Monday, July 20, 2020


" You did too much today!"     These are the words spoken to me last night as I limped into the bedroom to collapse on the bed. I had just taken my shower and decided I just might be dying of a blood clot since both legs were swollen and sore. (As if you would have a blood clot in both legs at the same time !) But I WAS hurting because I had not laid down at all that afternoon to put my feet up so I was particularly achey.

As The Man spoke these words I agreed with him and with a laugh said, "Yup, I always over do it" . As I lay there waiting for sleep to overcome my brain, (which is always the last part of me that lets me relax), I began to think back over the day and just what exactly HAD I done that made me so sore.


Let us begin with when I heard God asking if I "was ready" at 8:30 that morning. Looking back on it I think maybe God was not asking if I was ready to come to my Heavenly reward but if I was ready to face another day with this man. I got up fully expecting to drop dead at any moment, hobbled into the kitchen and made breakfast for the 2 of us.  Each morning The Man gets up, sits at the kitchen table and has coffee and cookies for breakfast. He remains at the table for at least 2 hours until he "wakes" up.  Every day I try to eat something "healthy" to start my day so yesterday I made an egg and toast. Of course I also cooked one for him.

Moving on into the day The Man now is ready to "get something done".  I had sat and watched Sunday mass on the computer because I just knew my knees would not make it up the flight of steps into the little church here in town. (The steps are about the height of Mt. Everest).  Once church was done it was time to get moving.  O.K.  I can do that . . . after all I have been laying around in pain for 3 days now and the pain is almost all gone so I guess I need to move these old bones.

Problem being I did not need to move them quite as much as what The Man had me doing.

We started out with a plan to drive into town where I would just run into the grocery store and pick up a steak for dinner. Sounds simple enough . . .  HA !!! . . . I get myself into the car, (both knees screaming the whole time) and he says, " Let's stop at the trailer and YOU can put the tire on it for me".  . . . WTF . . . He must have realized I was about to hit him when he quickly added, "I'll lift the trailer and you just need to bend down and SLIP the wheel on the axle".  And that is exactly what I did ! Got back OUT of the car, took the tire from the back seat and "slipped" it on the axle. (After only 3 tries)

Now we get back in the car and are headed into town . . . at which point The Man says, "How about I stop at the gas station and you can fill the tank".

Now I realize the man is on oxygen and can't breathe but if we were in Alaska he would have been out on his son's boat fishing but he can't fill the car with gas because the tank is on the passenger side of the car and he would have to drag his oxygen with him to get around the car.  It makes sense that I do the filling but REALLY . . .could this not have waited one more day ?  NOPE . . .  once again I crawl out of the car, pump the gas and crawl back into the car.   Now we are off to the grocery store where I will just run in for a steak.   RIGHT ! . . . As I am getting out of the car The Man calls after me to also pick up some fresh corn, some French fries and some ice cream.  The corn is on one side of the store and the ice cream and fries are on the other side so I get to journey through the entire store for our steak.  (To be fair, this grocery store is about the size of a 7/11 so it really isn't that much of a journey. ).

I now have thrown the groceries into the trunk and we head home where I get to unload the car and drag everything up the 5 steps into the house where I get to put everything away until it is time for me to cook dinner.

And he thinks I DID TOO MUCH !!!!!!

I must add in his defense The Man is living with a nut case and we all know it.  Here's just one of my most recent "Dumb Blonde" moments . . .

The hot water faucet in D's kitchen does not have a stopping point.  You can turn the handle clockwise or counter clockwise to get hot water.  When you shut it off you just have to turn it to the point where the water stops flowing because if you continue turning the water just begins to flow again.  (Dumb and it NEEDS to be fixed but it is not a priority to The Man.). Well, a couple of days ago I am at the sink washing dishes and when I finish I turn off the hot water. Except the water keeps running.  I turn the faucet one way then the other looking for the magic spot where the water should turn off but nothing is working.  I am starting to panic thinking I have really screwed this up. The Man is seated at the kitchen table, (as always) and must have picked up on my panic because he says, "What's the matter?" . . . I tell him I can't get the hot water to shut off to which he replies, as always in situations like this, "Well what the F---?"  Now I am thinking I have really messed up the faucet and visions of me crawling under the sink to turn off the main valve are running through my brain. With that The Man comes into the kitchen, which I have quickly vacated, walks over to the sink and turns OFF the water.  He turns to look at me and I am totally amazed that he could fix this terrible problem so quickly. I asked him,"HOW DID YOU FIX IT SO FAST ?"  To which he replied very calmly, "You also had the cold water turned on so that is what was continuing to run after the hot water was off."  DUH. DUH. DUH !!!!!!  

So you see . . .  I pick on this man all the time but he does not have an easy part in this relationship either.

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