I bet you can tell from the title of todays blog exactly where this is headed. As the days go on and on and on and on and on and on and on with Mr. Man being here I am finding Oh So Many little things that irritate me about this co-habitation situation. The Man is a sweetheart . . . not a nasty streak in his whole body . . . and it seems that he actually must like me to want to stay here with me for SUCH A LOOOOOOOONG time. We really didn't have a choice this year as to how long he would be here thanks to Covid 19 but if the rolls were reversed I would have been out of here a month ago virus or no virus. Sickness is always preferable to murder.
As my BFF Sharon said on the phone the other day, "Cathie, you were so close to the perfect life and you blew it !" This was in reference to my bitching to her on the phone about the need for ALONE time and some space. I WAS so close 4 years ago when I met Mr. Man. Husband had been deceased exactly a year and I was just starting to get into this heavenly life without a man when I met D.
I REALLY did not want to have another man in my life. I had complained for over thirty years how I couldn't stand living with Husband and then I go and open the door to starting all over again with a new man in my life. To use an old cliche . . . It's not them, it's ME !! And that is the truth of the matter. I just don't like having to "answer" or "take care" of anyone but myself. Selfish yes, but true none the less.
But here I am . . . and so in order to keep sane and calm I find as many ways to laugh at the actions of the poor man living with me. NEVER ever do I laugh at him to his face or even to let on that I find many of his "manly" actions to be quite hilarious. Because he is such a good person I would never want him to feel under appreciated or disrespected. I DO appreciate all that he is and all that he does. But some times his actions just crack me up. FOR EXAMPLE . . . Today there was a wasp in the bathroom. I had opened all the doors to get some wonderful, rare, balmy air into the house and in spite of having a screened in lanai a wasp found its way into my bathroom. The Nerve ! I HATE wasps and even though I think this little bastard was just a mud wasp and not the vicious man eating wasps that are arriving from China it HAD to go. My mistake was to mention to The Man that there was a wasp in the bathroom. IMMEDIATELY he went into warrior mode. I think I actually saw his eyes light up at the thought of going into battle with a deadly beast. I had visions of him heading for the closet to get his pistol in order to blow the menace off the face of the earth. Thankfully The Man was sitting down reading the paper so he didn't jump right up to launch the assault. He did question if I had a fly swatter to which I said I did and then he went back to the paper. Now since he did NOT jump up right away to kill the monster in the bathroom I just went to the closet, took out the fly swatter and slapped the living daylights out of the man . . . NO Just Kidding . . . I took the swatter into the bathroom and beat the S_ _ t out of the wasp. Actually it wasn't much of a battle since I think the poor thing was half dead already. As I came out of the bathroom I told Mr. Man I had taken care of the situation so he could relax. I swear there were tears of disappointment in his eyes. I had unwittingly taken away a great opportunity for The Man to display his manliness and be a Hero. He had been ready to don his armor and go to battle for me and I deprived him of that honor. Shame on me.
But it sure does make for a good story . . . almost as good as the day he almost blew himself up with this oxygen and the BBQ up in Michigan. These men in our lives may annoy the hell out of us but they are better than watching TV 24/7 and they are ALWAYS good for a laugh.
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