Saturday, March 24, 2012


Did you ever stop and think about where Fairy Tales came from?  (I am addicted to the new show this year, "Once Upon A Time".) I have always been a Fairy Tale fan. As a kid I had several books of fairy tales that I would read again and again.  The sort of books with no pictures, just volumes of stories. I LOVE these tales!

Now my grand daughter Kaelin is into Princesses and where did the princesses come from? FAIRY TALES !  But who wrote these stories? Supposedly the Grimm Brother's wrote some but I even find that hard to believe. I think it was a bunch a women who needed to vent the anger they held for their husbands and other men in their lives and so they created these stories.

Think about it !  Beauty and the Beast . . .  That probably started out as Beauty and the Freaking Idiot. I mean, here is a smart young woman who gives up her life to save her father. She chooses to go live with THE BEAST and no matter what he throws at her she stays kind and gentle. OK, so I didn't say these were 21st century women who would have shot the beast in the head and gone on from there. We were a kinder, gentler species way back when.

Then there is Snow White . . . This is a woman who had trouble with her Step Mother.  The Old Witch throws crap at Snow and Ms. White endures. She even ends up taking care of a bunch of Vertically Challenged men. OK, so that one could have been written by a guy. Men are always so needy these little  people latched onto Snow and took total advantage of her for years.

Hansel and Gretel is definitely written by a woman. Just look at who's got all the brains in this story. Gretel is the one who thinks to mark the trail, she is the one who thinks to trick the witch with a chicken bone so the witch won't eat them. Gretel is the one with the cahones to push the witch into the oven. GO GRETEL !

Rapunzel is another one. I'm thinking that the author of this story was expressing a wish to get away from it all. Here she is, living the good life at the top of a tower where no one can bug her, ask her to wash their underwear, cook them dinner.  She has complete control of the clicker so she can watch what she wants, when she wants. Meals are delivered 3 times a day and the Bitch is HAPPY ! Who comes to destroy her perfect world? The Idiot Prince ! What she was thinking when she left with him is beyond me but I am sure it was all down hill from there.

The one who gets me though is Red Riding Hood. This had to have been written by a man. This woman is running around the forest wearing RED, (OK so maybe that was a good idea cause there are hunters in the forest, all of which are men, and they probably would shoot her if not for the bright red cape.) But the woman is carrying a basket of GOODIES!  Like I'm going to run around a forest with a basket of goodies yelling here Big Bad Wolf, here hungry bears. Everyone knows you don't walk through a forest with yummy smelling food to attract all the animals. And then when she meets the Wolf she stay to chat? For Real ? And that whole part about not being able to tell it is The Wolf in Granny's bed. Was this girl blind or just plain stupid. Definitely written by a man especially when the great big strong Woodsman comes bounding out of the forest to the rescue. GIVE ME A BREAK.  If that had been written by a woman Red would have kicked the Wolf in the you know what when she first met him and that would have been the end of the story right there.

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