Some people have fun by jumping out of a plane. Others might climb onto a raft and race down a raging river. I just deal with crazy old people to stay entertained each day. God has placed not one but TWO old folks in my life to entertain me. I guess taking care of Cousin Lu Lu wasn't enough for me to do penance with, God felt the need to add The Man to my life to fill in the quiet times when Lu Lu isn't driving me nuts. God was very tricky when he sucked me into sharing my life with The Man. God gave us several years of travel, cruises and trips to Alaska so that I would get totally immersed in my new life with The Man. Stupid me fell for it !! Hook line and sinker.
Apparently now it is pay back time.
I firmly believe that God puts us where we are supposed to be. I guess The Man was in need of someone to help him through this COPD adventure. So here I am, once again, sitting in a hospital room staring at my man who is in the hospital bed breathing through a mask that's pumping Oxygen into his lungs. Funny joke God !
COPD is a crappy way to live. We go for months/weeks living what's a normal life for us and then WHAM !!! The Man's breathing goes to shit and we are back in the hospital. There is nothing I love more than sitting in a hospital room staring at The Man. It'a like going to school . . . I have to be here but I really do not like it ! But if I am honest maybe I do "enjoy" this just a little? Being here at the hospital I get to do all the things that I don't usually get to do when I am home. I can sit and be a lazy lump for the entire day. I have my computer so I have time to blog. I get to read the entire newspaper each morning. I have a good book that I don't take enough time to sit and read so now I can read all day while The Man naps or watches TV. It really isn't such a bad deal.
Of course there is a down side to all this. When The Man is sick he gets VERY stubborn. This is a side of him that I share. Two stubborn people living together can be a disaster. Usually we do very well together but when he is sick he also gets STUPID !! Well, now that I think about it he does a LOT of dumb things which is usually what puts him in the hospital. He doesn't drink enough water. A quarter of a cup of water a day is NOT enough. If you ask him is he has had a lot of water today he will get pissed and tell you "Of course!" In his little brain he thinks he is drinking a lot but I know better. Not drinking gets his kidneys in a tizzy so his feet start to swell. When his feet start to swell it puts pressure on his heart. Add to that his lousy lungs and we have a recipe for disaster. Not using his breathing machine causes him to retain CO2 in his lungs which then cause his organs to become starved of oxygen and start failing to work properly. Between the CO2 poisoning and the failing kidneys The Man becomes SO STUBBORN that he won't listen to anyone, (Doctors included) so we end up in the ER where we have to wait for hours and hours. ( I think we are on a first name basis with most of the ER staff. )
Our latest adventure was even more exciting because The Man was so weak we had to call 911 to get the firemen to come take him to the ER. Luckily I watch enough stupid TV that I know I need to keep a "To Go Bag" for when these emergency trips occur. (I'm getting so smart)
We are now situated in a comfy room. The man is enjoying being waited on and I am enjoying not having to wait on him. Except for the twelve thousand things that he needs every two seconds. At 5 or 6 o'clock when I leave here I smile thinking "I'm Free". I wish the nurses "GOOD LUCK" as I merrily skip out to my car.
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