Several years ago my dog died. I was away on vacation and the girl who was "dog sitting" called my best friend, Sharon, to inform her that the dog was dead. Sharon called me in Florida to give me the news. She then did something that I thought was the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for me. Sharon went to my house and, (after disposing of the dog), picked up all of the dog toys, dishes, bowls, bones and bedding and took them to her house. She did this so I wouldn't have to come home to the empty house and see these things that reminded me of my pet.
Tonight I came back from Ft. Lauderdale and visiting Kent and Kristen and walked into a house filled with toys that are left from my 2 little grand daughters visiting. Kaelin flew home this afternoon with her mom and dad and Abby is leaving tomorrow. It is far worse than after my dog died. Here are all the toys that Kaelin and I played with over the past 10 days. The blocks that we gave her for Christmas that caused so many high pitched screeches as they came crashing to the floor. The baby dolls and stroller that were scattered through the house waiting for the next tea party to begin. The endless Minnie Mouse marathons on the DVD player. A ball pit, shopping basket, mini kitchen set, hot wheel cars and track, books and puzzles. They are all here with no one to play with them. I am sitting her sobbing and wishing Christmas could go on forever but only if it is shared with a 2 and a 5 year old. This was the best Christmas yet and I can't imagine how I will survive the next month or so till I see these little ones again. I know that in a day or two things will return to "normal" for us and we will be "back in our routine" but for the time being I feel like my life has been emptied of all joy and happiness because these 2 little girls have returned home. This is so much worse than when the dog died but the good thing is,
I will see the girls again and I will be so busy putting all these toys away that I probably won't miss them for long.
Happy New Year to all.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Cheer
Rah Rah . . . sis boom bah . . . humbug . . . F . . . this holiday shit !
I AM NOT a Scrooge by nature. I try to see the good in people and events but I am hard pressed to remain cheerful at this particular moment in time. I NEED to write and vent so please just let me get it out and hopefully move on to a happier place.
Let me set the scene: Today is Christmas "Adam". (The day before Christmas Eve because Adam came before Eve.) My wonderful Granddaughter Kaelin is here with her mom and dad. That is GOOD ! Kent and Kristen and Mookie the dog were here for the day. That is Good. The weather is sunny but cool. That is GOOD. The house is ready, the gifts are wrapped, the cards are sent. That is ALL GOOD. I AM EXHAUSTED ! That is NOT good. My kitchen is piled high with dirty dishes and pots, food is sitting out, the laundry is over flowing the laundry room and THE HUSBAND IS WATCHING TV ! This is all NOT GOOD.
To be fair, he has asked " W H A T C A N I D O T O H E L P ?" Now I have 2, no 3, choices here . . . 1. Stop and take the time to slowly tell him step by step what he can do to help, (which would take me more time than if I actually do it myself), 2. Just say, "No thanks, I've got it covered", 0r 3. Begin screaming "What the 'f' is your problem that you can't see what needs to be done without me asking you . . . *&%$#%&*%#@#^%*&*&%^%$@@!$$ ".
I have opted for choice # 2 since it is Christmas and murder is frowned upon in the state of Florida. But I have chosen #2 with a minor time out to write this blog while waiting for the Valium to kick in. If I had remained in the kitchen I would probably have gone straight to choice #3 and been heading for Mexico to hide from the police.
I really don't get it guys . . . please tell me that you truly are just stupid idiots and cannot clean a house without someone telling you exactly what to do. Because I would hate to think that you are the self centered, lazy sons of bitches that I have come to think you are. This whole "poor me, I'm a man and don't know how to clean", shit is getting mighty old.
And so, for my Holiday Cheer . . . Here goes . . .
(And don't plan on "getting any" for the next 12 months, you freaking idiot !)
I AM NOT a Scrooge by nature. I try to see the good in people and events but I am hard pressed to remain cheerful at this particular moment in time. I NEED to write and vent so please just let me get it out and hopefully move on to a happier place.
Let me set the scene: Today is Christmas "Adam". (The day before Christmas Eve because Adam came before Eve.) My wonderful Granddaughter Kaelin is here with her mom and dad. That is GOOD ! Kent and Kristen and Mookie the dog were here for the day. That is Good. The weather is sunny but cool. That is GOOD. The house is ready, the gifts are wrapped, the cards are sent. That is ALL GOOD. I AM EXHAUSTED ! That is NOT good. My kitchen is piled high with dirty dishes and pots, food is sitting out, the laundry is over flowing the laundry room and THE HUSBAND IS WATCHING TV ! This is all NOT GOOD.
To be fair, he has asked " W H A T C A N I D O T O H E L P ?" Now I have 2, no 3, choices here . . . 1. Stop and take the time to slowly tell him step by step what he can do to help, (which would take me more time than if I actually do it myself), 2. Just say, "No thanks, I've got it covered", 0r 3. Begin screaming "What the 'f' is your problem that you can't see what needs to be done without me asking you . . . *&%$#%&*%#@#^%*&*&%^%$@@!$$ ".
I have opted for choice # 2 since it is Christmas and murder is frowned upon in the state of Florida. But I have chosen #2 with a minor time out to write this blog while waiting for the Valium to kick in. If I had remained in the kitchen I would probably have gone straight to choice #3 and been heading for Mexico to hide from the police.
I really don't get it guys . . . please tell me that you truly are just stupid idiots and cannot clean a house without someone telling you exactly what to do. Because I would hate to think that you are the self centered, lazy sons of bitches that I have come to think you are. This whole "poor me, I'm a man and don't know how to clean", shit is getting mighty old.
And so, for my Holiday Cheer . . . Here goes . . .
(And don't plan on "getting any" for the next 12 months, you freaking idiot !)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Gonna Be a Man
Last Thursday, Thanksgiving, my daughter-in-law, Kristen, and I were in the kitchen cleaning up after the feast. The "BOYS" had taken over the den . . . Kent asleep on the couch and Ger in his recliner half dozing in front of a football game. AND ALL WAS WELL WITH THE WORLD ! Isn't that the way Thanksgiving is always pictured on TV and the magazines? Kristen looked at me and said, "I want to come back as a man". And the two of us burst into laughter. She is so young and already so wise.
