Good Evening . . . . Ms Cranky Pants here. You notice you haven't heard from me in a while. That's cause I have been busy. Busy running husband here and there because the man seems to feel he can no longer drive. This is all a very very cruel joke on me. I have prayed and prayed that Ger would let me drive when we were out together and I got my wish and then some. He is now TOTALLY dependent on me for all transportation needs. CRAP!
But that's not the "end" I was talking about when I sat down to blog. This blog comes to you courtesy of church. It occurred to me last Saturday night when we went to our favorite 4 PM "Sunday" mass on Saturday, (leave it to the Catholics to come up with that crazy idea, which I happen to love), that men like to sit at the end of the rows. No matter what time you get to mass the ends of the pews are filled with men. The entire church can be empty except for the end seat on each row. H has now become one of the group and will go to all sorts of maneuvers to get that prized end spot.
Some weeks we go to mass early to be able to pick that choice spot, always near the back, "just in case" he isn't feeling well or has to go to the bathroom mid mass. I totally understood that back in the middle of chemo but now a days it really isn't an issue. But the end spot it is and nothing will get in his way. Not even an old lady on a walker with a tank of oxygen strapped under her nose. She gets the stink eye and as H stands up to allow her to pass him and go into the center of the row she inevitably decides to sit some where else. The man with 3 kids all going in different directions gets the same treatment. NO ONE is getting that end spot! The weeks we get to mass late H will be on the other side of the game, walking up to some man, (it's ALWAYS men on the end), and try to bully him into sliding in so H can have the end spot. Some times it works, some times not. The usual routine is that H starts shuffling about 12 steps away from his target. He takes off his hat so the bald head is in full view and if he can manage a wheeze or two for good measure the seat is usually his. He has been know to stumble a bit but that was when he was actually too weak to stand and probably shouldn't even be in church.
So what is it about this END seat? I am pretty sure that the men are not sitting there to be in direct line of any blessings coming off the alter. The clue is to wait until after communion and see how many people have left the building before the final prayer. That's the time to grab the end seat because they are almost all vacated. If you rush out into the parking lot you will see a long line of men driving out of the church grounds, all trying to be at the FRONT of the line.
They just can't make up their minds as to where they want to be!
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