Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Yes, you heard me . . . I said ALARM CLOCK.

It seems that I am no more important to a certain cousin of mine than a wake up call.  Said cousin called me today to 1.  Make sure I had printed out her boarding pass.
              2. To tell me to call her at 6 AM tomorrow morning so she won't miss her flight home.

Thank you God, cousin is not staying with me this past week. I dodged that bullet!  But I did offer to drive her to the airport so she could catch her 11 O'clock plane.
The airport is 20 minutes from where she is staying.  Check-in NEVER takes more than 5 minutes so I figure if I pick her up at 8:30 we will be at the airport at 9 and she will have 2 hours before her flight.
Yet she WANTS me to call her at 6 AM so she will be ready!
I politely told her I would not be up at 6. (She is lucky I am getting up at 8! For someone who HATES to get up before 10 I thought I was really going out of my way to get up at 8.)
When she heard I would not be calling at 6 she compromised and said I could call her at 6:45 !

Since when did I become the official WAKE UP SERVICE for South Florida?

I actually went on line to check out services that WILL call your phone at what ever time you want. Only problem is they have to verify that you actually own the phone they are calling and that would not work. Cousin is just barely able to answer her phone never mind get a code out of it.

As I was told by my "little" cousin, "Talk to the Holy Spirit", (see previous blogs) and ask for strength. I better not get strength because I am liable to beat to death all these smart ass cousins.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Did you ever stop and think about where Fairy Tales came from?  (I am addicted to the new show this year, "Once Upon A Time".) I have always been a Fairy Tale fan. As a kid I had several books of fairy tales that I would read again and again.  The sort of books with no pictures, just volumes of stories. I LOVE these tales!

Now my grand daughter Kaelin is into Princesses and where did the princesses come from? FAIRY TALES !  But who wrote these stories? Supposedly the Grimm Brother's wrote some but I even find that hard to believe. I think it was a bunch a women who needed to vent the anger they held for their husbands and other men in their lives and so they created these stories.

Think about it !  Beauty and the Beast . . .  That probably started out as Beauty and the Freaking Idiot. I mean, here is a smart young woman who gives up her life to save her father. She chooses to go live with THE BEAST and no matter what he throws at her she stays kind and gentle. OK, so I didn't say these were 21st century women who would have shot the beast in the head and gone on from there. We were a kinder, gentler species way back when.

Then there is Snow White . . . This is a woman who had trouble with her Step Mother.  The Old Witch throws crap at Snow and Ms. White endures. She even ends up taking care of a bunch of Vertically Challenged men. OK, so that one could have been written by a guy. Men are always so needy these little  people latched onto Snow and took total advantage of her for years.

Hansel and Gretel is definitely written by a woman. Just look at who's got all the brains in this story. Gretel is the one who thinks to mark the trail, she is the one who thinks to trick the witch with a chicken bone so the witch won't eat them. Gretel is the one with the cahones to push the witch into the oven. GO GRETEL !

Rapunzel is another one. I'm thinking that the author of this story was expressing a wish to get away from it all. Here she is, living the good life at the top of a tower where no one can bug her, ask her to wash their underwear, cook them dinner.  She has complete control of the clicker so she can watch what she wants, when she wants. Meals are delivered 3 times a day and the Bitch is HAPPY ! Who comes to destroy her perfect world? The Idiot Prince ! What she was thinking when she left with him is beyond me but I am sure it was all down hill from there.

The one who gets me though is Red Riding Hood. This had to have been written by a man. This woman is running around the forest wearing RED, (OK so maybe that was a good idea cause there are hunters in the forest, all of which are men, and they probably would shoot her if not for the bright red cape.) But the woman is carrying a basket of GOODIES!  Like I'm going to run around a forest with a basket of goodies yelling here Big Bad Wolf, here hungry bears. Everyone knows you don't walk through a forest with yummy smelling food to attract all the animals. And then when she meets the Wolf she stay to chat? For Real ? And that whole part about not being able to tell it is The Wolf in Granny's bed. Was this girl blind or just plain stupid. Definitely written by a man especially when the great big strong Woodsman comes bounding out of the forest to the rescue. GIVE ME A BREAK.  If that had been written by a woman Red would have kicked the Wolf in the you know what when she first met him and that would have been the end of the story right there.