Not to put down the guys out there but honestly, what is with you men? You didn't help with the preparation, (Ger hurt his knee so he couldn't stand.) you didn't help with the cleaning, (Ger WAS helping vacuum when he hurt his knee), and now you are not helping with the cleanup. (To be honest, even if he hadn't hurt his knee you and I both know he would not be helping anyway.) Did I miss some fine print in my marriage vows that stated "husband will rest, wife will work"? I know there are men out there who are very involved in their home life. My oldest son is a perfect example of that. He helps make up menus & shopping lists, he helps shop and cook and clean up. He even makes his own lunches to take to work. How did this happen ? He is my son and he knows enough to HELP his wife. Then we have the youngest son. To be fair, he has been working on projects for their newly purchased home but he doesn't cook, clean or shop. What did I do with Kyle that I failed to do with Kent? Or what didn't I do ? (Or maybe it has nothing to do with me . . . I just feel guilty because that's what mothers do.) Is it all about the wives? I know f I tried to be the "perfect" wife when I got married. Wives are supposed to cater to their husbands every whim, aren't they? That's what my mother did, that's what my mother-in-law did so I guessed that was what I was supposed to do. WRONG !! It's too late for me but I swear I taught my daughter better and I am trying to get this message through to Kristen before it is too late. Bridget, (Kyle's wife) is great. She is a strong, no nonsense young woman who is not about to be taken advantage of. YOU GO GIRL ! Kristen is a mini me. I keep telling her to kick Kent's butt and get him involved in EVERYTHING around the house. None of this "man's work & woman's work" shit ! If you live here, you need to get off your ass and help with everything from making the bed to doing the laundry. It was one thing when I was home all the time and Ger was working 2 jobs . . . WHAT ! . . . that is a crock of poopie ! I was home with 3 kids, running to school, doctors, grocery stores, post office, and numerous soccer and baseball games. But I bought into the lie because I was stupid. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE ! A family is only as strong as the team that makes it a family and you remember that old saying;
Come on Kristen, You can do it . . . be a MAN !
Not to put down the guys out there but honestly, what is with you men? You didn't help with the preparation, (Ger hurt his knee so he couldn't stand.) you didn't help with the cleaning, (Ger WAS helping vacuum when he hurt his knee), and now you are not helping with the cleanup. (To be honest, even if he hadn't hurt his knee you and I both know he would not be helping anyway.) Did I miss some fine print in my marriage vows that stated "husband will rest, wife will work"? I know there are men out there who are very involved in their home life. My oldest son is a perfect example of that. He helps make up menus & shopping lists, he helps shop and cook and clean up. He even makes his own lunches to take to work. How did this happen ? He is my son and he knows enough to HELP his wife. Then we have the youngest son. To be fair, he has been working on projects for their newly purchased home but he doesn't cook, clean or shop. What did I do with Kyle that I failed to do with Kent? Or what didn't I do ? (Or maybe it has nothing to do with me . . . I just feel guilty because that's what mothers do.) Is it all about the wives? I know f I tried to be the "perfect" wife when I got married. Wives are supposed to cater to their husbands every whim, aren't they? That's what my mother did, that's what my mother-in-law did so I guessed that was what I was supposed to do. WRONG !! It's too late for me but I swear I taught my daughter better and I am trying to get this message through to Kristen before it is too late. Bridget, (Kyle's wife) is great. She is a strong, no nonsense young woman who is not about to be taken advantage of. YOU GO GIRL ! Kristen is a mini me. I keep telling her to kick Kent's butt and get him involved in EVERYTHING around the house. None of this "man's work & woman's work" shit ! If you live here, you need to get off your ass and help with everything from making the bed to doing the laundry. It was one thing when I was home all the time and Ger was working 2 jobs . . . WHAT ! . . . that is a crock of poopie ! I was home with 3 kids, running to school, doctors, grocery stores, post office, and numerous soccer and baseball games. But I bought into the lie because I was stupid. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE ! A family is only as strong as the team that makes it a family and you remember that old saying;
Come on Kristen, You can do it . . . be a MAN !
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Christmas Letters
I'm supposed to be writing Christmas Cards. At least that is what I had promised myself I would do for the afternoon. Instead I am blogging. This is a result of my latest SHOWER EPIPHANY. (I do some of my best thinking in the shower. Probably because I am ALONE and it is quiet. My best friends agree that this is their best thinking time also.) Any way . . . In stead of writing the annual boring Christmas Letter I will post this years happening on my Blog ( because you expect to be bored anyway) and just put a note in my Christmas Cards to log in. What do you think?
I must admit I am a dinosaur when it comes to the holidays. There need to be Christmas Cookies (see yesterdays posting), and there need to be personalized greetings to friends, family and long lost acquaintances and neighbors who, if they are anything like us, do occasionally sit and wonder what we are doing with our lives. The CHRISTMAS LETTER fills in everyone on the year past while making everyone think we are normal and doing well. Those people who call or email on a regular basis already know all that is happening, the good, the bad and the crazy. The "once a year folks" get the jazzed up version where we brag about the kids and never mention that we bailed 2 of them out of jail or are raising our 12 grand kids and 18 dogs while living in a rented double wide in Arkansas. . . . Just kidding! Fortunately we have a fantastic family that provides us with much to brag about. But you know as well as I do that you will get at least one letter from a friend or relative that is so embellished that you check the return address and signature just to make sure it is from the person you thought. We have had several occasions at family gatherings to compare notes on various family members Christmas Letters. If we were to compare them to popular authors we would range from Isaac Asimov to Danielle Steel. The fiction is quite entertaining. Not that the letter's aren't based on fact, they just get so filled with "science fiction" and "fluff" that our relatives are hardly recognizable. We end up thinking . . . "Didn't we just see 'so and so' ? They weren't living in a 12 bedroom mansion were they? Wasn't their son the one with the 6 tattoos and police ankle bracelet? Is he really going to Yale? They didn't mention their daughter working at the strip club did they?" HUM . . . maybe I am just jealous that some of the friends and family are better writers than I am. I will never complain about getting Christmas letters, if they are kept under 8 pages, please. And I always figure you can toss them in the garbage if you're not interested or share them with your friends if they give you a laugh.
So get writing and send out the news on what you and your family are up to. We really are interested and appreciate the time you put into writing those letters. A year has flown by and a lot can happen in that time. Share with us and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for another year.
