Thursday, June 6, 2019


We have been busy busy busy these past couple of days so I haven't been on line much.  That coupled with the "internet" issues kept me from writing anything.  The last camp ground we were in was in Seward, AK.  A great little coastal town that is surrounded by mountains and ocean. It amazes me how every place we have been is just so different from the last and has such beautiful scenery. I really liked Seward as a town, Quaint and small and friendly ! We camped in a military "resort" there that was amazing. They had cabins, motel, tents, Yerts and campground.  (Did you catch the "YERT" reference ?) I was walking around the camp ground checking out where everything was and got chatting with a woman who was coming out of the laundry. I asked her what the funny little buildings standing along a strip of grass were. They were cylindrical with a tent type roof.  They actually looked like something you would find in a rice paddy. The woman told me they were yurts. Sort of a cross between a cabin and a tent.. They are just big enough for 2 people to sleep in. Something I have never seen before. The whole "resort"  was very nice and had everything a tourist would want for the night or two that you might be there BUT their internet was terrible. That is something that ALL the places we have been in have in common. I guess the fact that we are in ALASKA might have something to do with that but in this day and age I just assume EVERYONE has internet. We have actually driven for hours without any cell phone signal because there is NOTHING around but forest, mountains and water. All of which are mind blowing in their beauty but frustrating as hell for someone like me who wants to check my mail or write a blog. The horror that I must sit for hours and just look at the amazing scenery. Good Grief !! This trip would be a night mare for my grand kids who can't get their noses out of the iPad or what ever they stare at for endless hours on end. Just think, they might have to look for moose or bear along side the road. They might have to search for the bald eagles and wolves or even, God Forbid, keep a journal because they can't text their friends.
Not to say I am not guilty of having my nose in the camera or endlessly posting pictures on facebook every time we get to a town and I can get a signal on my phone. It is just too beautiful here not to share with everyone.

Today we left Seward this morning and drove to Anchorage where we stopped to visit with a friend of D's. This tiny lady is a native of Florida and ended up in Alaska because her husband was stationed here back in the 80's. They have retired but are still here for the summers and traveling south in the winters. I really liked her a lot and it made for a nice lunch stop. We left Ruth and continued on up the road to Denali National Park where we will stay for the next two nights. Needless to say the internet is "iffy" to say the least. We are staying in a private camp ground about 7 miles North of the park because the park camp ground has no electric or water. Our RV is self contained with it's own water supply and propane heat but with no internet I draw the line. It was nice to pull into a spot, plug in and have a hot meal while watching our ROKU TV that we have finally figured out how to use. Although we have a full bathroom in the RV the shower is a challenge to keep the water in and the cold air out so I'll walk over to the bath house and shower there, I'll keep you posted on how that works out because I have to pay $4 for the shower. I got a token that goes in a box on the wall of the shower. This will supposedly give me SIX (6) minutes of "very hot" water. (Thats what the lady in the office told me. ) I'll let you know how this adventure works out.

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