Take two Aleve PM and wake me when it's over ! At least that is what I did when we first moved to Florida and experience our very first hurricane, Francis, in our brand new home of 4 days. Gerry was a basket case and sat up all night listening and worrying while I slept like a baby. I awoke in the morning in tact to a house with a roof and dry floors while husband was exhausted for no reason. I intend to do the same for "hurricane" Erika.
But over the past 11 years of living in South Florida I have learned a few things and if I may take liberty of using part of what a columnist for the Palm Beach Post wrote yesterday there are three things you need for a hurricane in Florida. I need a few more than three but that's a good start.
#1 is coffee. If your electricity goes out you need to know where there is a Starbucks that has generators or you need to have a camping stove or bar-b que that you can make coffee on. If neither of these are possible then you need item
#2. A Hammock or a dry lounge chair where you can sleep. A little know fact is that a hurricane will suck all the moisture out of the air so that after a hurricane the air in Florida is lovely and DRY with those wonderful winds blowing so even though you are without electricity it is very comfortable to sleep outside. So . . . if I can't have coffee to keep me awake, I can go outside and sleep in the balmy breezes that are bug and humidity free !
#3. A good book that I have at least 10 of because I have not read a single page since the advent of the iPad and Netflix streaming. Why should I strain my brain to read when all I have to do is push a button and vegetate in front of a screen? I am loosing brain cells at an astounding rate! With no electricity I will be forced to READ !
#4. An entire garage FULL of toys and crap that is in dire need of cleaning out since the last time the twins and Smith were here. I have been waiting for the perfect rainy day to attack this project and have not gotten to it yet so what is better than a hurricane to get to this.
#5. OH . . . Am I supposed to be doing something to get ready for this storm ? I have food, I have water. I have candles. And the storm probably won't turn into a hurricane anyway . . .
I'm good ! Where's the Aleve ?
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