I must admit I am a dinosaur when it comes to the holidays. There need to be Christmas Cookies (see yesterdays posting), and there need to be personalized greetings to friends, family and long lost acquaintances and neighbors who, if they are anything like us, do occasionally sit and wonder what we are doing with our lives. The CHRISTMAS LETTER fills in everyone on the year past while making everyone think we are normal and doing well. Those people who call or email on a regular basis already know all that is happening, the good, the bad and the crazy. The "once a year folks" get the jazzed up version where we brag about the kids and never mention that we bailed 2 of them out of jail or are raising our 12 grand kids and 18 dogs while living in a rented double wide in Arkansas. . . . Just kidding! Fortunately we have a fantastic family that provides us with much to brag about. But you know as well as I do that you will get at least one letter from a friend or relative that is so embellished that you check the return address and signature just to make sure it is from the person you thought. We have had several occasions at family gatherings to compare notes on various family members Christmas Letters. If we were to compare them to popular authors we would range from Isaac Asimov to Danielle Steel. The fiction is quite entertaining. Not that the letter's aren't based on fact, they just get so filled with "science fiction" and "fluff" that our relatives are hardly recognizable. We end up thinking . . . "Didn't we just see 'so and so' ? They weren't living in a 12 bedroom mansion were they? Wasn't their son the one with the 6 tattoos and police ankle bracelet? Is he really going to Yale? They didn't mention their daughter working at the strip club did they?" HUM . . . maybe I am just jealous that some of the friends and family are better writers than I am. I will never complain about getting Christmas letters, if they are kept under 8 pages, please. And I always figure you can toss them in the garbage if you're not interested or share them with your friends if they give you a laugh.
So get writing and send out the news on what you and your family are up to. We really are interested and appreciate the time you put into writing those letters. A year has flown by and a lot can happen in that time. Share with us and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for another year.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy . . BURP . . . Thanksgiving !
How was your holiday ? With family ? Friends ? Did you eat too much ?
How is it I can spend an entire month "dieting" and blow it all in one single day? AHHHH, but what a day! All the planning and anticipation that goes into the holidays is what makes this time of the year so great. We drove up to Atlanta last week to spend the weekend with Abby because she and her parents were going to Chicago for Thanksgiving. Kyle and Bridget were out all day on Saturday so Abby and I spent the afternoon making stuffing, cranberry jello and chocolate cream pie. Abby is quite the cook for a 4 and a half year old. I will admit that at one point the kitchen floor was covered with mini marshmallows and Abby was covered with chocolate but other than that we did quite well. On Sunday we all sat down to an Atlanta Thanksgiving dinner. We left there on Monday and drove home to start getting ready for the Florida Thanksgiving. Tuesday was shopping and cleaning, Wednesday was cooking and baking and Thursday was EATING !!!!! Kent and Kristen and Mookie the dog drove up on Thanksgiving day and we feasted for the entire afternoon and evening. Some of us ate so much that she had to take some stomach pills before bed. Good thing I had something for Kristen. The poor girl was positively green. We decided it was the 3 helpings of turkey dinner at 2, some beer before and after dinner. Wine with dinner, almost an entire pan of Kristen's famous 7 LAYER BARS, (that are so good we have to beat Kent with a stick to get him to share), a hot turkey sandwich at 7 and cheese cake before bed. But a couple of Pepsid Complete worked their magic and we all had a great night.
This morning Mookie let us all sleep till 9. A real treat for Kent and Kristen because usually their 2 cats have them up at 6 AM. After a walk for Mookie there were bagels with cream cheese and Mimosas! YUMMMMMMMY. But we walked it all off when we went shopping at Ross' and Home Depot. One problem, shopping made us hungry so we had to go to Jimmy John's for subs topped off with smoothies at the Tropical Smoothie cafe!
AH, but revenge is mine . . . I sent Kent and Kristen home with a bag leftovers and ALL the mashed potatoes and the few remaining 7 Layer Bars. (I think Kent would have beat me if I had tried to keep them.)
So now we diet again! Back to Curves on Monday. Get out the cottage cheese and salad. Christmas is only 4 weeks away and as bad (or good) as Thanksgiving is, Christmas means :
CHRISTMAS COOKIES ! (I am hopeless!)
How was your holiday ? With family ? Friends ? Did you eat too much ?
How is it I can spend an entire month "dieting" and blow it all in one single day? AHHHH, but what a day! All the planning and anticipation that goes into the holidays is what makes this time of the year so great. We drove up to Atlanta last week to spend the weekend with Abby because she and her parents were going to Chicago for Thanksgiving. Kyle and Bridget were out all day on Saturday so Abby and I spent the afternoon making stuffing, cranberry jello and chocolate cream pie. Abby is quite the cook for a 4 and a half year old. I will admit that at one point the kitchen floor was covered with mini marshmallows and Abby was covered with chocolate but other than that we did quite well. On Sunday we all sat down to an Atlanta Thanksgiving dinner. We left there on Monday and drove home to start getting ready for the Florida Thanksgiving. Tuesday was shopping and cleaning, Wednesday was cooking and baking and Thursday was EATING !!!!! Kent and Kristen and Mookie the dog drove up on Thanksgiving day and we feasted for the entire afternoon and evening. Some of us ate so much that she had to take some stomach pills before bed. Good thing I had something for Kristen. The poor girl was positively green. We decided it was the 3 helpings of turkey dinner at 2, some beer before and after dinner. Wine with dinner, almost an entire pan of Kristen's famous 7 LAYER BARS, (that are so good we have to beat Kent with a stick to get him to share), a hot turkey sandwich at 7 and cheese cake before bed. But a couple of Pepsid Complete worked their magic and we all had a great night.
This morning Mookie let us all sleep till 9. A real treat for Kent and Kristen because usually their 2 cats have them up at 6 AM. After a walk for Mookie there were bagels with cream cheese and Mimosas! YUMMMMMMMY. But we walked it all off when we went shopping at Ross' and Home Depot. One problem, shopping made us hungry so we had to go to Jimmy John's for subs topped off with smoothies at the Tropical Smoothie cafe!
AH, but revenge is mine . . . I sent Kent and Kristen home with a bag leftovers and ALL the mashed potatoes and the few remaining 7 Layer Bars. (I think Kent would have beat me if I had tried to keep them.)
