Sunday, May 9, 2021


It's Sunday so don't expect too much from my brain on this "day of rest" . . .   And it's Mother's Day too !!!

I woke up this morning to a bunch of text messages from friends and family wishing me a HappyMother's Day. That was nice !!!!  Keri and Steve and kids gave me my Mother's Day gift 2 weeks ago when they took me out for my birthday.  This summer they will be renting an RV and traveling up to the UP to see the sights and grandma.  Not necessarily in that order.  GREAT !!!!!!!   By then I will be in need of some grand kid hugs.      Kyle and Bridget and Abby sent me an herb garden that is now sitting outside on the back steps in the fleeting sunshine. I have to bring it in at night because it is still getting near or below freezing once the sun goes down.  It is a very happy looking little garden with Sage, Thyme and Rosemary  plants that are looking very happy in spite of traveling from where ever they were born to the wilds of Michigan. They do seem to be enjoying the fresh air and sunshine as much as I am today. 

In spite of the huge clouds that are moving in as the day progresses The Man and I managed to get about a half hour of sitting in the sun.  It felt WONDERFUL !!!  When I got up today The Man was sitting in his usual spot at the kitchen table looking out at his kingdom.  Because it has been so cold since our return The Man just assumed it was still freezing out side.  (The heat in the house was up to about 80 so anything below that would be considered cold in his world.  I might ask why he had to rush back to MI when it was 80 in Florida but that question shall remain un spoken. ). When I took my little herb garden out side to put it back in the sun I realized it was BEAUTIFUL out side.  The clouds had not yet moved in and the wind was at a minimum so the sunshine was hot.  I walked down to the garage and brought our zero gravity chairs up to the back of the house and talked The Man into going out for some fresh air.  The air up here is FRESH !  I love Florida and the smell of the salt air but UP air is something else. It has a wonderful smell all it's own so it was lovely sitting out there for the whole half hour before the clouds arrived and the temperature dropped 40 degrees.  HOLY CRAP !!!  When that sun goes behind a cloud it gets C O L D !! But at least I did get The Man out of the house and breathing some fresh air, which is probably what he needs more than anything.

Since we have been back The Man has been "Under The Weather". He exhausts himself traveling like a mad demon trying to "make time" rather than stopping to smell the roses along the way.  I've written about this before so you know my thoughts on it. And like every time we have made this drive The Man admits he needs to slow it down, let me drive and stop for more breaks but like every other time I know it isn't going to happen.  So this week has been a week of recovery and adjustment for both of us.  He started to get congested, (not a good thing for someone with end stage COPD), he was run down and feeling crappy.  We got him on some antibiotics and lots of rest so that he is now starting to feel better.  After sitting in this house for 6 days breathing in the dusty, hot, dry air that also has a faint tinge of propane gas laced through it, getting him outside today was a huge step in his recovery. 

(You may ask "WHY" does the house have a bit of propane gas filling the air . . .   Don't ask !  I have questioned this for 4 years and The Man's answer is ALWAYS,  "It's always been like that ", end of discussions.  The big old stove in the kitchen is a gas stove.  It leaks propane . . .   I know it, he knows it, but because neither he nor any of his family members have ever died from it he chooses to ignore it.  I open as many windows on as many days as I can so I have no fear of dying in my sleep but it is a concern to me.)

I am hoping that the weather continues to warm up and that The Man continues to gain his strength because we have a lot to get done around here. We have managed to empty the car and most of the stuff that we dragged here from Florida has been put away with one exception . . .  There are TWO BAGS of shoes that The Man brought TO and FROM Florida without ever wearing any of them.  The entire time we were in Florida The Man wore either his slippers or his one pair of sneakers. Why he felt the need to pack six other pairs of shoes is beyond me.  First of all . . .  The Man goes NO WHERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!  We do not go out to eat, we do not go out ANY PLACE with the exception of the West Palm Beach VA and when he goes there he always wears his sneakers.  Other than that The Man could remain butt naked and barefoot because no one will ever see him.  When friends come to visit The Man usually has his slippers on. (I have to tell you that since Jeanne and Frank gave The Man a pair of "Donald Trump" slippers The Man has not worn anything else on his feet when he is at home.). 

At this moment the two bags of shoes are sitting on the couch across the room from me and I can almost guarantee you they will still be sitting there five months from now when we return to Florida.  I think I may hide them in a closet and see if he ever looks for them.  I bet not !

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