Remember how Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead . . . well I think I could use some of that sort of miracle working in my life right about now. I have not been this "dormant" since I was in my mother's womb. And even then I think I was much more active. I haven't spent this much time on my back since college . . . SLEEPING . . .
The fact is that I am living with a man who must be part Spanish, in spite of his extremely Norwegian name, because EVERY DAY . . . and I do mean EVERY DAY, he takes a two hour siesta after we have lunch. "Having Lunch" is something I normally don't do anyway but to then lie down and rest for two hours is killing me. You would think that this would be a wonderful practice used by millions to digest their mid day meal and catch up on some Zzzzzzzzzzzz. But in my case it is literally killing me. My blood pressure is going up higher and higher every day from lack of exercise and too much food not to mention the poor quality of food I am ingesting. Not to say the food is not tasty . . . That's the problem . . . I am eating all sorts of things I normally DO NOT eat when I am alone. Ice Cream tops the list followed by lots of RED meat, French fries, bread with lots of butter and cake and cookies. (Please note there is not a single green leafy vegetable mentioned. )
Today I had to call my cardiologist because when I went to my GP last week my lab work showed that my Cholesterol and Triglycerides were all elevated. Not something new for me but the numbers were higher than they have been in quite some time. Add to that the ten pound weight gain from last year at this time and it is no wonder my blood pressure is running high. My GP suggested I contact my heart doctor and fill him in on my lack of self control and imminent death by heart attack or stroke with hopes that he could up the dosage of my heart medicine or at best give me the direct line number to the cardiac unit at our local hospital. Let me take a moment here to tell you how much I like my cardiologist . . . He is young and smart and very down to earth . . . AND he knows exactly who he is dealing with when it comes to me. I called his office today and he got back to me this afternoon. I explained what was going on and being the smart guy that he is he asked me WHAT I was doing different from the last time he saw me. That just opened the door to me having to admit what a lilly livered wuss I was when it came to taking care of myself instead of putting The Man first. The doc asked if I was walking or exercising . . . "Oh sure . . . does walking to the fridge count?" He asked me about my diet . . . ""What diet ? Doesn't ice cream have lots of calcium in it so it HAS to be good for me, right?" The doctor asked if I was eating lots of green leafy vegetables . . .
"Does celery in the stuffing count?" At this point the doctor had an extremely good idea of what the problem might be . . . ME !!!!
I know I write a lot about Mr. Man who lives with me these winter months and I also know I can easily place the blame for ALL my "issues" on this poor man but the fact of the matter is I am the one in charge of me and it is only me who can change this mess of a body. I find it almost impossible to make good choices when this other person is here suggesting ravioli drenched in butter for dinner. The fact that there is ALWAYS at least TWO gallons of ice cream in my freezer at any given time does not help me to stay away from all those sugars and carbs. There are ALWAYS potatoes or bread and butter with every meal and sometimes that IS the meal. There are nights when, if we have had a sandwich for lunch and are not that hungry for dinner, we have ice cream for dinner.
Somewhere on this earth there are several of my former Weight Watcher lecturers rolling over in their graves when they hear about what I am ingesting on a daily basis. I am the "BEFORE" poster child for Over Eaters Anonymous with no hope of ever being the "After". All those decades of meetings and diet books have gotten me no where. It's not that I don't KNOW what I have to do, I just can't seem to DO it. Especially when I have this poor man living here to be my scape goat for my actions.
Will anything change when I return ALONE to Florida in a couple of weeks and have no one to blame or cook for? Of course not !! We all know that . . . but for now . . .
It is ALL Dwayne's fault !!!! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it !! In fact I'm sticking to that story just as strongly as those fat cells are sticking to my arteries.
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