I've mentioned to you the list I made before Ger died of all the things I would NOT miss once the dear man passed on. How strange it is that I actually DO miss his "snarkiness" , at times, just because it let me know he cared. ( How ever bizarre that is!) But in general, I do NOT miss most of the things that I had placed on that initial list of "Things I Will Not Miss". But at that time of watching and waiting for Ger to loose his battle with cancer I never wanted to make a list of the things I WOULD miss once he was gone. First of all, that was way to painful to even contemplate and secondly it would have been impossible to even consider at that time. And even if I had thought about it I would NEVER have come up with some of the things that are entering into my mind these days. For example:
GARDENING . . . If you had said to me, "OH Cathie, When Gerry dies, you are going to be so lost without him because of ALL the gardening he does for you."
I probably would have hit you with a brick and run you over with my car after I stopped laughing hysterically for a week or two. GARDENING ???????? GARDENING ??????? Are you FREAKING CRAZY ????? Gerry never gardened a day in his whole life !!! Oh, Wait. Are you thinking of THE tomato plant ? The one and only tomato plant that was Ger's claim to fame ? The one tomato plant that we would buy him each year once he moved to Florida so he would have SOMETHING to get him out of the house and away from Fox News. THAT, tomato plant ? Is THAT what you are thinking of when you think garden and Ger in the same sentence ? That one plant was Ger's only rally into the world of gardening. BUT . . . just this morning I decided to get a jump on some trimming of some border plants out front. They have a tendency to go berserk this time of year and without some attention will totally cover the entire front walk. Ger loved to point this out to me each time we left and entered the front of the house. (God forbid he would ever pick up the trimmer and go out to trim them himself but he was great at reminding me the plants were in need of cutting back.) And so I woke up with this thought in mind and as I sat there ripping and cutting it occurred to me I missed Ger's help. Because THIS is where he would show up with the big green garbage can and a rake and start to pick up all the clippings and toss them in the garbage bin to put them out on Thursday when it was clipping day for the garbage pick up. I never had to worry about the clean up. Ger was always there for me to do that. I never had to ask, he just showed up. Come Thursday, the garbage can was out by the curb, again no need to mention it. I always did say "Thank You" but I kind of wish I had said it with a hug !
It's amazing the things you miss when you didn't even realize they were there. THANKS GER !
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