Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I happen to believe in ghosts.  I'm up for anything in the world of supernatural but ghosts are just a given. The DO exist! For what ever reason these are souls have left the Earthly realm and gotten "Stuck" some where between HERE & THERE.  And so these spirits are around trying to get some place better than where they are. Some times, in order to move on, they annoy the living. REALLY ANNOY the living.

Husband is a ghost!  He exists in a world that is neither living nor dead. It is his "happy place" where he is not happy unless he is annoying the hell out of me. I'm not sure where he wants to be but it seems he has gone straight from haunting his mother to haunting me. There were a few very short years that H actually seemed to be a LIVING being. He could make decisions ON HIS OWN. He could plan things to do ON HIS OWN. He even was funny and clever. But slowly and surely he has returned to this state of being a ghost, floating around in my life with no purpose other than to drag me down to his plane of existence.
The man can not decide anything or do anything ON HIS OWN.  I need to be consulted about everything except the things that I would consider important. I will hear (many many times) about how late the paper was delivered but I will NOT hear about how he has a pain in his leg for the past week ! He requires endless attention but when I give him attention it annoys him. We wants me to make all the decisions but pisses and moans when I do. And so he HAUNTS me! He floats through my day, appearing at odd times to sit and stare at me while I am on the computer or working in the garden. There are the endless questions of "Can I do anything?" but when I ask him to do something he says he will get to it later. And so he just continues to float back and forth from in front of the TV into my world and out again.  Is it any wonder I do NOT want to get up in the morning? H can't understand how I can sleep till 11. I just don't want to get into the haunting of the day.
At the moment the ghost has gone for a walk . . .  ALONE . . . and in a mood ! He doesn't have a thing to do and does not realize that HE has to find things to do and not depend on me to entertain him each and every moment.  Poor thing!  I really do wish he would return to the living and find something worth while do do with himself.  Don't bother suggesting things because the ghost will only do things that I WILL DO WITH HIM.  This walking by himself is something fairly new and although he will piss and moan that I won't go with him at least he is doing it ALONE!
Anyone got the number for Ghost Busters?

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