So now we diet again! Back to Curves on Monday. Get out the cottage cheese and salad. Christmas is only 4 weeks away and as bad (or good) as Thanksgiving is, Christmas means :
CHRISTMAS COOKIES ! (I am hopeless!)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
So, I'm sitting in church this evening waiting for mass to start and instead of praying I got looking around at all my fellow parishioners. We attend mass at the Cathedral of St. Ignatious Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens. We are the main church in the diocese of Palm Beach County. I mention this fact only to give you an idea of the financial level of the congregation. (We go to this church because it is the closest to our house, not for any other reason. We are the poor folk.)
But I digress . . . So, I'm looking around at ALL the senior citizens in the church and it occurs to me I can tell who is a widow and who is a widower. It's really quite simple. There are any number of women in the church who are dressed in most expensive clothes and jewelry. Their hair is perfectly arranged (and colored, not too many purple or blue), their nails are manicured, their makeup is stunning and they are all smiling. These are the WIDOWS. The remainder of the females in the church are dressed in what ever had the least wrinkles and/or still fit our ever expanding thighs. Our hair is hand raked in the car on the way to mass and makeup, if any is limited to a smear of lipstick. We have the latest plastic or rag purse that we bought for $5 at the flea market and our shoes are vintage 1987 because they still fit. The bags under our eyes can be seen across a football field and we can't stop yawning throughout the entire mass.
On the other hand we have the WIDOWERS. These are the men who have on sandals with 2 different color socks. Their pants are stained and baggy and come no where near to matching the wrinkled, stained plaid shirt that they are wearing. They all desperately need a hair cut and don't have a clue that the mustard from their hot dog at lunch is still smeared across their chin. The remaining men in the church are the married men who put the widowers to shame with their smart outfits and polished shoes. Their hair is trimmed and they are wearing expensive watches and eye glasses. They look well rested and at peace with the world.
I have hopes that some day I too will have the opportunity to be the good looking 80 year old with the gold jewelry but I fear Ger will "win" and get to be the sloppy old guy with the pants that are falling off his butt and the hair in his ears. After all, he has been practicing since he retired.
But I digress . . . So, I'm looking around at ALL the senior citizens in the church and it occurs to me I can tell who is a widow and who is a widower. It's really quite simple. There are any number of women in the church who are dressed in most expensive clothes and jewelry. Their hair is perfectly arranged (and colored, not too many purple or blue), their nails are manicured, their makeup is stunning and they are all smiling. These are the WIDOWS. The remainder of the females in the church are dressed in what ever had the least wrinkles and/or still fit our ever expanding thighs. Our hair is hand raked in the car on the way to mass and makeup, if any is limited to a smear of lipstick. We have the latest plastic or rag purse that we bought for $5 at the flea market and our shoes are vintage 1987 because they still fit. The bags under our eyes can be seen across a football field and we can't stop yawning throughout the entire mass.
On the other hand we have the WIDOWERS. These are the men who have on sandals with 2 different color socks. Their pants are stained and baggy and come no where near to matching the wrinkled, stained plaid shirt that they are wearing. They all desperately need a hair cut and don't have a clue that the mustard from their hot dog at lunch is still smeared across their chin. The remaining men in the church are the married men who put the widowers to shame with their smart outfits and polished shoes. Their hair is trimmed and they are wearing expensive watches and eye glasses. They look well rested and at peace with the world.
I have hopes that some day I too will have the opportunity to be the good looking 80 year old with the gold jewelry but I fear Ger will "win" and get to be the sloppy old guy with the pants that are falling off his butt and the hair in his ears. After all, he has been practicing since he retired.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I never wanted to have a daughter. My mom and I were always at odds and fought like cats and dogs. So I figured all moms and daughters acted that way. My first child was a boy and for 4 years Kyle was just an adorable and fantastic little guy. (He is still awesome) Life was perfect. Then I got pregnant again and wondered if I could possibly luck out a second time and have another "perfect" kid. In those days there was no such thing as sonograms so the sex of the baby was always a surprise. I went into labor, and the next thing I knew I was staring into the eyes of the most beautiful little baby girl in the world. Keri was all of 15 minutes old when she looked into my eyes and we had an instant connection. All my fears left and I knew we would be the best of friends forever. Even when my third child, Kent, was born I don't remember the instant connection that happened with Kerrin. (Ger says it must have been the drugs) I adore my sons but there is something about a daughter that can't compare. We had a lot of tough times with Keri and her anxieties but she is the most amazing young woman. I came to think that I was lucky to have only had one daughter because I couldn't possibly feel this way about another girl.
And then my sons got married . . . As amazing as these boys of mine are they have found the perfect partners. Their wives, my daughter-in-laws, bring out the absolute best in my sons. And they never blame me for all their husbands faults. We just laugh and chalk it up to the fact that they are men and take after their father.
I couldn't love these girls more if I had given birth to them. These 3 young women in our family are just wonderful. They bring joy and love into the world each and every day. Each of them has chosen a different path in life and each of them excels in what they do. I have been blessed !
I got thinking about this because of Kristen's blog. She is the sweetest thing and deserves better from her family. I know how lucky Kent is to have her as his wife and I know he understands how blessed he is to have found her.
Her birthday is on Sunday and I wish for her a full life of joy, happiness, love, health and babies of her own that she will love as much as we love her.
To my beautiful Bridget, Kyle's wife and Abby's mom. You are amazing and have given this family the a precious gift. You have given Kyle the gift of love which has opened his world. We adore you and are in awe of you and Kyle. You are the most wonderful parents and I see God's Blessings in each of you.
And to my own daughter, Keri . . . the best thing I can wish for you is that you and your daughter have the same relationship that you and I have. Kaelin knows how wonderful you are. I see that in the way the two of you light up when you see each other. Steve is a fantastic dad but mother's and daughters have that special bond that is the greatest blessing of all.
Thank you God for blessing Ger and I all these wonderful young people in our lives. I love you all.
And then my sons got married . . . As amazing as these boys of mine are they have found the perfect partners. Their wives, my daughter-in-laws, bring out the absolute best in my sons. And they never blame me for all their husbands faults. We just laugh and chalk it up to the fact that they are men and take after their father.
I couldn't love these girls more if I had given birth to them. These 3 young women in our family are just wonderful. They bring joy and love into the world each and every day. Each of them has chosen a different path in life and each of them excels in what they do. I have been blessed !
