I am becoming more and more lethargic with each passing day and cannot seem to break the cycle of eating, sitting and sleeping. You have to take into account that it is SUMMER in South Florida and that does bring certain challenges with it. Namely, H H H ! That would stand for Heat, Humidity and Holy Shit it's Hot out here ! In spite of the 3 "H's" I happen to LOVE summer in Florida. It is the only time of year that we are free of traffic and crowds. The Snow Birds have all flown north to avoid the heat so our restaurants are not crowded and the roads are clear of the dreaded Senior Citizens who don't know the traffic patterns (either because the roads have changed in the past 8 months since they were here or because they have forgotten.) People often comment that Florida drivers are among the worst in the nation. Considering that there really are NO true Florida drivers but drivers from all over the country it really isn't a valid statement. The one good thing about "Snow Bird" drivers is that most of them bring their cars with them so when you see the Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, or New Jersey plates you know enough to give them plenty of space. (After traveling back and forth across the US for10 consecutive summers when our children were young we found that those 3 states have THE WORST drivers in the world. That includes, Italy, Ireland, France and England! Massachusetts must give out driver's licenses in boxes of Cracker Jacks. They are by far the most horrid drivers we have ever seen.)
ANY WAY ................. Back to summer in Florida and my expanding ass and waist line. I would like to believe that the Urban Myths ARE true but in all honesty I know better.
1. Humidity does not cause my body to fill with fluids and weigh more.
2. Likewise, swimming every day also does not cause me to inflate with water.
3. The heat does not cause my clothes to shrink.
4. Wearing bathing suits 24/7 does not cause my body to expand because it is in "relaxed" mode.
5. Longer day light hours do not cause my clothes to shrink on my body, due to the heat of the sun.
6. Hotter weather causes me to drink more so I am heaver.
7. Spraying myself with sun screen does not add 2 pounds a day.
In actuality this is more like it ;
1. It is so freaking hot out that I spend more time inside where the food is!
2. It is so freaking hot that I don't want to walk or swim.
3. It is so freaking hot that all I want to do is sit on my ass and watch movies, play on the computer or read books while snacking on anything I can find.
4. It is so freaking hot that all the projects I have put off till summer no longer interest me.
BUT . . . I LOVE summer in Florida. Go figure. It is quiet down here. Peaceful, calm and fun. There are wonderful restaurants that we can finally get into. The movie theatres are not crowded. There are all sorts of street fairs and markets and best of all there are the die hard "Floridians" (from all over the country) who are some of the very nicest people I have ever met. The people who are here in the summer are here because we Love this place and we enjoy talking about it to anyone who will listen. Most people who are visiting or have tried to live here year round but couldn't take the heat have left town. So those who remain are just plain "life is good" people who aren't going to complain about the HHH and bitch about this and that. Conversations are pleasant and the people are mellow.
This is the time of the year when you know for sure we ARE living in PARADISE ! And if you think otherwise I guess it's time for you to go home. This isn't the place for you.