Monday, March 7, 2016


Today was my favorite day!  It was colonoscopy day. And Why would I consider this a favorite day? Because I know I don't have to think about it again for another FIVE YEARS !!!!!
Just another one of those wonderful things that we get to do in order to continue to keep ourselves alive and healthy. I want to hang out in this world a bit longer and be in good enough shape to enjoy myself while I'm here so I will do all that I need to do in order to make that happen. Even the nasty stuff that causes a doctor to go where no one dares to go. I was fortunate enough to have the DELUXE package today by also having an endoscopy, where the doctor got to look  down my throat and into my stomach. Much to my delight his findings were better than that of the previous questionable doctor who performed this procedure on me 3 years ago and told me I had a pre cancerous condition. Before I could discuss his findings that doctor left his practice and moved across the country under suspicious circumstances so I never fully trusted his diagnosis.  Today's procedures were quite a relief with much better results and not the least pain in the butt !
Even the prep for this whole thing has become super simple compared to what we used to have to endure. The entire prep involved drinking 2 table spoons of Milk of Magnesia on Saturday night. (Didn't even taste it!) Sunday was liquid diet day. Took 2 tiny pills at noon and then at 4:00 started drinking ice cold yummy yellow Gatorade laced with Miralax.  Stuff tastes GREAT.  That was it !
I will admit that by 7:30 PM I was sloshing . My belly was so full of fluids that I thought I would pop if I had to drink one more ounce of the 64 ounces of Gatorade but I just quit for an hour and then I was fine.


I must admit,  I had a great night's sleep, no heartburn, no jumping up to pee . . .  it was amazing.  I should stop all food and drink by 8:00 every night.  This morning I got a warm blanket at the hospital, got to sleep with some goooooooooooood drugs, got a hot cup of coffee and some crackers, (I really would have liked a donut or a hot roll but the crackers were okay.) and a ride home from my daughter.  Then I got to take the day off and RELAX !  My kind of day !   Who says they hate going for a colonoscopy ???

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