I got thinking about this because of Kristen's blog. She is the sweetest thing and deserves better from her family. I know how lucky Kent is to have her as his wife and I know he understands how blessed he is to have found her.
Her birthday is on Sunday and I wish for her a full life of joy, happiness, love, health and babies of her own that she will love as much as we love her.
To my beautiful Bridget, Kyle's wife and Abby's mom. You are amazing and have given this family the a precious gift. You have given Kyle the gift of love which has opened his world. We adore you and are in awe of you and Kyle. You are the most wonderful parents and I see God's Blessings in each of you.
And to my own daughter, Keri . . . the best thing I can wish for you is that you and your daughter have the same relationship that you and I have. Kaelin knows how wonderful you are. I see that in the way the two of you light up when you see each other. Steve is a fantastic dad but mother's and daughters have that special bond that is the greatest blessing of all.
Thank you God for blessing Ger and I all these wonderful young people in our lives. I love you all.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I was just puttering around the house with my music on and it occurred to me I AM ONE STEP AWAY FORM BECOMING A COUNTRY WESTERN SONG WRITER ! Think about it . . . all country songs are based on moaning and groaning about problems.
What is my blog based on? PISSING AND MOANING AND GROANING!
So next time you decide to read my crap, make sure to put some music on first.
Do you think I'll go platinum or gold ?
What is my blog based on? PISSING AND MOANING AND GROANING!
So next time you decide to read my crap, make sure to put some music on first.
Do you think I'll go platinum or gold ?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Well good evening. . . Where have I been? Sure wish someone could answer that for me cause I have no idea what I have been doing that has pulled me away from writing. (If you can call this writing. I call it therapy.) I have been traveling but that was weeks ago. I have been cleaning, but that was VERY short lived. I have been eating and sleeping and, well, just plain living. You know the routine, shopping for food, putting away food, cooking food, putting away leftover food. I lead such an exciting life. (Actually I really do!) And through all this I have gone from HAPPY, to tired, to angry, to lazy, to energized, to "who cares" or as I usually say"Who gives a shit" or a "flying 'F'" depending on how bad a day it is. And that is all in the span of about twenty minutes. So you can only imagine what an entire day is like, no less a week. As a result of this I have decided I am BiPolar to the Nth degree. Now please don't take offense, I am not mocking the disorder. What I am saying is that there are a lot of unfortunate people out there suffering from this problem. They are diagnoised, put on different meds and hopefully can lead "normal" lives. Then there are the rest of us who, although not diagnosed with any disorder, are just a up and down with their moods. Blame the hormones, blame the fact that we are female, blame diet, lack of exercise, stress, you name it, we have it. The fact remains that I am as volitle as a capsule of nitro glycerine and my husband just doesn't know how to handle me. Hell, I don't know how to handle me. I think the old lable of MANIC DEPRESSION really says more than bi-polar. Some times I feel really WOOPIE good. Other times I feel REALLY depressed. But I guess that term is too politically incorect and gives one the feeling of being a maniac which is one step this side of nuts.
But politically correct or not, I AM NUTS ! Some days it is a good nuts and some days don't even look my way. I wonder about people like my husband who are ALWAYS just sooooooooooo mellow. Is he for real? I mean, I'm on drugs and I drink and I still can't be mellow all the time. What is with him? Boring !!!! So even though I am swinging through my moods like a monkey through the jungle, I am NEVER bored. Every day is an adventure cause every day I get to wake up and be totally surprised at how I am feeling. Just God help those who live with me!
But politically correct or not, I AM NUTS ! Some days it is a good nuts and some days don't even look my way. I wonder about people like my husband who are ALWAYS just sooooooooooo mellow. Is he for real? I mean, I'm on drugs and I drink and I still can't be mellow all the time. What is with him? Boring !!!! So even though I am swinging through my moods like a monkey through the jungle, I am NEVER bored. Every day is an adventure cause every day I get to wake up and be totally surprised at how I am feeling. Just God help those who live with me!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Amazing Children
A long time ago when my children were born I was amazed by them. As they were placed in my arms for the very first time I couldn't believe that this tiny being was "MY CHILD". This little thing came from my body. I looked at them and knew the true meaning of love.
Then, as they grew, there were constantly moments when they would stop my world. Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, speaking . . . All these things made me look at them in wonder. How incredible these little children were! And they continued to grow and amaze me through the years. Going to school for the first time, making friends, playing sports, excelling academically, learning to drive, getting their first job, going off to college, bringing home their first loves.
With each step they took I looked at them with new eyes that were always wide with wonderment. Seeing them grow into adults that I am so proud of is the absolute best part of being a parent. I have seen my children trying to find themselves and figure out what they wanted to do with their lives. I have seen them find their place in the world and do an exceptional job in their chosen fields. I have seen them marry the perfect person for them. They have each found that one person in the world who brings out the very best in them. I am seeing them bring their children into the world and become truly wonderful parents. I watch them as parents and am in awe of their love for these beautiful children. My children are AMAZING and they continue to find ways to stop my world. Just when I think I know where they are headed in their lives they surprise me again and again in the most wonderful ways.
I love you all with all my heart and I am so very proud of all of you.
Then, as they grew, there were constantly moments when they would stop my world. Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, speaking . . . All these things made me look at them in wonder. How incredible these little children were! And they continued to grow and amaze me through the years. Going to school for the first time, making friends, playing sports, excelling academically, learning to drive, getting their first job, going off to college, bringing home their first loves.
With each step they took I looked at them with new eyes that were always wide with wonderment. Seeing them grow into adults that I am so proud of is the absolute best part of being a parent. I have seen my children trying to find themselves and figure out what they wanted to do with their lives. I have seen them find their place in the world and do an exceptional job in their chosen fields. I have seen them marry the perfect person for them. They have each found that one person in the world who brings out the very best in them. I am seeing them bring their children into the world and become truly wonderful parents. I watch them as parents and am in awe of their love for these beautiful children. My children are AMAZING and they continue to find ways to stop my world. Just when I think I know where they are headed in their lives they surprise me again and again in the most wonderful ways.
