Monday, September 7, 2015


Husband was never so smart when he was alive. Now that he is gone I keep coming up with all these wise things he used to tell me. Like when you get a cold in the summer you should go sit outside in the hot sun and BAKE the germs out of you. The fact that Ger used to LOVE to sit in the sun and bake for hours and hours sort of was his remedy for everything but I do think he was on to something with cold germs. Unfortunately we are experiencing an exceptionally wet summer so this is proving to be a bit of a problem.

Observe this photo of poor little Grey, taken last Tuesday at her house. Grey could not go to school because she was running a fever along with her cold. Her nose was running, her eyes were running, she was lethargic and miserable. All she wanted was to be held and to sleep !
Fast forward one week and reverse Grand ma into Grey's place and you will get and idea of how grand ma is feeling. My throat hurts, my body hurts, I'm freezing even though I am wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and the AC is set at 78 and the temperature outside is 98. My nose is running, my eyes are watering and all I can do is whimper. BUT it's RAINING OUT !  It's hot as Hell but there is no sun to be seen. I just want to  crawl under the covers and cover my head and go to sleep.


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