Thursday, December 22, 2011


H once took a class for graduate credits that included "WARM FUZZIES". It was a stupid stupid class taught by a real character. But H was there with some friends and it was quite entertaining to them. Warm Fuzzies has always been a "catch phrase" in our family ever since.  The idea is that students/children NEED Warm Fuzzies.  It is what the present day "Character Ed" is all about. Be positive with your students/children and they will flourish. As part of the curriculum the class members were awarded little balls of fuzz that had googly eyes stuck on and adhesive feet on the bottom.  Some had feathers on them, all were the size of large marble.  For a time our house was littered with Warm Fuzzies that dad had brought home to the kids. Usually they were given to the kids one day and the next day there was yelling about the damn things being stuck all over the place. I think we missed the point but be that as it may we had Warm Fuzzies.
I was always one to react in the negative and start slapping before I even thought to be POSITIVE. I was positive I was going to kill my kids if they didn't straighten up their rooms.  I was positive I was going to never buy them another toy until they learned to take care of what they had.  I was positive I was going to stop the car and throw them all out on the side of the road. I am amazed my kids grew up to be the amazing parents that they are today. I think they did what I was unable to do . . . break the pattern of behavior that my parents used on me. I swore I would never raise my kids like my mom raised me and yet that is pretty much what happened. I did, however, NEVER chase my child around the house swinging a wooden coat hanger at them. (I was a brat!) My mom loved me but her parenting skills were less than perfect and I totally understand where she was coming from. But I still carried that German stubbornness into my child rearing. My kids have broken that pattern and are soooooooooooooooo GREAT with their kids that I am in awe of them.  There are lots of Warm Fuzzies in all their homes, and not the kind with sticky feet and googly eyes. Just lots of love and hugs and positive reinforcement. My D-I-L asked me last week what I did instead of "Time Out" when out in public. I looked at her in total amazement and said,"I never gave my kids time out, I just slapped them". And that is the sad truth.
Sorry children of mine, I didn't know any better and I hope you have all forgiven me.
Now,  returning to the topic of Warm Fuzzies . . . .   I want a Guinea Pig!  I really want a dog but there is no freaking way in hell that H will allow a dog, cat, mouse, squirrel, guinea pig, gerbil, rat, hamster, gold fish, snake or alligator in this house.  There are many days when I don't feel welcome here so the thought of a PET is out of the question. H "HATES" animals ! He will tell you he doesn't HATE them, he just doesn't like them A LOT!  He HATES animals. I tell people the day H dies I will be stopping at the local pound on the way from the funeral home to pick up a dog.
But what got me on the guinea pig kick was stopping in the local PETCO today to get some gifts for my grand dog and 2 grand cats. I LOVED the store and would have spent a fortune except I had you know who with me. H took a  minute to use the bathroom and I made a beeline to the guinea pigs to see what was there.  They had an adorable brown and white little guy just begging to be adopted (for $34).  I know better than to even bring the topic up with H but I just imagine how nice it would be to sit down with my very own LIVE WARM FUZZY in my lap. Something to give some unconditional love to and to receive some in return.
It's a nice dream and maybe when I make that stop at the pound I'll also stop at Petco.


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