I can not believe what The Man said to me today . . . and I didn't even blink an eye because even though I can't believe he said what he did it fits the male profile.
Once again we were outside on this beautiful but chilly day. The Man was on his lawn mower and I was finding endless things to keep myself busy. I had just gotten into blowing leaves off the patio when The Man rode over and asked me to move the RV so he could cut the grass where it was parked. I love driving the RV so I was happy to leave the leaf blower to move the motor home. After I parked it I decided to go through it to see what we had left in there from last summer.
Sadly, The Man has decided to sell the camper because he just can't handle the set up each time we stop at a camp ground. There really isn't much to setting it up but because his breathing is constantly getting worse even the smallest of tasks causes him to have difficulty breathing. I am still good to go with all the hooking up of electric and water but The Man worries that if anything out of the ordinary happens we will not be able to handle it. It's a valid concern, so after discussing it with me we have decided to sell it. I will be very disappointed to get rid of it but it is the best move for him.
With the potential sale in mind I decided to go through the RV and take out some of the things we have kept in there. As I was looking through the cabinets The Man drove up to see what I was up to. I had the camper door open and a pile of things sitting on the top step, ready to take back to the house. I explained what I was doing and The Man offered the use of his little trailer that's hitched to the back of his mower. He said we could put everything in the trailer and he would drive it around to the front door of the house where it would be easy to unload. I actually thought this was a fantastic idea that would save me several trips back and forth to the house. What The Man did not realize was that the small pile of things on the top step was just the "tip of the iceberg". As I started filling his trailer with more and more stuff The Man said . . . "Are you bringing ALL THAT into the house?" . . . ( For your information "ALL THAT" consisted of 2 small boxes and a kitchen garbage bag. It was not as if I had emptied the entire contents of his garage into the trailer.) To give The Man credit he must have seen the look on my face because he immediately said, "OH, I guess it's not THAT much".
What you have to remember here is that this is the man who has SO much stuff in his house, attic, basement and garage that it will take fourteen moving companies and a couple of sherpas a month to clean out all his stuff. As I sit here writing this I am looking at a pile of at least 8 sheep skins sitting in a corner of the parlor. The contents of this house could furnish all of Buckingham Palace and then some. (If only the Queen liked sheep skins and antique lamps.) So for The Man to question me bringing the contents of the RV back into the house is just plain ludicrous. In fact, if you think about it, all the stuff in the RV came OUT of this very same house two years ago when we first bought the camper.
It's comments like this that make me question my sanity. But then I remember who I am dealing with and all is well once again. I just have to remind myself that men can't help themselves, it's in their DNA to say dumb things. Good thing it's in my DNA not to hit them with a frying pan. (Of which we have at least seven.)