WHY . . . ?????? Is there that much "important " stuff that you need to call me at 8 AM on a Monday morning ? apparently not since I do not need a "free" test of the water in my home, a "free" energy saving inspection of my home or a "free" seminar on saving thousands of dollars by switching to Dish TV ! OK, so the doctor feels the need to let me know we have an appointment at 9:30 AM on WEDNESDAY, (Call me Tuesday afternoon please when I might actually need the reminder!). Or the Oncologist needs to remind me that we have a Noon appointment tomorrow because in the past two years we have NEVER missed an appointment. But the "best" is when a Florida friend calls BEFORE TEN. LADIES LADIES LADIES . . . . I have tried to explain to you in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that you NEVER NEVER NEVER call my house before 10 AM! WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT THIS ????????????
It has taken me years to establish this rule with people. But they really do not believe me when I say,"DO NOT CALL ME BEFORE 10 AM!" My New York Friends GET IT ! It took us a while for them to understand but understand they do and totally respect this rule. Bu then we have been friends forever. They know all my quirks. they love me in spite of who and what I am and accept all of me. Including the aversion I have to talking on the phone in the morning. Sharon knows that all those years that we had young children in school and she was working nights that we never ever called on another in the morning unless we were in total break down mode. And even then if we woke one another it was always, "Never mind, call me later!" NOTHING was more important than sleep. And the fact that we would often go weeks or even months without talking was not strange at all. Jeanne and I still go for a month or more without talking and then just pick up where we left off. And that was before the age of email and text messages. We just had things to do in our lives and if we needed each other we knew we could just pick up the phone or even pull up at the house, knock on the door in our jammies and pick up where we left off. THAT is REAL friendship.
Florida friends are different . . . they are NEW. There isn't history there to help them understand all my quirks. They may have heard stories but they weren't part of the life that created this person that I am today. So when they call at 9:45 and are totally shocked at the fact that they have woken me I feel judged. You don't need to tell me what time it is when I say I was asleep. If I choose to sleep till noon that is my business. Saying, "BUT IT'S 9:45!" does not make me feel any better. My answer of, "YES, it's 9:45 and I WAS ASLEEP!" does nothing to change the shock in your voice. I SLEEP when I am tired. YES, I AM FINE, that in answer to your question of, "Are you OK?" HELLO PEOPLE, did I not explain that you NEVER call my house before 10 ? And what is with this constant asking me, "When will I see you again?" How the hell do I know? Let it go. I may decide to move to the Bahamas tomorrow or I may just not feel like being social. My NY friends ALWAYS leave each other with the words, "I LOVE YOU! WE WILL SEE EACH OTHER SOON!" No pressure, it is understood that we are there for each other and that we will see each other as soon as we can. Florida friends all ask the question, "When will I see you again". Like I have to take out my appointment calendar and make a date right then and there. Too much pressure for me thank you. I don't need to add friendship to my calendar. Do you want to go someplace special once in a while, fine, we can make a date but just to get together to chat, NO !! Friendship is spontaneous. I don't want or like to schedule get togethers. Do you have some time to go for coffee? Call me! BUT NOT BEFORE 10!
I am not angry about this but rather quite amused. People living in Florida are mostly OLD. They, like myself are pretty set in their way but oddly enough think that their way is THE RIGHT WAY ! Because they are up at 5:30 AM to "enjoy the day" means that I too should be thinking the same way. NOT !!! I do NOT enjoy the sunrise. Florida folks like to get up and get moving before the heat of the day. I say, "F" that and just sleep till it is too freaking hot to go out so I can stay in and putter. WE have enough mornings when we HAVE to get up to go to a doctor appointment. I have just spent the weekend with Smith and am TIRED!
BUT WHY AM I HAVING TO EXPLAIN MYSELF . . . This is me, don't call before 10 !!
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