Any one else think that God is trying to get our attention? I mean, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
This storm that is hitting the entire East of the United States sure looks like a wake up call to me. As if we are not getting the picture from all the tornadoes and wild storms over the past couple of years. Drought in one part of the nation, floods in another. Wild fires burning halves of states and other folks being swept away in floods the likes of which we have never seen before. Something sure is rotten in the world and we are so freaking stupid that we don't get it.
I personally think this storm is straight from God trying to get the attention of all you Obama lovers. Seriously, why else would a hurricane zip up the Atlantic coast, come ashore in Democratic New Jersey and then head straight for OHIO? We know where all the Obama lovers are living . . . This storm is for you! If you don't get your power back in a week we will know for sure that God sent this storm.
Seriously, this storm, Sandy, was (is) one hell of a murderous storm and I am praying for all the folks it is affecting.Thank you God all our family and friends have been spared any real problems and are all safe and sound. Storm watcher Ger is happy as a pig in mud sitting in front of Fox News while wearing his Fox News jacket to keep warm. ( It is a frosty 75 degrees in the house.) Outside in the sunshine it is just BEAUTIFUL but it is chilly in the house. Hurricane Sandy just blew herself around down here for a day or so, spit a little rain and then meandered right up to Washington DC. I was positive she would smack down some nasty on those politicians up there but I guess she decided to go after New Jersey in stead. I heard some where that this is the first time in recorded history that New Jersey has taken a direct hit from a hurricane. That is telling me something. The fact that my baby cousin Raymond lives in Jersey and is a LOYAL, although misguided, follower of Obama, just proves the point that Sandy was sent by God as a wake up call.
I just can't wait to hear what Raymond has to say about this.
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