Friday, July 19, 2019


Mirrors are interesting.  A piece of glass coated on one side with I have no idea what so they reflect our image when we stand in front of them. I am guessing that probably 95 % of the world population  own at least one mirror per household. That includes the most remote villages in the deepest jungles of Africa and the highest mountains of Tibet. If a family doesn't own a mirror that is bought in a store they at very least have a shiny piece of metal or a crystal clear lake or stream that will reflect an image. Everybody has that little need to check them selves out on a regular basis to make sure we are still "Looking Good !".  We check to see if we have any more grey hairs, any new warts, did a new wrinkle materialize during the night ? Sometimes we are happy with what we see, often we can't believe that the old person staring back is really us. Some days I look in the mirror and see my mom staring back at me, other days it is my dad. Our perception changes daily depending on the light we are using and our mood. No matter who we are or where we are everyone likes to look at themselves in a mirror.

Or at least this is what I used to think until I spent a day walking around Disney World.  I saw some sights that I would like to burn off my memory bank. There are people out there who obviously are blind or are of the 5 % of the entire world population who does NOT own a mirror because there is no way in Hell they could possibly have looked in a mirror and thought that what they were wearing actually looked good or was even covering the parts of their bodies that REALLY NEED to be covered. Along with that observation my son pointed out the alarming fact that probably 80% of the people visiting Disney World were LARGE. (I will not use the word obese because I never liked that word. To me obese is someone over 400 pounds but I have noted that my doctor will consider me "obese" if I am 30 pounds over my ideal weight.) I will just refer to MOST of the Disney tourists as LARGE.. . .  REALLY,  REALLY  LARGE ! And not only are most of these folks large they also must not own mirrors because the outfits they were wearing were . . . I don't think I have a word to describe it. Some adjectives would be ; tiny, skimpy, ridiculous, horrific, ugly, insane and just plain "Have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately?" I seriously do think that these folks actually DO look at themselves and think they look good. I honestly don't know how they can possibly think this but what other explanation is there for people going out in public looking like hippos in bikinis ?
I mean there were body parts that should never see the light of day just hanging out there for all the world to see. Or if the body was covered it was covered with material that was so tight and so "form fitting" that the wearer might as well have been naked. There is just no reason to be looking like you have just poured yourself into your pants. It DOES NOT LOOK GOOD people. PLEASE, please, please get ourselves a good friend who will be honest and tell you, "YES ! You look FAT in those pants, dress, top, shorts whatever".  But then again the horrid looking people were never alone. Rather, they were in herds and all of them looked as bad as the next. It is a God Awful thing to be stuck standing in line for an hour in back of someone who's shorts barely cover their butts and their boobs are hanging out of their tank top.

Try explaining to your grand kid why they can't wear shorts to school after the sights they have seen at Disney.

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