Friday, March 23, 2012


This is something like HOLY COW but even better.  Are you readers out there familiar with the Holy Spirit?  It's a Catholic thing but boy oh boy I do believe the Catholic Church is on to something here and I don't think many people know about it.

It was at least 20 years ago that I first discovered the POWER of the Holy Spirit.  I had been teaching religion for years and like the rest of the world was totally confused by this concept of The Holy Trinity. I get the FATHER,  and the SON but that Holy Spirit just made no sense to me. (The whole idea of God being 3 persons is a tough one in itself but just what is this Spirit part of the Trinity any way?) There is a lot of my religion that confuses me but I have got to say this was the biggie. Trying to explain the Holy Spirit to a bunch of third graders when I didn't understand it myself was always something of a challenge. Basically when we got the THAT chapter we would just read the work book and wing it. (Oh how I wish the book, "The Shack" had been written 20 years earlier.)

So there I was not really "getting it" when I was attending classes for religion teachers. Nobody ever explained exactly what the Holy Spirit was but they did talk about what the Holy Spirit DID and that was quite the eye opener. It seems that this is the "side" of God that you go to when you really need a boost. Those times when you think you are just about at your wits end and just can't take on another problem . . .  That's when you pray to the Holy spirit. And let me tell you . . .  WOW . . .  this really works. The first time that I sat alone and feeling that I just could not go another step without some help I talked to God. But not just God, I singled out that part of God that is there to help. I called on the Holy Spirit of God to come to me,  fill me with Peace, Serenity and Strength to endure and let me tell you I could not believe the calm that over came me.
And it works EVERY time.

2 days ago I was bordering on a full blown anxiety attack. I have been know to do this on occasion and I had allowed things to really get out of control in my head. I had myself ready to be admitted to the hospital with chest pains, palpitations, shaking and head ache. I came out of the shower and waked into my bedroom where I have a picture of the Blessed Mother. I pass it 20 times a day but as I walked past it this time I SAW it. It stopped me and I touched Mary's face and asked her to ask the Holy Spirit to help me let go of all the anxiety I was holding on to. I sat down on the bed and saw a book of prayers Keri had given me at Christmas and as I opened the book there were a bunch of prayers about anxiety. By the time I finished reading I was talking to the Holy Spirit and feeling better and better by the second.  I had a great nights sleep and the day that I had been dreading turned into The Perfect Day!

Think what you will . . .  I KNOW there is something going on here and you will never convince me other wise. There have been too many times in my life over the past 20 years that when I get REALLY in need of help I pray to this amazing Spirit and my worries are lifted and taken away.

You really must give it a try some time. And don't forget to say "THANK YOU" afterwards.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Usually I can send my thoughts to H and get him to "hear" me. Like when we are in the car and he has the left turn blinker going for the past 4 miles . . . I sit in the passenger seat and THINK . . . . "BLINKER, BLINKER, BLINKER!" And sure enough, H turns off the blinker.  It works every time ! Maybe the constant blaring "BEEP BEEP BEEP!" has something to do with it but what ever, he turns the freaking blinker off.

Today my mental skills were a dud.  I had wrapped a ton of small gifts for Roman and Abby, put them in a HUGE box,  printed out a shipping label and sealed it all up ready to ship to the kids for Easter. All that was left to do was take the box to the post office and pay an arm and a leg to have it shipped to England. I got up this morning with that one task in mind along with cleaning up the guest bedroom, vacuuming the house, doing a load of wash and having breakfast. I got as far as the vacuuming, breakfast and laundry when H asked what I had planned for the day.  I said I had to get the package to the Post office and clean the guest room, other than that I was good. Then the phone calls started. My cousin who lives in Florida has a sister from NY who is here visiting for the week. These 2 women are the nails on my chalk board of life. There were a total of  11 phone calls through out the day to set up one freaking trip tomorrow of me driving one sister from Jupiter to Port St. Lucie so the 2 could visit each other for the day. By the seventh phone call I was ready for a padded cell and a quart of Valium. Yet I still had to get to the post office. I decided to work on my telepathy and send H this message; "Take the package to the post office", "Take the package to the post office.", "Take the package to the post office.".
I tried for an hour and finally gave up and took the fucking package myself. Except H then asked if he could come with me because he had been sitting doing nothing all day and was bored. I know I could/should have just said, "H, please take this package to the post office for me.  I am stressing and need some help."  But I just keep hoping the man will SEE things that could help and DO them because he loves me.  HA  HA  HA !

