Of all the habits that people develop I think the absolute most DISGUSTING one has got to be chewing tobacco. I can take people biting their finger nails, cracking their knuckles, smoking, drinking even picking their noses but chewing tobacco has GOT to be the WORST !
If you need nicotine for what ever reason just keep smoking or chew nicotine gum but to put a wad of tobacco in your mouth, tuck it into your cheek and then SPIT every ten seconds is just GROSS !!
WHY ?? Why would anyone choose to do this ? Seriously! Not only are you creating a nasty nasty glob of nastiness IN YOUR MOUTH but then you are going to share it with everyone around you ??
The whole "spit cup" is the grossest thing I can think of. At least if you have a spit cup please make sure it is NOT made of clear plastic or glass. Talk about destroying your appetite in one easy lesson !
I am making myself nauseous just writing this.
I think I have been in Alaska too long. Things here are starting to get to me and my New York/Palm Beach is starting to take over and everything Alaska is starting to gross me out or piss me off. The people are nice, the country side is nice but I just want to get back to NOT COUNTRY ! I miss civilization !!
Tonight we had an excellent steak dinner cooked to perfection by DJ out on the barbecue . After dinner I chose to head into the RV for a quiet night of computer games and relaxation. Dwayne followed me out and turned on our Roku TV which we have yet to totally master. Neither one of us was in the mood for a movie so naturally he went directly to Fox News. (What is it with the men in my life and freaking Fox News?) Because it is Sunday night there was NOTHING even on Fox News so the man started surfing, which is interesting because he has never heard of any of the channels offered with the exception of news and NETFLIX. Netflix has been lousy lately so I stupidly suggested You Tube. Are you ready for this ? . . . D had NO IDEA what youtube was !!!! Not a clue !! Who doesn't know about youtube ???? Seriously !! So in my explanation of what this new channel was all about I used the example of, (How could I be sooooooo stupid), HALIBUT FISHING. For the past hour we have been watching video after video of people on boats pulling in fish and beating them to death with large clubs.
It was so bad I had to open my computer and resort to blogging about Chewing Tobacco.
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