I know, I know, 72 degrees is NOT freezing. But I am sitting here with the wind blowing through the bedroom and it is chilly ! Especially since I am sitting here in a wet bathing suit. (Now you REALLY feel bad for me don't you?) Today was water aerobics at 10 AM and the pool was cool. Only 82 degrees! But after 5 minutes we had warmed ourselves up and had a good hour of wonderful exercise under clear blue skies.
It's a good thing it is cool in Florida because we are having AC problems. It has been wonderfully cool for the past week so all the windows are open and the balmy breezes are blowing through. (It is also a great way to dust. The wind just blows the dust off everything!) Because the temperature has been dropping from our summer highs of 90 degrees and 300% humidity we thought it would be a good time to replace the air handler up in our attic. It is 30 years old and the AC company that services it every couple of months has been mentioning that it is on it's way out. That and the ducts really needed replacing. (Remember the other twelve thousand things that we have been replacing in this house? Just add the AC to the list.) SO, Friday was AC work day. Ger and I both had our fingers crossed after our debacles with the windows and the bathroom shower. The guys arrived early, got right to work and left in the mid afternoon. All seemed to be doing great, UNTIL . . . just as the installer was leaving he mentioned that they had run into a small problem. The "tech" guy would be arriving shortly to fix it and then all would be set. HA HA HA ! "Tony the tech" arrived around 5 PM, climbed around the attic for a while and announced that all was fixed but that he ran out of freon so that 2 guys would be arriving in the morning with more freon. HUM . . .
Here we go again? Is this another "window" job ?
Let me also stop here to mention that while the installers were working in the attic in the afternoon there was a loud "POP" and all the electric in the house went off for a split second. The computer, TV, clocks and what ever. We didn't think anything of this until Tony had left for the evening and we realized our house phone did not work. (3 calls to AT&T and their tech guy is coming on Monday morning to fix the phones. Maybe!)
Sure enough, the 2 fellows arrived this morning, closer to noon, and up they went into the attic. An hour later they informed us they had to order a part and would be back on Monday. As Ger pointed out, "Isn't this a NEW unit?" Yep, it is, but you know how every one in a hundred has a problem and we just happened to get THAT unit. Not only is this just plain silly but the one worker today spent at least 15 minutes sharing his health problems with me. I got way too much information about his stomach and bowels and way too little help in fixing the AC.
BOTTOM LINE . . . I sure am glad I am freezing. Cause if it was Hot and Humid I would be one really pissed off Floridian.
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