Even though it is St. Patrick's Day I feel like Christopher Columbus discovering America. This month has been a month of discovery for me. First and foremost I discovered that the "mess" in the house is not caused by Husband. The man has not been here for an entire month and yet the mess continues to spread. It seems that after all these years of blaming the poor man for the clutter it is actually ME causing the piles on the dining room table, kitchen counter and bedroom floor. GO FIGURE ! I swear I thought it was H making the mess. Unless there are leprechauns sneaking into the house while I sleep there is no other explanation! DAMN !
Discovery number two is that there is nothing that I can do with the bags and bags of medications that I have left from Husband's illness. Some of these cancer pills cost a fortune and yet no one wants them. Isn't there a third world country some where who would be delighted to get this stuff? I have searched and searched the Internet and no where is there any information on donating medicine. The thought of throwing all this out just kills me. Unfortunately none of it is narcotics or I'd be supplementing my income big time. (Just kidding! . . . you never know who is reading this.) I have vitamins, supplements of all sorts, stuff for neuropathy, thyroid medicine, pills to make you pee and pill to stop you from peeing. If anyone has any ideas please let me know before I take it all to the sheriff's department. Seems like a huge waste to me!
Another discovery I made is that I can give away all of Ger's clothes without shedding a tear but don't ask me to go through his coin collection without ending up a blubbering mass of snot! What the hell is that about? A bunch of quarters reduced me to tears today like you wouldn't believe. I even had to laugh at myself.
Discovery number four hundred and twenty seven is that I feel like a kid again except this time around I have more smarts and more money. Life has been mighty fine these weeks, even with missing H I am perfectly happy making daily discoveries and discovering all sorts of new things about myself. Like I really don't' HATE mornings as much as I thought, (mornings being anything between the hours of 8 &10), I actually can take care of myself, I like going out with friends each day and blogging doesn't have to be a pity party on paper.
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