I wonder if H and my cousins are getting the message I am mentally sending them tonight ?

Monday, March 19, 2012


In case I haven't mentioned it before, I have the very best friends.  When things are crazy who else would understand me answering the phone saying, "I'll call you back!", and hanging up without another word ? Sharon just took this in stride,  hung up her phone and waited for me to do what I said. She knew something was going on and I didn't have time to explain so she just hung up and waited. There are people in my life, family no less but not my children, who when I say I have to get off the phone continue to yabber and tell me all about themselves. They are not friends.

Then there is the other best friend who, when I called her to congratulate her on the news that her new grandchild to be is going to be a GIRL,  didn't even know this fact yet.  There I was leaving a gushing message on her phone congratulating her on having a girl grand baby when her pregnant daughter hadn't even told her the news yet!  Did Jeanne get mad or upset? Never !  She just sent back a text saying she didn't know the sex of the baby yet.  I spoiled her most precious surprise and she isn't even angry at me.

Add to these 2 wonderful women my friend Kathy who had a milestone birthday this month and I STILL haven't sent her a card !  CONGRATS KATH on celebrating your birthday! You deserve a lot better from me considering you have NEVER forgotten my birthday. Here is a lady who ALWAYS sends me a birthday card, whether I am 30 or 66. She never forgets.

I don't deserve these wonderful friends but God has blessed me over and over again with the joy that my friends bring to me.  Thanks Ladies and I hope you are all around for a long long time to put up with me.


Saturday, March 17, 2012


When I was in High School spring break meant nothing. (I was socially challenged to say the least.) But in the early 60's I don't think spring break meant anything more than a week without school. I am sure there were some kids who did cool stuff but I was not aware of them.

College wasn't much better.  Spring break meant the snow was probably going to melt soon, (college in up state NY was COLD. Winter arrived late September and left late April.). The first year of college I couldn't wait to run home for food and family but in the following 3 years spring break was usually spent with one of my room mates at their homes. None of them lived any place exotic but Kingston and Cooperstown were a lot more interesting to me than Queens.

It wasn't until I was teaching and partying that I was aware of SPRING BREAK being the time to party. But even then I was a nerd and would spend the week hanging out with friends at home. There would be a few folks I knew who would go away to Ft. Lauderdale for the week.  That was the WILD place to hang and party, drink and burn. I never made it there. As for the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica where our teens now spend their spring break, no one had ever heard of those places no less know where they were.

All that has changed. Our young folk now flock to all sorts of tropical paradises to spend the week celebrating the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Can summer be far behind?

Living in Florida we don't care! Summer - Spring - Winter - Fall   It's all the same to me !  But this year we got to celebrate Spring Break to the fullest ! Kent was off for the week and his house was being tented for termites. EVERYTHING & EVERYONE had to get out ! Kristen, (who has the unfortunate luck to NOT be a teacher,) had to go to work every day so she cleared out and went to stay with her girl friend Sandra for the week. Kent, Smith, Mookie, (the dog) Motsie, (the cat) & Charlie, (the second cat), all arrived at our house at 9:30 AM Wednesday morning. The car was packed with food that had to be removed from cabinets and fridge, Charlie was in her carrier in the front seat, Smith and Mookie were in the back seat fighting over Smith's Oreo cookies and Motsie was in Kent's lap. (On the way home Kent was pulled over by a cop for driving in the HOV lane. When the cop looked into the car he just waved Kent on.)

WE had a great Spring break together. Baseball game, (all nine innings once the rain stopped), Pool Swimming, Beach swimming in a lagoon off the Jupiter Inlet, Ice cream, ice cream and more ice cream.

Unfortunately I am having trouble uploading the pictures so you will have to wait for the photo proof of what a great time we had.

Monday, March 12, 2012


The good news is that  my hair has toned down and is now a nice shade of "strawberry" blonde. The RED has pretty much disappeared and just left a nice color. I no longer look Grey or Red so all is well with my hair.

The bad news is that I had a little sumpin sumpin burned off my face last week and I am now looking like I have a black eye.  The little skin thing was on the left side of my face under my eye. I stupidly rubbed my eye on Friday and broke open the burn scab leaving a BIG RED WELT.  The something on my nose is doing fine but my cheek looks like H punched me.

The good news is that my face is slowly clearing up and should look great by the time my little man Smith arrives on Wednesday.  Nothing like grandma scaring the poor child out of his wits.

