How many times a day do you tell yourself that something will only take a minute or have someone say that to you when asking a favor of you ? It is one of those wonderful little catch phrases that are nothing but a HUGE LIE !
I tell myself things will "only take a minute" about a hundred times a day and then find myself into something that has me working on it for hours, days, weeks or even months. The old "I'll just stop and do this real quick" lie we tell ourselves when we know for a fact this is something I REALLY shouldn't start right now because I am going to get side tracked by it and not get another thing done for the rest of the day.
But then there are those times when I honestly believe something will "only take a minute". Really! This is so simple, I can just whip this off and be on to something else in a matter of minutes ! HA !
Like the button I have been meaning to sew on to my new pair of shorts. It's just a matter of cutting the button off from one place and moving it over an inch and sewing it back on. How Hard can that be ?
I have only owned this new pair of shorts for about 5 years. THAT'S how hard it can be ! Well, to be honest, I did buy them when they were a little tight but the price was right and "I'm going to loose 100 pounds." Because they were a little tight I didn't hang them in my closet with my clothing that actually fit but rather put them on the shelf. When I gained 10 pounds rather than loose 10 the shorts got moved from the shelf into a box under my bed. And there they had sat for a couple of years. Since H died I have been pulling things out of closets and drawers and down sizing my Stuff. I found 2 boxes full of clothing I had not been able to wear in years and among them were these shorts. I tried them on and surprise, surprise they actually fit. Except for one small button that held a skirt type over lay in the front of the shorts they looked great. I just needed to move that little button an inch and I would have some new skorts to add to my wardrobe. So the shorts went from the box under my bed to the rocking chair in the corner. (My "to do" rocker.) There they sat along with some things that needed ironing and there they stayed for about 2 months. Until today when I actually told myself, "Why don't I just sew that button on and then I can wear the shorts today. IT WILL ONLY TAKE A MINUTE!"
An hour and twenty minutes later I have just finished my project and am so exhausted from sewing on a button I had to sit down to rest.
It was a classic case of "rolling snow ball". First I had to find my sewing box. I spent about 30 minutes in the garage looking for that when I finally realized I had efficiently moved the sewing box into my closet. DUH ! Got the sewing box out and found some matching thread but couldn't find a needle. What sort of sewing box doesn't have needles ????? I knew I had some but where the heck were they? (Obviously these are things I have NOT organized yet!) Back to the garage and another 15 minute search for the missing needles which were stored with my sewing machine. (They are now moved to the sewing box.) Okay, pants, button, needle, thread . . . . now all I had to do was put the button on the pants. Except that I couldn't get the damn thread into the damn needle ! I tried everything but the eye on that needle was so small not even a dust mote could get through it. So the search resumed for the little piece of thin metal with a loop of wire on the end that helps thread the needle. I figured it HAD to be in the sewing box so after I had dumped out EVERYTHING there it was on the very bottom. STUCK to the bottom in a pool of something sticky. That lead to me WASHING out the sewing box, re-grouping everything that was to go back into it and organizing it all into a some what neater mess.
An hour and fifteen minutes have now passed and I STILL have NOT sewed the damn button onto my shorts. That took all of about 2 minutes, tops !
I think I now know why we live in a disposable society. It just takes too long to fix things! It's easier to throw them out and go buy new. I could have been to the mall and back with a new pair of shorts in the time it took me to sew on a button !
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