I love you all with all my heart and I am so very proud of all of you.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Art of Sleep
As you all know . . . I LIKE TO SLEEP ! . . . For as long as I can remember I have liked to sleep. As a kid I know my room was my castle and my bed was my safe haven, my serenity cave, my security blanket. Now I realize all this leads you to put on your Freudian scowl, stroke your chin and mutter "HUMMMMMMMMMM". Yes, yes I get it, I was hiding from the world and still am when I crawl into my bed and close my eyes. But there is a lot more to it. (And don't try to tell me you don't cower under the covers at times just trying to make the world go away.) There is something about the ritual of sleep that is like washing the chalk board and starting on a fresh new surface. That's part of what sleep does. And for me the idea of "starting over" each day is acknowledged as well as much appreciated.
But there is a ritual as well as an art to all this. You can't just stand up from the couch, drag yourself into the bedroom, toss clothes on the floor and flop into the bed. UGH ! That is disgusting !!! Because I enjoy sleep so very much my BED is sacred ground. My ideal sleeping experience would involve a room of my own with a king size bed and about 6 pillows all covered in satin. The sheets have been hung out doors so they smell of fresh air. Color and sound are not factors because if you are sleeping your eyes are shut and I am usually not aware of sound unless someone points it out to me prior to going to sleep. (Husbands are wonderful for this . . . "Do you hear that drip? ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz" as I lay there listening to the drip and he is sound asleep.) So now we have our bed all set, ready and waiting. I now HAVE to shower before I can climb into my bed. I CAN NOT GO TO BED DIRTY! That is like the major, #1 rule in my sleep book. I can't bring the "dirt" of the world into my bed. And that includes any TV news station. I don't like to watch TV in bed but will on occasion turn on a movie or watch the end of some show but NEVER NEVER NEVER is the news allowed in the bedroom. But before I can settle into my cocoon I have to slather on lotions and creams, brush my teeth, take my meds, find my glasses and my book, arrange all the pillows, check the AC to make sure the temperature in the house is best for sleeping, turn on (or off) the ceiling fan, get a tissue, have a glass of water handy, check to see if all the doors are locked, turn off the computer, and then I can climb into bed. It is usually after 11 by the time this ridiculous ritual is concluded but now I get to snuggle and read. The day falls away, I stop thinking about all that I didn't get done and all I have yet to do when I get up the next day and the chalk board is washed clean so I can say my prayers and drift off to sleep to dream all sorts of wonderful crazy things. My dreams are so vivid and entertaining I usually have trouble getting up in the morning because I don't want to leave them. But I know that after a crazy day of living I can start all over again and look forward to a night of blissful rest. Not that I don't appreciate life but I DO love my sleep!
But there is a ritual as well as an art to all this. You can't just stand up from the couch, drag yourself into the bedroom, toss clothes on the floor and flop into the bed. UGH ! That is disgusting !!! Because I enjoy sleep so very much my BED is sacred ground. My ideal sleeping experience would involve a room of my own with a king size bed and about 6 pillows all covered in satin. The sheets have been hung out doors so they smell of fresh air. Color and sound are not factors because if you are sleeping your eyes are shut and I am usually not aware of sound unless someone points it out to me prior to going to sleep. (Husbands are wonderful for this . . . "Do you hear that drip? ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz" as I lay there listening to the drip and he is sound asleep.) So now we have our bed all set, ready and waiting. I now HAVE to shower before I can climb into my bed. I CAN NOT GO TO BED DIRTY! That is like the major, #1 rule in my sleep book. I can't bring the "dirt" of the world into my bed. And that includes any TV news station. I don't like to watch TV in bed but will on occasion turn on a movie or watch the end of some show but NEVER NEVER NEVER is the news allowed in the bedroom. But before I can settle into my cocoon I have to slather on lotions and creams, brush my teeth, take my meds, find my glasses and my book, arrange all the pillows, check the AC to make sure the temperature in the house is best for sleeping, turn on (or off) the ceiling fan, get a tissue, have a glass of water handy, check to see if all the doors are locked, turn off the computer, and then I can climb into bed. It is usually after 11 by the time this ridiculous ritual is concluded but now I get to snuggle and read. The day falls away, I stop thinking about all that I didn't get done and all I have yet to do when I get up the next day and the chalk board is washed clean so I can say my prayers and drift off to sleep to dream all sorts of wonderful crazy things. My dreams are so vivid and entertaining I usually have trouble getting up in the morning because I don't want to leave them. But I know that after a crazy day of living I can start all over again and look forward to a night of blissful rest. Not that I don't appreciate life but I DO love my sleep!
Monday, October 19, 2009
A Good Book
There is nothing like finding a good book and being able to share it with others. Having some one tell you they loved the book you recommended is almost as good as enjoying the book yourself.
So here's a book for you to check out . . . it's called "THREE CUPS OF TEA" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. The Big surprise to me is that it is a true story!
I don't normally read non fiction. I do love a good STORY. Steven King is "THE KING" to me. How that man comes up with his ideas and how he spins his ideas into such fantastic tales is beyond me.
But here is a book, lent to me by my neighbor, that is just amazing in a totally different way. It is a wonderful story of a young man who goes from attempting to climb one of the highest mountains in the world, K2, to devoting his life to building schools for children in Pakistan.
This is a book for all of us who wonder "How can I make a difference? I'm only one person." Greg Mortenson has done amazing things with his life. His book is a great read. CHECK IT OUT !!!
So here's a book for you to check out . . . it's called "THREE CUPS OF TEA" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. The Big surprise to me is that it is a true story!
I don't normally read non fiction. I do love a good STORY. Steven King is "THE KING" to me. How that man comes up with his ideas and how he spins his ideas into such fantastic tales is beyond me.
But here is a book, lent to me by my neighbor, that is just amazing in a totally different way. It is a wonderful story of a young man who goes from attempting to climb one of the highest mountains in the world, K2, to devoting his life to building schools for children in Pakistan.
This is a book for all of us who wonder "How can I make a difference? I'm only one person." Greg Mortenson has done amazing things with his life. His book is a great read. CHECK IT OUT !!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
It's Not About the Toilet Seat
Some one just sent me an email "from a mans point of view""IT'S ABOUT TIME!" I often wonder why guys put up with our bitching about silly things. I mean really ladies, if the seat is UP just put it DOWN. The actual position of the toilet seat is not the REAL problem and we women know it. The bottom (pun intended) line here has to do with LOVE.
Now stay with me guys, this is important.
