So FINALLY the state of California gets something right ! For the past several years I have watched this wonderful state go down hill like a bobsled in the Winter Olympics. They have gotten NOTHING right in years and when they declared themselves a "Sanctuary State" that was the final straw. I decided that the entire state population was "drinking the cool-aid" and had totally lost their minds. I have known for years that the "A-List State" housed way too many narcissistic actors who were brain dead when it came to using some common sense but over the last decade it has just bordered on the insane and ridiculous. So when I heard that the governor of the state of California has issued state wide mandatory rules for keeping people at home my faith in human intelligence has been restored.
Now we just have to work on the other 49 states to get it right. Personally I think Florida should shut its borders completely! And the "Spring Breaker" generation should be shot with blow darts as they arrive here with their nasty germs. What a selfish thing to do . . . travel in this pandemic should be stopped completely. It really is the only way to contain this nasty virus. But I guess that before we close our borders we should really start in our own communities and shut down ALL the Costco's ! Yesterday D and I ordered some food on line and drove to Publix where a worker came out with our groceries and put them directly in the trunk of the car. When we got home we brought in our 4 bags, unpacked the items, put them away, put the empty grocery bags out side and washed our hands about twenty times in the process. There were only three Publix supermarkets in our area that provided this service. (In Florida there are at least forty Publix markets in a ten mile radius . . . I kid you not!) It was a great way to shop except that out of the 14 items we ordered Publix had to make substitutions for 9 of them and they had NO eggs or meat. I think we will survive just fine in spite of this. On our way to Publix we passed the local Costco and noted that the parking lot was FULL to capacity just like any other Thursday afternoon.
How stupid can people be ? There is NO reason to be out and about right now. This is serious shit and you are gambling with your life and mine. You may not be afraid that you will get sick but you just might infect someone, who can infect someone, who can infect someone. We have telephones and computers through which we can do just about anything. God Bless Amazon and their workers who are working overtime filling orders to keep us going. I know I am doing my part to keep the economy going. You do NOT have to go out to shop. There are a thousand things you can do to keep this virus contained if you would just use your smarts and think about others not just yourself.
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