The note that came with this picture explained that
Abby stuffed 5 pieces of gum in her mouth and then lost the tooth in the wad of gum. The tooth was recovered and the tooth fairy arrived to exchange the tooth for a pound. I guess when you live in England the tooth fairy uses English money.
Abby called us on Skype yesterday to show us the space and the new tooth that is already pushing it's way in.
We got another Skype call on Saturday from Kaelin to tell us her BIG news. Nope, no new teeth for her but something even more exciting! Her caterpillars hatched into butterflies ! After our trip to Butterfly World a few weeks ago I sent Kaelin a butterfly kit. In the kit is a large net box and a post card that you fill out and mail in. Three or four days later a cup with 5 caterpillars arrives. There is food in the cup so you just set the cup some place, watch the little buggers eat and poop. About a week later the caterpillars climb to the top of the cup, attach themselves to the cover and go into cocoons. Kaelin and mom then had to place the cover with the cocoons on it into the large net box. A few days after that, VOILA . . . butterflies !
So Abby has a new tooth, Kaelin has butterflies and grandma and grandpa had a wonderful weekend with Smith. Smith and his family came up on Saturday and stayed over night. Smith is not sleeping well these days and we are wondering if he is getting more teeth. Poor little guy has had mom and dad up every night. We tried to tire him out with swimming in the pool and playing with the toys but nothing seemed to work. Until grandpa held him and then he was comfy as could be. I think these 2 guys have something special going for them. I hope Finley doesn't get jealous!
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