NO this is not a patriotic blog, although I am very proud of all the people in our country who, as always, rise to the occasion when ever there is a crisis. Whether it is during a national event such as 9/11 or local disasters like hurricanes and floods American's forget their own issues and band together to help their neighbors in need.
During this pandemic we have risen once again to the occasion and most of us are listening and staying self quarantined in order to avoid the spread of this virus. We are not just thinking of what "I" want to do but are thinking about what is best for our nation. It's HARD ! No doubt about that. We are a nation on the go, in our cars every day racing here and there on "important" missions to Starbucks and Dunken Donuts. Costco couldn't survive without the 40 million members shopping seven days a week for things they really don't need but it is a place to go and something to do.
All that changed two weeks ago when some nasty little bugs invaded our country and forced us to remain home in hopes of stoping the virus from wiping out our population. But with that comes the problem of what to DO every day that I am house bound. There is only so much TV to be watched and once the jigsaw puzzle is done and the books are read WHAT DO WE DO ???
Ladies . . . you know the answer to this don't you . . . (Guys, you can stop reading right now)
There is not a woman I know who has not, by now, started cleaning at least one closet, room, cabinet, or drawer in her house. It's what most of us do when we are bored. (I pity the women who always have a clean and neat house because this becomes more of a challenge to them.) No matter how clean your house is normally there is always that one space that you have been looking at for a while that you really want to get into and clean it out. God Bless the ladies who have attics and basements because they have a gold mine in cleaning possibilities. Maybe they could rent these spaces out to the "clean freak" ladies so they will have something to work on. I personally have never had a problem finding something to clean out. I can walk into a perfectly "clean" room and three hours later I have it torn apart finding things I didn't even know I had. Being held captive in my space I am like a pig in mud wallowing in closets and cabinets that I have been itching to clean out but just didn't have the time. Then there are those journals that I keep for my grand children that haven't been up dated in a year and don't even get me started on photos. Even though most of my photos are on my computer I still need to weed them out and that takes hours. As for cleaning cleaning, like with a mop and bucket I could was my floors daily and they would still have spots on them. My kitchen floor needs a washing about three times a day but you know that's not going to happen. I must say I am prepared though because I actually do own a mop, pail, vacuum and dust cloth. (Thank you "Swiffer" company for supplying me will all I need. Love that Swiffer Wet Jet!) Meanwhile I have had a box of swiffer pads for my wet jet since I moved in here 3 years ago. Does that tell you how much I wash floors?
But now we are all forced to stay home. We are going to come out of this much stronger and cleaner than when it all started. People are out walking their neighborhoods in search of fresh air and something to do. Believe it or not I took a walk yesterday AND today and ENJOYED it !!!! Who Knew ???? I met several people and we all held our breath as passed six feet apart. There are people out washing their cars and sitting on their patios waving as you walk by. I'm discovering that my community is much larger than I thought and with this discovery today I found that I was lost. Yes . . . lost in my own community on streets that I never knew existed. I was on the verge of going to Google Maps on my phone when I realized I could cut across some grass, go around the edge of a lake and end up on the road that runs past our community. By the time I finally got home I needed a shower and a nap. Can't wait to see what I'll discover tomorrow.
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