Saturday, December 24, 2011


And I should be sleeping because there is a 17 month old little boy asleep in the crib in the guest bedroom and I know he will be awake in less than 8 hours.
Smith and family arrived here today around noon and I am EXHAUSTED !  I am in Holiday mode which means I am cooking !   When I have "guests", family or friends, I cook.  I love to prepare goodies for everyone to eat and today I went nuts making sausage bread and cheese balls and even a pizza from scratch because I had left over dough and cheese.  That is just plain nuts but I enjoy it . . . .  until I am too tired to make dinner.  I was delighted to attend the hour and twenty minute mass this afternoon at 4:00 just so I could sit for a while. K&K wanted to go to mass with us for Christmas. I would have preferred mass in the morning because oddly enough Christmas morning masses are usually empty. But the K's decided the 4 this afternoon would work best. NOT !  Five minutes into the completely packed packed packed church Smith had had enough and they all left. (We anticipated this and had brought 2 cars.) Lucky Ger and I stayed for the Christmas Pageant mass and all the extras. Not only was the gospel acted out by the children but then our pastor gave a 20 minute sermon that ended with the singing of 3 verses of "THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY" !  PA RUM PA PUM PUM !  Shoot me now I was ready to become a Jew! If I had had a Shepard's crook I would have smacked our pastor with it and then beat him to death with a donkey.
THIS IS NOT HOW WE SHOULD BE THINKING AND FEELING AT CHRISTMAS ! God forgive me but I got NOTHING, with a capital N, out of that mass. Good thing we went to Christmas midnight mass at 2 PM on Tuesday.
By the time G and I got home I threw dinner together, Smith went to bed, I drank a couple of glasses of wine and I am now ready to sleep in the shower because I am too tired to make it to bed. So what the Hell am I doing writing a blog? I couldn't go to bed without wishing all of you a

                                VERY  MERRY CHRISTMAS !

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