Last night when I returned home my mail was waiting for me outside the kitchen door. It had been held for 2 months by the post office and then delivered to my door in a large white postal container that was over flowing. I picked up the bin and brought it inside thinking I would go through it later. I didn't get to it until this evening when I took it back outside and sat with the box of mail on one side of my chair and the paper recycling bin on the other. So far in this collection of trash I have received ONE personal card from a friend, 4 bank statements, 2 packages from Amazon and one bill from the water company. The entire remainder of the LARGE postal container is filled with C R A P !!!! That is not to say I have not gotten gifts in this large pile of junk. Or so the organizations who have sent me all this garbage would like me to believe because 4 out of 5 envelopes have written on the outside of them, "YOUR FREE GIFT IS ENCLOSED!" Lucky lucky me . . . I am the recipient of all sorts of free stuff.
Most notable so far is the free ROSE PRAYER PETAL.

But this isn't the only "free gift" I have received so far. The pile of crap is growing by the envelope. As of right now I have gotten at least 24 "free" greeting cards, a gold angel coin, 3 nickels, a yellow cross on a key chain, 4 ball point pens, a gift bag, 3 sheets of address labels, two 2020 calendars, 4 note pads and "pet tag" for my dog, (that I do not have). All of these groups are thanking me for donating to their particular organization or charity at some time in the past 74 years of my life.
This is all sent to me so that I, in turn, will feel obligated to send them money. But the joke is on them because my feeling is . . . If they can afford to send me all this crap they must have more money than they know what to do with. If they would stop sending me crap, save themselves the cost of the junk, the postage and the fees they are paying some marketing company to come up with these stupid ideas and then they will have enough money to fund their cause.
That makes total sense to me but apparently I am the only one who has figured this out.
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