Hurricane season begins when Husband starts watching the news only for the weather. As soon as the map of the Atlantic, covered in little orange & green swirls, appears on the TV life as we know it comes to an end. Good thing the kids and grand kids all left our house before hurricane season or they wouldn't get to see their grand father. "Storm Watcher", as he is affectionately know to the family, sits glued to the TV 24/7. There are occasional grunts from that area of the house but for the most part life moves on around husband for these next couple of months. And this being PEAK time we are in attack mode. All focus is turned to the potential storms moving off the coast of Africa as we track them hour by hour in their move across the Atlantic. I actually watched a documentary about sand on the African Continent ( and I am making fun of husband?). No really, it was very interesting and it ended where the sand is swept into the air at the coast only to turn into potential hurricanes. It is pretty neat stuff but not that good that I want to live and breath hurricane watch for two -three months.
As a side note, husband just got a call from his Dr. with his test results from his physical last week. Husband's blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and EVERYTHING else are FANTASTIC. He is a walking poster boy for Senior Citizen Health. I, on the other hand, had to go see my cardiologist this morning and he just shook his head at me for the 10 minutes I was there. My BP continues to climb, thanks to the fact that my weight also continues to climb because my stress level is just going through the roof. I am so happy I am taking such good care of husband but when is it my turn?
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