Friday, June 17, 2016


You know those pixies that I used to tell you about ? The ones that H thought cleaned the house and cooked his meals and picked up  his clothes.  Yea, those pixies !  Well, if anyone knows where the hell they are would you please send them this way cause I sure could use them right about now to help me pack up this place and get this stuff out of here before July FIRST !

The first question is WHY AM I SITTING HERE WRITING A BLOG WHEN I SHOULD BE PACKING ?  Very good observation on your part !  Let me tell you about the fine art of procrastination that I have honed to an olympic event. I began the study of this fine art while in college and had to study for tests or write papers. Thus the reason for having almost flunked out after the first 3 semesters. but since God seems to really love me and have a plan for me that no  matter how hard I try to mess up his plans HE always intervenes at the last moment and sends me someone to get my butt in gear and save the day. Thanks to my 2 saviors in college I pulled an almost 4.0 my forth semester to off set the 1.2 that I was carrying from the first 3 semesters and managed to stay in school and actually graduate and become a teacher.  There but for the GRACE OF GOD.

Now I can not equate packing 12 years of crap to graduating from college because it is actually more like climbing Mt. Everest. ( Which if you haven't seen the the movie "EVEREST" you really should take the time. It is really quite good. ) The minutes are passing,  the hours are passing,  the days are passing and I am no closer to getting this place EMPTY than I was a week ago.  I DO keep moving stuff out but I think it is regenerating when I am asleep.  The stuff that remains seems to be doubling in size and the things that I thought I got rid of seem to be reappearing. My condo looks so nice and empty I really don't want to bring anything else into it and yet there is still so much in this house so I don't know what to do. Perhaps moving away from the computer would be a good start!

And then GOD sends me the TERMITE MAN . . . But that is another blog entirely that you are just going to have to wait for.  I"m sure I will want to stop and procrastinate for a while a little later so look for the next installment.  Until then . . .   FIND THOSE PIXIES AND SEND THEM TO ME !!

OH YEA !   P.S.   My air conditioner is not working !  Got up this morning and the house was 79 degrees. It's now up to 82 at noon.  AC guy can't get here till 7:00 tonight.


  1. Oh my,I thought my past couple of weeks were hectic :-)

  2. Oh my,I thought my past couple of weeks were hectic :-)