The bad news is that Aunt Ann Marie has to leave on Wednesday.  Her 3 weeks are up and she is returning home and leaving me here to deal with H, our son, Smith, the dog and 2 cats for the 3 days at the end of the week.

The good news is Sharon is still in town and MAYBE just maybe I will finally get a day with my bestie. Oh to hope and dream !  It has been a wild month of March !

Saturday, March 10, 2012


No nice header for this blog, I just plan on spewing like Old Faithful.  I am feeling about as old as  Old Faithful and just about as hot under the surface. I am being sorely tested by Satan to keep my Christian attitude.  My choice of behavior would be to get a shovel and hit H up side his head followed by getting a divorce, moving to a desert island and kidnapping all my grand kids to keep me company for a year or two. It has been a longgggggggggggg time since I have had some "quiet" time and I am sorely in need of some SPACE!

Let's start with the Month of March.  This is said to be THE BEST month of the year here in South Florida. Personally I like all the months, March is OK except for the major invasion of Snow Birds. These people are her "On Season" and take over the state.  The roads are crowded, The stores are crowed, even church is crowded. That's OK except when the Snow Birds are living with me. Aunt AM has been here almost 3 weeks and I LOVE IT.  I just wish H would leave. AM and I have a great time together but 3 is just too many people in the house. Someone needs to leave and I vote for H. AM never makes fun of me, she sort of listens to me, (she is a Lawlor so the whole art of listening is not the best. This family is too centered on what THEY want to say rather than listening to what some one else might have to say), and she loves to shop and eat ice cream!   I would rather spend time with her than H. Aunt AM is leaving on Wednesday and Youngest son is arriving with his son, Smith, the dog, Mookie, 2 cats and a car full of stuff that can't be left in their town house while it is being sprayed for bugs. That group will be here till the weekend. (I love the idea of having Smith here if only H would leave.) Once they all leave one of my NY cousins is arriving on Tuesday for a week. She cleverly invited herself to stay here and I am going to need major drugs and alcohol to survive that week. She is a nice person but she DRIVES ME CRAZY. (As does everyone it seems!) I think I am developing an ulcer over this projected visit. Maybe if it ruptures I can have some quiet time recuperating in the hospital. That is actually a very happy thought right now.

Which brings me to another thought. Why OH why must we marry these idiots that we "fall in love" with when we are young ? Let's face it, when you are 20 you don't know LOVE from a good poop! It's all about that tingly feeling you get when you are together. Now a days I can get that feeling from a pint of ice cream. Sure, love doesn't make you fat but what the hell do we need to stay skinny for anyway ? I seriously do NOT know why we need to be chained to this ONE person for life. You can't make decisions on your own because your spouse needs to feel involved. If he seriously wanted to be involved he could cook dinner once in a while. You can't spend money on new furniture when you want because it HAS to be a "family" decision. Give me a freaking break.  As long as fat ass has some place to plant that fat ass and it is in front of the TV he doesn't give a shit if he is sitting on a mushroom or a chair ! You know that as well as I do!

I think I need a vacation ALONE with my BFF who also happens to be here in Florida for the month of March. Being with a best bud is better than anything because we can be quiet or we can be laughing our heads off. I think we will plan a GIRLS ONLY day for real soon before I loose it completely.
Do you think the husbands will let us get away with leaving the 2 of them for a couple of hours?
I seriously doubt it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


There was this joke years back that went something like this . . .  "Would you care for a Jewish whine (wine)?                    'I want to go to Miamiiiiiiiiiiiii'".

Yesterday we took sister-in-law Ann Marie for a tour of Miami. We only live about an hour and a half away but really don't know anything about this beautiful city. In fact, I didn't even know it was beautiful.  We have taken several cruises out of the Port of Miami but other than that I know nothing. Oh yea, I did see the movie "The Bird Cage" so I know there is a South Beach.

