Wednesday, June 5, 2013


NO I have not totally lost my mind I'm just going in a thousand directions and had the urge to write.  I've joined a group of women who mostly hate to write.  I can't imagine that! Hate to write?  How do you pour out your guts? How do you get through the day?  I can't imagine not having a venue to pull my thoughts out of my head and rid myself of them. Just doesn't make sense to me!  I remember years ago when I was complaining to my mother that I DID NOT want to write thank you notes because I just didn't know what  to say. She so wisely told me to just write like I spoke or thought. I guess I did talk a lot but I thought even more so it became very easy for me to write. I Still HATED to write those thank you notes but now that I am more the recipient than the sender I do love getting those few short lines from someone I care about. I would much rather email than call a person. It's much easier for me to write than talk. And spell check is just AWESOME !  When I talk I need sentence check to keep me from saying things that are just too dumb to believe.

So, here I am today putzing around the house on yet another rainy day. This is rainy season so I am loving the change of scenery from all the usual sun shine. I am a rainy day person any way and would probably do very well living in the Northwest. Not that I don't love the Florida sunshine but a week of rain is refreshing to me and lets me do all the inside things that I feel guilty doing on sunny days. I'm headed out to "Control Central" out in the garage to organize my desk out there but I got side tracked by our new toilet and an large bunny rabbit. The rabbit was NOT in the bathroom, it was two separate events.
Earlier this week we had a new toilet installed. a WHITE toilet. Our old toilet was brown. Fit with the decor but not the least bit practical. It did hide the nastiness of many things but it was also horrid. Now when you enter the throne room there is actually a THRONE sitting there. This toilet, that I chose, is HUGE! Biggest damn potty I have ever seen outside of the handicapped stall at the airport. I wanted a toilet that was higher than the last one but this thing needs a step stool to get on to it. Forget the poor little grand kids. They have trouble enough aiming straight but when the are balanced on their tip toes while standing on a step stool there is no chance in hell they will hit the mark. But then since the bowl is an elongated variety they do have a larger target. So far H had been doing great. He has not lost his balance trying to stand nor has he had as much difficulty aiming. Probably the old brown bowl blended in with the brown floor, (don't ask, it came that way when we bought the place!) and that, added to the whole bifocal issue H would have trouble deciding where to aim. The white bowl brightens the whole room and actually makes the bathroom look larger. It has been a good change.

Then as I was walking out into the kitchen headed for control central I looked out the back door and there was a large rabbit sitting munching on my lettuce plant. I did not plant this plant, it just appeared one day. I've let it grow just to see what it would do. At the moment it is going to seed and the rabbit was enjoying it quite a bit!  Maybe it will keep the little guy away from my eggplant that I did in fact plant and hope to harvest. H tells me there are 4 little eggplants actually growing so perhaps I will have a harvest. Mr. rabbit is more than welcome to as much lettuce and as many tomatoes as he wants but back off bunny when it comes to my eggplants.  All this rain has been making the garden very happy. I'm pretty happy too because I don't have to water the plants. H's tomatoes are out of control! He has harvested 6 dozen so far and I am running out of ways to use them.

Now, where was I going with all this? Not a clue.  Just rambling and enjoying a rainy afternoon.  Hope your day is going a well for you.  Talk to you soon!

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