Saturday, May 29, 2021


 There are some things in life that you just KNOW you can be guaranteed they WILL happen.  Things like the day after the warrantee runs out on your car, refrigerator or vacuum cleaner it will break down. I can guarantee it !  Or as soon as you wash your car it will rain.  If you plan a cruise to the Caribbean you know for sure there will be a hurricane the week you are set to sail.  The day you forget your cell phone is the day you get stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. Some people refer to these incidents as Murphy's law but what ever you choose to call it you know it's true.  

One of my favorite guarantees has to do with the opposite sex. They are a warehouse full of guaranteed characteristics like always being late for dinner on the night you prepare a special meal. Or wanting sex after you have been up half the night with a sick kid. Don't get me started on the list because it could go on forever. I just happened to get thinking about this topic today after a discussion I had with The Man. 

Much to the chagrin of The Man I am fired up with energy today because it is a beautiful day and I want to be outside. Yesterday was cloudy, windy and COLD which forced us to be indoors all day. Because The Man is part hermit yesterday was his perfect day. He spent the entire time sitting inside at his favorite spot at the kitchen table.  (Except for his two hour nap in the middle of the afternoon.) 

This morning I headed out the door to tackle THE "GARDEN". I use the term "garden" quite loosely because there really isn't a formal garden or even an informal one for that matter.  There are just places in the yard where things grow.  One area has peonies growing, another contains rhubarb, and yet another has asparagus. All through out the "lawn" there is wild thyme running rampant.  It is so fragrant when ever The Man mows the grass. But today my attention was focussed on the 2 foot wide border along the cement patio at the back of the house. Armed with a leaf blower, a weed whacker, garden gloves and a flame thrower, (no not really), I planned my attack. When in Florida I discovered that if you spray weeds with a solution of vinegar with a couple of drops of dawn dish detergent it will kill anything that grows. Armed with our new gallon sprayer I set out to kill some weeds and beat back the wild rose bushes that take over the entire yard if not kept under control. Unusual as it might seem The Man was OK with all this. (I guess he is getting used to my insanity.) I had just gotten started when The Man showed up on his ride on lawnmower asking me to help him with something out in another part of the yard. I could be guaranteed that this would happen as soon as I got started on MY project.  When we finished his project I returned to the weeds only to have you know who decide it was lunch time, did I want to come in to eat? Translation . . .  "Would you make me a sandwich ? " 

This behavior is so predictable. Just like his starting a conversation just as I am ready to walk out the door. Or asking what we are having for dinner tomorrow just as I am falling asleep.  Or deciding to need something three seconds after I have put it away.  

I can't decide if they do this on purpose just to drive us nuts or are they really living in a bubble so small that they are totally unaware of their actions.  Either way it is guaranteed to drive me nuts !

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