These were the three words that woke me from my sleep at 8:30 this morning. Considering we had stayed up till after 1:00 AM watching TV I usually would have stayed asleep until at least ten but there I was, sound asleep, not dreaming, (I remember for sure I was not dreaming), when I heard a deep man's voice say to me, "Are You Ready?" I came awake immediately and looked toward the foot of the bed expecting to see Dwayne standing there talking to me. (Even though the voice that I heard was definitely not his who else would be speaking to me? ) When I saw that he wasn't there I sat up and looked around the bedroom and saw that I was completely alone.
Now if you have been with me over the years I bet you can imagine exactly where my mind went from there . . . OF COURSE . . . It was GOD !
GOD had spoken to me and was asking if I was ready to join him in the Great Hereafter. I mean, what else could explain this ?
By now I am wide awake, sitting in the bed tears rolling down my face because, as I explained out loud to God, I really was NOT ready to leave this Earth because I did not have an opportunity to say "good bye" to my family. BUT . . . I continued to explain to the Lord, . . . it is ALWAYS HIS WILL be done and not mine so if he wanted me now I was indeed ready to take the best adventure of my life yet.
As I continued to sit in the bed crying I figured God was giving me a "heads up" so I could get my act together and say good-by to my kids and grand kids. Knowing full well that I was not about to call anyone at this hour of the morning, especially on a Sunday, I reached into the dresser next to the bed and pulled out my journal and began to write.
I have often thought I should write a "good-bye" to my loved ones but then I get thinking I'm just being dumb and put it off again and again. I have left notes in my important papers addressing my "important" matters but a true good-bye has never been written.
Until today . . . Two pages in my journal are written specifically to my family JUST IN CASE this stupid pain in my leg kills me. There was always a joke between Gerry and I about the cousin he had who died from a pain in her leg. No more information then that but it was one of the first "stories" Ger told me when we were dating . . . who knows why . . . that was just Ger. Over the years we would laugh about it when ever one of us had an ache or pain. He would ALWAYS say, "Remember my cousin who died from a pain in her leg!" Perhaps that was a peek into my future ?
What ever the explanation for my hearing voices I AM ready to go where ever I am called. Perhaps it will be my final journey, or maybe its a trip to the emergency room or, even more likely, the insane asylum ! Where ever I am headed I'm ready for an adventure .
I'll keep you posted !
P.S. Thanks to the Tylenol + Codeine I am not in any pain today even though my knee remains swollen like a grape fruit. Hopefully I'll be alive tomorrow to get the results of the x-ray and find out just what is going on here.
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