Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just How I Am Feeling

I LOVE THIS CARTOON !   It is my motto now and forever.  Just when I think I have it all straight in my head the ship sails without me.

Actually life is GREAT these days, even if I miss the boat every so often. We have had a busy week, a good week and the weather has now cooled down again, now that the AC is FINALLY fixed. The 4 hottest days of the season happened this week while our NEW air conditioner still wasn't working. Guy came on Friday and the temps dropped. The down side of the cooler temperatures is that the pool is cool. We have a pool that is not heated. (We only have to walk 100 yards to the community pool that IS heated), but I prefer to brave the chilly 72 degree water in the back yard to do my aerobics. It is a great incentive to move a lot faster !
Tuesday afternoon was the first yoga class and it was all that I had hoped it would be. It is rather odd that the "Queen of Sleep" is studying relaxation but it really is quite wonderful. Stretching and relaxing all in one wonderful hour. I can't wait for this next weeks session. When I booked our quickie trip to Maryland to see Kaelin in early December I booked it to leave on a Wednesday and return on a Monday so I don't miss any sessions. The trip to England in January will cause me to miss a couple of classes but Abby is worth it !
Yep, we're on the road again . . . a pre Christmas trip to Kaelin because she and her family will stay home this year. I think it is great for them (and me too, actually) but I will miss them. Ger made the mistake of saying we could take a trip to see Kaelin before Christmas if we wanted. (He had forgotten we were just there in late October. His lousy memory works in my favor every so often.) That was all it took and I was on line checking out flights.
Then there was the email from England mentioning that Abby had asked K & B if Ger and I could come for her birthday in January. The flight is booked and the suitcase will be packed as soon as it is emptied of the Maryland stuff.
As for Thanksgiving we will have our little man Smith here with his parents, who hopefully are fully recovered from their food poisoning (?) /virus (?) of early this week. They have both been back to work for the latter part of the week and Kristen is talking about making her famous 7 LAYER BARS for Thanksgiving so I guess they are feeling better.
Now I just have to get the menu set in my head for turkey day, go shopping, start cooking and baking and we'll be all set.
I sure do wish I had caught that boat before it sailed without me.

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