Sunday, June 22, 2014


So just what is the difference between the two?  I guess I could look it up on the internet but then, I am too busy researching the effects of Tylenol and Ibuprofen on infants and children.
I am the first to admit I am totally consumed with worry that some of my grand children are going to die from liver failure. THERE !  I said it out loud and I am glad.
I am the first to admit I am a lunatic and not always capable of thinking clearly when it comes to my grand kids.  I have "disgusted" my children on several occasions because of my lack of self control when it comes to buying gifts for my precious little ones. I have been asked to not talk to my daughter-in-laws concerning the grand kids but rather to direct any questions and concerns to my sons so that I might not upset their wives.  I have tried to keep my mouth shut and not interfere with the up bringing of my grand kids and to all of this I am on board 100%.  I get it!  My mother and mother-in-law both were outspoken women. It runs in my family that the women, cousins, and aunts alike all are very very opinionated. But I try to be aware of my boundaries and I do appreciate and try to respect my children when they remind me of my place.
But this one has me physically ill with worry.  My concern is that any child under the age of one should not be given Tylenol unless the child is running a fever of over 100.  I argue that a three month old baby should not be given Tylenol to soothe them because they may or may not be teething. Never more than one dose a day and never day after day.  How about Tylenol for "growing pains" in a three year old? Every evening for days at a time?
These are the things that I am loosing sleep over.
My therapist and I discussed the fact that I was an over protective mother. I prefer to think I am an over ATTENTIVE mother.  Big difference!  I don't care to live in my children's house, back yard or even in the same state but when I am with them I worry.
My father was an amazing man and never commented on how we raised our children. OR DID HE?
Hate to burst your bubble but when he was alone with me I used to hear about what Papa thought of my children AND my husband. I usually agreed with him but he never mentioned any of this to the kids or Ger.  I don't know if I am my fathers daughter or not.  I am worried about these little ones and just don't know what to do about it. I have talked to the parents and have been blown off as being worried about nothing. But the evidence is there and my gut tells me I have to speak up.
So does that make me neurotic or psychotic ?  I really don't care what you call me as long as you stop  with the Tylenol!

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