Friday, May 8, 2015


When people tell me why they could never live in Florida you can be sure they will include the fact that they just LOVE the change of seasons up North. Well let me tell you about Florida seasons. We actually DO have trees that loose all their leaves in the winter and pop out new ones in the spring. Then we also have the rainy season, coconut season, love bug season, dragon fly season and of course Snow Bird season.  We have more seasons than anywhere else in the U.S. And all these seasons have one thing in common. They all occur during allergy season ! That's the wonderful thing about living here. You just start taking allergy drugs the day you arrive and never come off them. There is always something blooming that is going to cause your nose to drip down the back of your throat and fill up your ear canals. Once the ear canal fills it in turn backs up into the glands in your neck and you end up with swollen glands that hurt like hell. All thanks to allergies.

Right now my jaw is so sore in one spot that if I bump it I want to cry. (It's on the right side so I know it's not a heart attack!) This happened to me last year right around this time and the gland got infected. I thought I would get ahead of it by going to the doctor today but all she recommended was taking Sudafed to drain my ears. My ears feel fine, it's my jaw that hurts.
There is the outside possibility that it is my New York dentists fault from when he was doing a root canal on my tooth 25 odd years ago and broke the tip off one of his instruments. That little piece of metal is still floating in my jaw some where and I often wonder if and when it will make it's way to my heart or lungs. Every time I get a pain in my jaw on the right side I think of it and wonder if that's the cause. None of my doctors down here seem to think it is a concern when I mention it but if I drop dead in my sleep be sure to check my teeth. There could be a juicy law suit in the makings.

Back to allergy season . . . I took a walk this morning with 2 friends and you could actually see the pollen in the air.  That is unusual for down here. There were also dozens of butterflies all over the field where we were walking. At one point there were so many we were almost stepping on them. The tortoise we saw crossing the field didn't see to mind us or the butterflies. He also did not seem to mind the pollen.
If the pollen doesn't slow down I may end up retiring to the house a lot sooner than usual this summer. This April and May have been exceptionally warm and everyone is complaining that summer has arrived too soon. With the heat comes the rainy season which also leads to indoor season.


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