Tuesday, July 12, 2011


That would be Kaelin and Finley that I am talking about today.  The diva and her "brodder" are both having a tough week. Good thing Grandma and Grandpa are headed their way to help out.  Not that Keri and Steve aren't doing a fantastic job but just to give them a little break from 24/7 kids.

The middle of last week Kaelin started complaining that her ear hurt. Keri didn't freak, just asked where it hurt and figured she would give it a day to see what developed.  Next day Kaelin had the same complaint, (after having had a great night's sleep so this is not something that is keeping the child awake all night.) This time Keri touched Kaelin's ear and set off a crying fit of pain for poor Kaelin.  Off to the doctor they went and out they came with the diagnosis of SWIMMER'S EAR. Now the question arises of how one gets swimmer's ear in a kiddie pool filled with all of 3 inches of water?  But swimmer's ear she has and apparently it hurts like hell! Does it hurt enough for Kaelin to take Tylenol . . . NOPE! But she did allow mom and dad to put ear drops in her ear so that is making things better. (In all fairness I must tell you that Kaelin has learned to how to lie back in the tub and pool so her head goes under water so that probably explains where the swimmer's ear came from.)
As for our little man Finn . . . Keri and Steve found out the hard way that Finley seems to be allergic to formula or is lactose intolerant.  A couple of weeks ago they gave Finn a little formula to see how he would do with it. It had been a hectic day and Finn had been exposed to several new things so when he projectile vomited an hour or so after his bottle they really weren't sure what the cause was. He recovered quickly after a bout of dry heaves he has been super ever since. Then yesterday Keri had a doctor appointment and left Steve to give Finley a bottle of formula while she was gone. 2 hours later the poor little guy did a great re-enactment of the scene from the movie "Rosemary's Baby" minus the head spinning around. The poor little guy was so sick that once Keri got home she took him to the doctor to have him checked out. It was the formula for sure so no more of that over the counter food for him. It's mom's milk or nothing. They were concerned about him getting dehydrated but he did fine and as of about an hour ago all is well!

I think we will have to find some time for Keri and Steve to go out alone while we are in town with them. I think they earned it!

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