Friday, November 2, 2012


Ger is mad at the sun today . . .  and the bumps in the road outside CVS. It's been a bad day!

It has been a quiet day though, because when H gets angry he gets quiet. We left the house this morning for a 9:15 doctor appointment, (what the hell do these doctors think when they tell us to come in at 9:15?  They must think we are normal senior citizen or something). It is a bright and beautiful Florida day but as we turned out of our community Ger gasped and started clutching at the visor like he was having a fit. He couldn't get that visor down fast enough. If he had been a vampire pushed into the day light he couldn't have reacted as much. There was a grunt and a few gasps and that was that. It is the quiet after ward that tells you Ger is ANGRY. I'm not sure the sun noticed that Ger was angry with it but I did. The silence lasted about 10 minutes so it wasn't a BIG angry.
Then later this afternoon when we went out to pick up yet another prescription for Ger he got all upset with the bumps in the road on the way out of CVS. That upset got  us a few grunts and even a "PFFFFFT" along with about 15 minutes of silence. The man is weird!
When I get angry people KNOW it. My anger is an explosion of cursing, swearing, stomping and even some possible throwing of items. Much like a tantrum that a 2 year old might throw. BUT . . . . at least you KNOW I am angry. And I really can't remember the last time I got angry at the sun. I get angry at Ger, A LOT ! But thanks to modern medicine my anger is toned down quite a bit. I think I need to get Ger on yet another pill to calm his anger down.

Maybe if I could get him to turn down the TV I might not get so angry.  We returned to the ENT doctor today for another hearing test and Ger's hearing has diminished another 10%. That causes the TV volume to increase 40%. Like Ger's anger with the sun it doesn't make much sense but it is what it is.

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