Lately life around here has been quite interesting. More so than usual, if that is possible. The Man has been in and out of the hospital with his COPD and he is in need of a lot more help that he used to be. This is hard on both of us physically and mentally. He has lost a lot of weight but he is still heavy enough that my old bones can't manage pushing him around in a wheel chair and lifting the chair in and out of the car. (And yet in spite of all this he still insists that he drive! Good thing my guardian angel is used to taking care of me.)
But enough about The Man. All my blogs seem to revolve around him. Which is not that strange because he provides me with endless sources of material. Today I thought it only fair that I share my latest misadventure with you so you will be reminded that, (I know this will be hard to believe), I am NOT perfect ! (I try to keep that fact to myself but every so often I do something so stupid that it's just too good not to share,
It all started with The Man's latest trip to the hospital for 4 days. We went to the ER by ambulance because neither he nor I was up to the challenge of getting him out of the house, into the car and into the hospital. (And if you arrive by ambulance you are seen a LOT quicker.) Once we were in a room in the ER our job was to sit and wait until someone decided if The Man was going to be kept there or sent home. It takes as myriad of tests and hours of sitting waiting until a decision is made. In this case it only took 6 hours. Because the ER is such a busy place they frown on visitors walking around outside of the patients room. No problem there, I am a lazy lump who delights in sitting around while The Man sleeps. Finally he was sent up to a room and I got to go home to an empty house where I promptly got some snacks and planted myself on the couch to catch up on some serious TV time watching something I wanted to watch. Several hours later I got a few hours sleep and then headed up to the hospital where I proceeded to sit on my butt for the next 3 days. By the time The Man was released my back was in pain. Hauling the wheel chair and The Man did not help matters.
So now you have the background story . . . About 3 days ago my back was really sending me distress signals that it was NOT HAPPY ! I made an emergency visit to the chiropractor but even that wasn't enough to quiet down my muscles. Now it was time to take matters into my own hands. I know the different "twinges" that occur when my back is in crisis and these were the ones that required ice rather than heat. I dug an ice pack from the freezer, wrapped it in a towel and stuck it into my underwear where it rode around for the day until it melted. Having made my back feel better I did the same the following day . . . with one minor change. I was in a hurry and didn't wrap the ice pack in a towel, I just went COLD turkey and stuck the damn thing in my underwear and proceeded to sit on the lanai and visit with a friend for an hour or so. The cold pack felt good sitting and my back felt good also. Later in the day I removed the ice pack that was now melted, stuck it back in the freezer and went to get ready for bed.
I have an 4X6 inch patch of freezer burn on my butt !!! IT HURTS LIKE HELL !!!! Frost bite is no joke folks. That patch of skin is as sore as any sunburn I have ever gotten at the beach. Luckily it is in a place that the world will never see so no one can see what a dumb ass I am.
The Aloe is working well at calming things down but it will be quite a while before I put another ice pack on my body.
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