Yesterday was not a good beach day, cloudy and very very windy with cool temps in the 70's so it was the perfect day to head south and see what Miami was all about. A friend had been there about a month ago on a conference and part of the program included a guided bus tour of the city. She told us it was wonderful fun and she really enjoyed it. Thus this idea stuck in my head and yesterday we went to check it out on our own. With the exception of not being able to find the main stop for the tour bus the BIG RED BUS company did a fine job of filling us in on all the sights and history of Miami.
South Beach
We started with a ninety minute tour of the Beach Loop. Going across the causeway to Miami Beach and touring South Beach and all the art deco buildings. FANTASTIC !  Miami really has quite an interesting history and it hasn't been until the late 70's that it started to come up in the world of places you might want to go. Before that it was pretty much hot swamp with alligators and crocodiles. We LOVED it!  I now understand why our youngest child wants to live there.  As we rode through the beach area of the city we saw one hotel after another that we could never afford to stay in.  There is BIG money in this city.
After returning from the Beach tour we took a break and had lunch in the market place before getting on bus #2 for the city part of the tour. This bus took us through Coral Gables and Little Havana. I would like to tell you that there is way too much money in Coral Gables and way too many fabulous looking restaurants and cigar shops in Little Havana. Both areas were fascinating and a total new experience for us.  We returned through down town Miami to our starting point and loved every minute of the entire day. The tour guides were EXCELLENT and we really got to see this city with different eyes. I have always thought of Miami as a "Cuban" city because of all you hear about the Spanish population that has migrated there from Cuba. It is that but so very much more. The city is so tropical, modern and old at the same time and just sparkles in the sun.
It is a must see !

On the bus going to South Beach
Miami Beach

Holocaust Memorial

Fresh water public pool in Coral Gables

Saturday, March 3, 2012


On Tuesday I have my six month appointment with the dermatologist.  HE IS GOING TO KILL ME !
I love the guy, real laid back and he has the same political views as H. In fact, H and I go together and Doc takes us both in together.  The second the Doctor enters the room he starts ranting with H about our president. Which is EXCELLENT for me because it takes the focus off my skin being too tan.
Every time I go the doctor tells me, "TOO MUCH SUN!". What he expects considering I moved to Florida for the sun, I don't know. So since H comes with me I do get some off the total focus off myself.

BUT TUESDAY WILL BE DIFFERENT!  Since having Aunt AM here ALL she wants to do is sit in the sun.  She IS her mother's daughter and Rita would be BLACK in the summer.  Something about the BLACK IRISH? These folks love their sunshine and will sit and bake for hours.  I can't and don't want to do this so the 2 siblings get an attitude when I choose to stay home while they go out to burn. But I can't sit alone at home all the time, (I would if I could) so I have been out in the sun a bit this past week and a half. And Doctor Fayne WILL notice!  This doctor wants me wearing long sleeves and a huge sun hat ALL the time. That ain't happening . . .   but I also don't want to sit and bake day after day. It isn't even a case of I'll sit in the shade and you 2 sit in the sun.   I would be sitting at the opposite end of the pool and they would be shouting the length of the pool to talk to me. At the moment I am taking time to catch up on some laundry and chores at home and the 2 black birds are baking. They will return from the community pool RAVING about how WONDERFUL the water is.  I bet it is but I don't want to be there.  I am sure they thing I have something wrong with me for not wanting to be in the sun every second of every day. But I have become a spoiled Florida Brat ! "Oh, it's too chilly today (75). Oh it's not sunny enough. Oh there is a cloud in the sky."  After all,  when you live in paradise there is ALWAYS a better day tomorrow and if no, just wait an hour.

I don't know how many "things" the doctor will find on my skin tomorrow but I am hoping to reduce that number by at least one by not sitting in the sun today. Is that being a bad hostess to our guest?  I don't think so. And Aunt AM isn't a guest, she is family so I hope she doesn't mind that I am staying home to prepare dinner for tonight.

Friday, March 2, 2012


We had lunch today with a couple of ladies that were friends our my sister-in-law's.   One lady was Marion and the other was Loretta. How many Loretta's and Marion's do you know?  You just don't hear these names any more. All the Britteny's and Madison's,  Taylor's and Paynes have taken over the world. Basically I think that you could just take a bunch of alphabet letters, smooch them together and there you have some poor kids name.  We always laugh at the girl that my husband knew from when he taught high school . . .  The poor girl's name was pronounced SH TAYED . . . but spelled "Shithead". This is a name given to a child by their mother. Now why would you do that ?  Just like why would you name your child MOON BEAM  or RAIN DROP?

Bring back the Jack's and Paul's, Matthew's and Richard.  Let's see some Catherine's, Margaret's, Alice's and Clair.

Oh, sorry I have to go call my son Kent and ask him if his son Smith will be seeing his cousin Finley any time soon.