Monday, March 19, 2012


In case I haven't mentioned it before, I have the very best friends.  When things are crazy who else would understand me answering the phone saying, "I'll call you back!", and hanging up without another word ? Sharon just took this in stride,  hung up her phone and waited for me to do what I said. She knew something was going on and I didn't have time to explain so she just hung up and waited. There are people in my life, family no less but not my children, who when I say I have to get off the phone continue to yabber and tell me all about themselves. They are not friends.

Then there is the other best friend who, when I called her to congratulate her on the news that her new grandchild to be is going to be a GIRL,  didn't even know this fact yet.  There I was leaving a gushing message on her phone congratulating her on having a girl grand baby when her pregnant daughter hadn't even told her the news yet!  Did Jeanne get mad or upset? Never !  She just sent back a text saying she didn't know the sex of the baby yet.  I spoiled her most precious surprise and she isn't even angry at me.

Add to these 2 wonderful women my friend Kathy who had a milestone birthday this month and I STILL haven't sent her a card !  CONGRATS KATH on celebrating your birthday! You deserve a lot better from me considering you have NEVER forgotten my birthday. Here is a lady who ALWAYS sends me a birthday card, whether I am 30 or 66. She never forgets.

I don't deserve these wonderful friends but God has blessed me over and over again with the joy that my friends bring to me.  Thanks Ladies and I hope you are all around for a long long time to put up with me.


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