Women ask things of their husbands, lovers, soul mates, pain in the asses in order to find out just how much you love us. Do we really care that your socks are laying in the middle of the kitchen table for a week . . . (well, yes we do because they not only look disgusting but they smell too). . . but the bigger picture is that we look at those socks and they scream to us "I DON'T LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO CARE WHETHER THIS BOTHERS YOU OR NOT". It's really very simple when you think about it. (I realize that is a difficult concept right there, the whole thinking part but I know you can do it if you really try.) Let me make this a little easier for you:
Toilet seat UP translates to I don't care if you fall into the toilet
Toilet seat DOWN = I love you and am aware of your needs
Clothes on the FLOOR = She will pick this up, that's her "job"
Clothes in the hamper = I am responsible for my "stuff" and it will make her life easier.
"WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" = I'm hungry and you are "supposed" to feed me.
You cook dinner = "I know you're tired so I thought I'd help
Are you seeing a pattern here? My therapist has said that if you love some one you WANT to do things for them. Think about it, If you love your hunny you want them to be happy and it it takes moving a toilet seat, so be it. So get picking up your laundry, hang up the towel, put the cap on the tooth brush, bring out the garbage and take in the mail because all the words in the world don't say I LOVE YOU as much as a toilet seat!
Now stay with me guys, this is important.
Women ask things of their husbands, lovers, soul mates, pain in the asses in order to find out just how much you love us. Do we really care that your socks are laying in the middle of the kitchen table for a week . . . (well, yes we do because they not only look disgusting but they smell too). . . but the bigger picture is that we look at those socks and they scream to us "I DON'T LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO CARE WHETHER THIS BOTHERS YOU OR NOT". It's really very simple when you think about it. (I realize that is a difficult concept right there, the whole thinking part but I know you can do it if you really try.) Let me make this a little easier for you:
Toilet seat UP translates to I don't care if you fall into the toilet
Toilet seat DOWN = I love you and am aware of your needs
Clothes on the FLOOR = She will pick this up, that's her "job"
Clothes in the hamper = I am responsible for my "stuff" and it will make her life easier.
"WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" = I'm hungry and you are "supposed" to feed me.
You cook dinner = "I know you're tired so I thought I'd help
Are you seeing a pattern here? My therapist has said that if you love some one you WANT to do things for them. Think about it, If you love your hunny you want them to be happy and it it takes moving a toilet seat, so be it. So get picking up your laundry, hang up the towel, put the cap on the tooth brush, bring out the garbage and take in the mail because all the words in the world don't say I LOVE YOU as much as a toilet seat!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Is This Really News ?
Before I get to boring you with where I have been for the past - - - days I have a question. It all started when I got up this morning to the usual drone of the 24 hour news channel on the TV. Ger is addicted to FOX News as many of you well know and as soon as he climbs out of bed the TV goes on and he is ready for his day. (News TV has been banned from the bedroom)
So, I stepped into the TV room to say good morning to my hubby only to catch a glimpse of the HEADLINE NEWS ALERT "BOY THROWS UP ON NATIONAL TV" I kid you not . . . that is EXACTLY what was flashing across the TV screen as the reporter was going into the story of how the kid who was supposedly swept away in the weather balloon on 10/15 (which was the extent of the EXCITING news for yesterday and which husband was glued to the TV for hours following the story.) So now today there is apparently nothing more interesting than the fact that this kid threw up on TV while being interviewed.
H E L L OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO out there. Is this not seeming totally ridiculous to anyone but me? I mean, seriously, W.T.F. ??????????
People, people, people wake up and take a good look at what we are spending more than half our lives getting involved in. We used to joke when we traveled to small towns across the U.S. and would pick up a local paper to read. There were always the reports of "Mrs. X's cow gave birth last Thursday" or "An empty can was found on Silly Creek Road last Tuesday". We would chuckle at "small town living" and pat ourselves the back at how "worldly" we were. And yet here we are in the year 2009 glued to a TV set watching a ridiculous story that anyone with half a brain saw as being manufactured by the family. And yet we follow it up the next day watching the poor child get sick. I don't like watching people get sick in real life, why would I want to watch that on TV? And IS IT REALLY NEWS ?
I think we have all gone insane and if every TV blew up today it would be for the best. Even if it meant that I couldn't watch Nip/Tuck or Seinfeld reruns.
So, I stepped into the TV room to say good morning to my hubby only to catch a glimpse of the HEADLINE NEWS ALERT "BOY THROWS UP ON NATIONAL TV" I kid you not . . . that is EXACTLY what was flashing across the TV screen as the reporter was going into the story of how the kid who was supposedly swept away in the weather balloon on 10/15 (which was the extent of the EXCITING news for yesterday and which husband was glued to the TV for hours following the story.) So now today there is apparently nothing more interesting than the fact that this kid threw up on TV while being interviewed.
H E L L OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO out there. Is this not seeming totally ridiculous to anyone but me? I mean, seriously, W.T.F. ??????????
People, people, people wake up and take a good look at what we are spending more than half our lives getting involved in. We used to joke when we traveled to small towns across the U.S. and would pick up a local paper to read. There were always the reports of "Mrs. X's cow gave birth last Thursday" or "An empty can was found on Silly Creek Road last Tuesday". We would chuckle at "small town living" and pat ourselves the back at how "worldly" we were. And yet here we are in the year 2009 glued to a TV set watching a ridiculous story that anyone with half a brain saw as being manufactured by the family. And yet we follow it up the next day watching the poor child get sick. I don't like watching people get sick in real life, why would I want to watch that on TV? And IS IT REALLY NEWS ?
I think we have all gone insane and if every TV blew up today it would be for the best. Even if it meant that I couldn't watch Nip/Tuck or Seinfeld reruns.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sometimes You've Just Got To Go With The "Finger"
So here you have the classic "nice little old lady" who often has the need and desire to flash people the "bird". Most often it is the husband but it does not exclude other idiots who walk the earth.
I know this is not something to be proud of but it is part of who I am and who I have always been. ONE ANGRY BITCH. Thanks to the gene pool I come from I have a natural predisposition to exploding when others would remain calm. My mother came from good German stock and knew she was always right. (no offense to you Germans out there but you know damn well what I'm talking about.) Then there was my dad who had a very slooooooooooooooooow fuse but when he did get angry he GOT MAD ! Brought up on the West side of NYC in the early 1900's he had to be "scrappy" to survive. Those of you who knew "Papa Danny" can't imagine his wrath when angered but as a kid riding in the car with him I saw that rage. (You haven't seen road rage until you drove with my dad.) There was nothing like an "idiot" in a car that could set Papa Dan off. He gave me my very first lessons in the "other side" of the English language. There was the time that my dad tried to teach my mother to drive with me sitting quietly in the back seat observing. The driving lesson lasted all of about 10 minutes before the eruption from both of them and the demise of a neighbors fence. This was quite amusing to me because on a day to day basis my parents never fought.
