Friday, April 11, 2014


It has officially been one full year since H took his last chemo treatment.  And that's how long the doctor said it would take for the poisons to leave H's body so he would finally start feeling GOOD again. And that is exactly what is happening. H is feeling better than he has in two years! And I am so happy for him.
BUT . . .
with recovery has come some changes in H. The whole chemo brain thing is what it is.  I have days when I have so many brain farts I don't know if I'm coming or going. So we will give H some latitude with the brain. But this whole FREEZING thing is another story.  H is always cold.  Thank GOD we live in south Florida, especially after this past winter of snow and ice all over the country, except for us. But the man is still cold. I will have the AC in the car cranking because we are sitting in a toaster oven on wheels and H is putting on sweaters. Forget the AC in the house, if I put it at 75 the poor guy is huddled under blankets while wearing a snow hat and gloves.  I'm dying here.  My body temp is about that of a baked potato just out of the oven. I used to wear a sweater all winter in NY instead of a coat. The sweater was my winter coat because I was always so hot. I always swore I could NEVER live in Florida. Yet here I am.
Our bedroom is at the end of the AC duct line and so it is usually the warmest room in the house. I take three cold showers a night to remain cool enough to sleep while H is huddled under sheets, blanket and comforter,  IN JULY !  If I try to turn on the ceiling fan to get some air to cool off with H begins to shiver.  I have found that if I wait till he falls asleep at 9:30 by the time I go to bed at midnight I can very quietly click the fan chain three quick pulls and get the fan on low before H catches me. He can't understand why he is so cold when he wakes up in the morning even though he has ALL the covers pulled on top of him.  Maybe tha bald head makes him cold. I'll have to knit him a stocking cap.
The man sits in the 80 degree sun drinking hot tea while I am in the pool pouring ice tea over my head.  It's jus crazy here.  Hot and cold don't mix but there is ONE up side to all this.  Because H is always so cold he doesn't eat all the ice cream.  All the more for me!
Thanks chemo !

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