Friday, March 20, 2015


No matter what time I start for bed it is midnight before I get there. What is with that ?  It  must really be due to my being a night owl !  I had a room mate when I was teaching who couldn't stay awake past 7 PM.  Sandy would head for the couch after dinner and next thing she would be snoring away.  I would wake her at 10 PM and tell her to go to bed but she would always say she was too tired to go to bed and end up sleeping on the couch. (This is the same woman who would be sucking up spiders with the vacuum at 3 AM. )

People often tell me how they fall asleep watching TV at night.  How does that happen ? Well, I guess I know the answer to that, TV is STUPID !  My dad used to tell me all the time that there was, "Nothing good to watch on the TV" and I would try to convince him to watch this or that show that I thought was so entertaining. Now I get it ! Shows that used to seem so great are worse than terrible and now bore me to tears.  Our TV thinks it is broken because it has not been turned on nearly as much as it used to be when H was here. And Fox News ? . . .  Is that still on? Can't tell by me. The world could have ended 3 days ago and I wouldn't know it. If it hadn't been for one of my kids mentioning Daylight Savings time a few weeks back I would still be an hour behind. No time to keep up with all that. I'm too busy staying up at night and running around all day.

Today's adventure was to go to Theresa's house with Annette and watch the movie, HEAVEN IS FOR REAL. I had read the book but now that it is a movie we all watched it and I must say it was better than the book. (Seldom does that happen!)  Then we had home made soup, salad and bread and great conversation.  This is my new Friday Morning get together.  Last week we met at the beach and did grounding exercises, a yoga/meditation sort of thing. ( I was worried it had something to do with lightening!)  I'm really enjoying these women and it's a great way to spend a day.  The afternoon was focused on cleaning off my huge desk in the garage so I can move it into the den. For those of you who have been following this blog for a while you will remember COMMAND CENTRAL. That was Ger's name for when I disappeared at night into the garage where I had my computer set up on this gigantic old wooden desk that came with the house. When I bought my MAC I wanted it to last longer than my PC's ever did so I brought a small desk into the bedroom and set up command central in here. (The garage is not air conditioned and I thing the Florida heat got to my other computer.) Now that Ger is gone I want to show off that awesome old wooden desk so I am having my friends bring their husbands over on Sunday to move the desk for me. (This is hopefully the beginning of cleaning up/out the garage room.) I'm so excited about this move. I just hope that once I bring the monster desk in I like it cause I don't want to have to cook another dinner for 6 as payment for moving it.
But now, if the desk comes in something must GO out. The "new" recliner that the kids bought for Ger is on the list to go.  It's second hand and large and black and not all that comfortable. I don't like sitting in it because it was Husband's chair.  He had such a terrible time trying to figure out which of the TWO (2) buttons to push to get in or out of the chair. I would be sitting in my chair and hear him turning his chair on to move either forward and out or back to lay down. The leather would crackle and creak so I would know he was on the move. After about 5 minutes of constant noise I would finally ask him what he was trying to do. Depending on his response I would tell him which of the TWO (2) buttons he should be pressing. Then he would tell me it was not working. The "damn" chair was no good! The "damn" clicker wasn't working! (Thank God the DAMN dog had died years ago or that would have been irritating H also.)  So as far as I'm concerned the chair is good to go, hopefully to be sold on Craig"s List where Keri found it in the first place. With all these "damn" Senior Citizens down here selling it should be a piece of cake.

Speaking of cake . . . tomorrow is the twin's first birthday party and THERE WLL BE CAKE !

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