was already in bed) if he had put the garbage out today. The wall of defense went up immediately and it was down hill from there. Personally I thought it was pretty funny that he had probably gotten distracted and left the garbage in the recycle bin but laughter was not what issued from this. I just never know when I will get a chuckle or when IT will hit the fan. Tonight was a hit the fan night and I am too tired to care. But that isn't true is it, if I am writing about it. Try as I may to "Not give a shit" I guess I really do.
Isn't that just the damnedest thing!

AND HOW IS THAT BLOOD PRESSURE DOING ? I go to see my cardiologist on Wednesday. Do you think he will give me a prescription for Pot or Valium?

But maybe I have a better cure for what ails me . . . Tomorrow my newest and most beautiful grand son is coming to visit. Baby Smith is now three and a half WEEKS old. The poor little guy was born in the midst of the family invasion of 2010 so he didn't get as much attention from grandma Cath as he should or could have. I will need to do something about that over the coming weeks. Tomorrow he and mom&dad and Grandma Lori are coming up for the day so I hope to get some quality time with the little guy. He is just amazingly beautiful but then with parents like K&K what would you expect?

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