As in "Eventually I will get around to 'IT' ". So if you just wait long enough I will get back to blogging, cleaning my house, shopping for food, straightening the closet, washing the car, feeding the cat . . . oops, make that burying the cat, watering the plants, reading the paper and so on. There is always a tomorrow, or at least, one can hope there will be a tomorrow to get things done. Not to say I procrastinate but I do like to do things when the weather is fitting the project and my mood.
Most recently this pertained to the shed. Our house has a small 10' X 3' shed attached to the west side of it. Just enough room to store enough crap to make cleaning it out a major project. The shed is in the sun all afternoon so it is not a project I want to attack in the summer. This is the perfect time of year to get to it but it is just never the right time. Why could we possibly need a shed in a community where ALL the landscaping is done for us, ALL the OUTSIDE maintenance is taken care of for us and anything that needs repairing we hire some one to take care of it? WE do not own bicycles. We do have a pool but we have some one take care of that so we do not need to store chemicals for that. The shed SHOULD be empty. And yet it is NOT! Rather when you attempt to open the huge WARPED door you are met with a wall of junk that immediately says to you, "SLAM THE DOOR AND RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" No one in their right mind would stand there longer than two seconds because if the sight of the mess doesn't scare you off the over powering smell that assaults your senses and knocks you down cold and sends you scrambling backwards hoping the dead whatever it is isn't coming to get you.
I've decided the smell is the combination of the 14 bags of different fertilizers we have purchased over the years, used once and then stored away not completely sealed tight. Why so many when we have a landscaper take care of all this? You know that old theory, If a little helps then why not add a little more! And there are all the potted plants on the patio that the landscaper doesn't care for. (All 5 pots) So over the 12 years of living here when the plants looked pale, off we would go to Home Depot for another bag of plant food without ever thinking to look in the shed to see what was in there. Mostly because the door of the shed was too hard to open and it smelled horrible in there so lets just buy a new bag!
Backing up to last Sunday when grand son Smith had slept over. . . . Smith and I go next door to feed the neighbor's cat. A chore I MUST do on a daily basis because it is not MY cat. On our way back into my garage Smith spies my small garden shovel that Finn had left outside the door. "Can I dig?", inquires Smith. So off we go to the side of the house by the shed and Smith proceeds to dig 2 very EXCELLENT holes in which we will plant something EVENTUALLY. While Smith is digging I decided to attack the shed even though I am not wearing a HAZ MAT suit. Smith comes over when he sees all the interesting things emerging from the shed and decides that in spite of the horrific smell he wants to help. He and I fill 2 huge garbage cans with junk and fill the back of my car with things that I will EVENTUALLY bring to a friend who's husband is so handy he can find a use for almost anything. So now the shed is half empty, I have a car full of junk that I have to drop at Theresa's house and a shed that I will eventually finish cleaning out.
In the mean time Summer is returning to South Florida, My sister-in-law is arriving on Monday, same day I have scheduled my colonoscopy , the grand kids are sleeping over tomorrow night if they aren't coming down with colds and I remember to hide the gifts I bought for Finn for his birthday the end of this month before he shows up to sleep over.
I'll get to it all EVENTUALLY !
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