The travel bug is off and running around in us. Ger is finally feeling well enough to give this a try and so far he is doing great. The fact that he is getting antsy and wanting to get traveling is such a great thing after the year of fighting cancer.
Last week we packed our bags and flew off to Long Island to stay with Ger's sister Ann Marie. You know Ann Marie, the Queen of Shopping and our constant travel buddy when we go some place other than to visit our children. She picked us up at the airport on Long Island last Saturday and we spent 3 days visiting with friends and family. Her grand kids are so grown up, ranging from 4 - 16. It was great seeing all of them and catching up on family news. Although every one keeps up to date through facebook there are still things to catch up on.
We left AM's house in her car on Wednesday and headed for Maine and our long time friends
Glo and John. We had an absolutely beautiful day to sail across Long Island Sound from Orient Point to New London, CT. It was hot and sunny and the sometimes raging sound was as calm as could be. From New London we headed up the coast past Boston where we waved at brother Joseph and his wife Sue. We had hoped to get an invitation to stay over with them for a day but they were too busy with other engagements so we just waved as we drove past their exit on our way North. WE arrived in Falmouth, Maine early afternoon and were welcomed with open arms by Glo and John. John has had some health issues and we were worried that our visit would over tax him but it seems that the laughter that is always present when we all get together has been just the medicine he needed. Last night we got to see their beautiful daughter, Jenna and her adorable little man, Orion. Orion is two and just a ball of fun. I got my little person fix by sitting on the floor playing cars for an hour. He is all boy and reminded me a lot of Smith. (Smith and his parents are in Maryland for a wedding of one of Kristen's cousins. They haven't traveled together any where in ages so I am hoping they have a great time. I talked with them quickly this morning and all was going great. They had stayed overnight last night with Keri and Steve so Smith, Finley and Kaelin got to spend some quality cousin time together.)
Today we are packing up some things and heading to Gloria and John's "CAMP" on Lake Sobago. We will spend the weekend there just laughing and relaxing on the lake. It is so very different from Florida and we are really enjoying the change of scenery and weather. We are wearing jeans and tee shirts with light jackets on and it feels wonderful. I had to dig under the bed to find these long forgotten clothes. I believe the Florida weather has been rain and 86 degrees while here the sun is shining and it is in the mid seventies. AHHHHHHH ! As Ger says, "This is our winter."
And so that is the latest up date on our where abouts. Other than falling off the edge of the bed the other night Ger is doing great. He isn't tiring too much, his appetite is great and he is relaxed. Balance and strength are good so I am happy to report I am not having to worry too much. The bed incident was hysterical once I realized he was not hurt but the man sure can scare the living day lights out of me. (He went to sit on the edge of the very high bed and didn't have his butt firmly planted. He slid, not gracefully, off the edge and onto the floor taking down a glass table and lamp with him. I had visions of broken glass and blood but there were no bodily injuries involved, just a bruised ego.)
I'll probably get to write again when we return to Florida. Hopefully with some pictures for you of the beautiful people and Maine country side. There have been no moose sightings so far but you never know what's around the next bend in the road.
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