So here I am, the product of Margaret and Daniel and an only child to boot. (Don't know if that factors in but what the hell . . .) I have always been ANGRY . . . (I can't say that without thinking of Richard Gere's line in the movie Pretty Woman) and that anger has unfortunately been passed on to my children, poor things. Each of us deals with it differently. I finally figured out that therapy and drugs are a very effective way of controlling this anger but every so often I just have to let it go ! Because screaming does nothing in my marriage I have learned to curse and swear under my breath, to write a blog and keep a journal. BUT, and here is the point I started with, every so often I just need to FLIP SOMEONE THE BIRD. Husband is usually the recipient because he is ALWAYS here and thus ALWAYS doing something to light my fuse. Some days the fuse is much shorter than others and he gets "THE FINGER". NEVER NEVER NEVER to his face, (that is wrong and cruel and mean) but the motion is so cathartic that I can't help myself. I would like to waggle my finger in his face while screaming "you #$%&*&$%@!@@
idiot" but a subtle little FLIP is all I do.
So the next time you are in the car, at the store or work and some idiot is really bugging you just calmly walk or drive away, take a deep breath and very calmly raise that middle finger oh so high and yell "HERE'S TO YOU, IDIOTS OF THE WORLD". You really will feel so much better and can then go on with your day. But don't forget to always look back because chances are some one is doing the same thing to you.
I know this is not something to be proud of but it is part of who I am and who I have always been. ONE ANGRY BITCH. Thanks to the gene pool I come from I have a natural predisposition to exploding when others would remain calm. My mother came from good German stock and knew she was always right. (no offense to you Germans out there but you know damn well what I'm talking about.) Then there was my dad who had a very slooooooooooooooooow fuse but when he did get angry he GOT MAD ! Brought up on the West side of NYC in the early 1900's he had to be "scrappy" to survive. Those of you who knew "Papa Danny" can't imagine his wrath when angered but as a kid riding in the car with him I saw that rage. (You haven't seen road rage until you drove with my dad.) There was nothing like an "idiot" in a car that could set Papa Dan off. He gave me my very first lessons in the "other side" of the English language. There was the time that my dad tried to teach my mother to drive with me sitting quietly in the back seat observing. The driving lesson lasted all of about 10 minutes before the eruption from both of them and the demise of a neighbors fence. This was quite amusing to me because on a day to day basis my parents never fought.
So here I am, the product of Margaret and Daniel and an only child to boot. (Don't know if that factors in but what the hell . . .) I have always been ANGRY . . . (I can't say that without thinking of Richard Gere's line in the movie Pretty Woman) and that anger has unfortunately been passed on to my children, poor things. Each of us deals with it differently. I finally figured out that therapy and drugs are a very effective way of controlling this anger but every so often I just have to let it go ! Because screaming does nothing in my marriage I have learned to curse and swear under my breath, to write a blog and keep a journal. BUT, and here is the point I started with, every so often I just need to FLIP SOMEONE THE BIRD. Husband is usually the recipient because he is ALWAYS here and thus ALWAYS doing something to light my fuse. Some days the fuse is much shorter than others and he gets "THE FINGER". NEVER NEVER NEVER to his face, (that is wrong and cruel and mean) but the motion is so cathartic that I can't help myself. I would like to waggle my finger in his face while screaming "you #$%&*&$%@!@@
idiot" but a subtle little FLIP is all I do.
So the next time you are in the car, at the store or work and some idiot is really bugging you just calmly walk or drive away, take a deep breath and very calmly raise that middle finger oh so high and yell "HERE'S TO YOU, IDIOTS OF THE WORLD". You really will feel so much better and can then go on with your day. But don't forget to always look back because chances are some one is doing the same thing to you.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I had the opportunity this morning to participate in a first ever event in the USA. Our church, the Cathederal of St. Ignatius Loyola here in the diocese of Palm Beach, celebrated the first "Grandparent's Pilgrimage Mass". It was wonderful! It seems that this event got started in Ireland and draws over 14,000 people each year. It is a mass to pray for the grandparents of the world because we are the last line of help for our youth. Our families have been falling apart for years now. Divorce is easier than a manicure and has become the first thought in the minds of couples who are having problems. Husbands and wives "fall out of love" and no longer stay together for "the sake of the children". Kids are living in houses with one parent and more often than not, no parents. Mom and dad are working full time trying to pay the mortgage on the huge house with a pool and make the monthly payments on the 2 BMW's in the garage. Kids are raising themselves and the first thing to go, if it ever was a part of their lives, is their religion. More likely than not the kids have never been brought up with any religious influence. Too many parents give the same lazy answer of, "they can choose what religion they want to follow when they grow up". NOT ! If you don't know something exists why would you be interested in finding it?
So there is this wonderful movement that has been brought to the United States to encourage grandparents to introduce or reinforce religion in the lives of their grand children. We have the time, we have the faith, we have the love, we have the pasion to encourage our grandchildren to practice a faith. We old folks have learned that there is a God and nothing but nothing gets done without the help of God. I guess we didn't do such a good job getting that point across to our kids so maybe we can do better with our grandkids.
The mass today was wonderful. Our Bishop said the mass and gave a stiring homily inspiring all of us there to not sit back but to speak up, take action and LOVE our grandchildren so much that they will follow us on the path to a stronger life in faith. My wish for you all is to hear this message and spread it to all your friends. If all things are possible through God than don't you think God should come first in your life? I'll say a prayer for you . . . can you do the same for me?
So there is this wonderful movement that has been brought to the United States to encourage grandparents to introduce or reinforce religion in the lives of their grand children. We have the time, we have the faith, we have the love, we have the pasion to encourage our grandchildren to practice a faith. We old folks have learned that there is a God and nothing but nothing gets done without the help of God. I guess we didn't do such a good job getting that point across to our kids so maybe we can do better with our grandkids.
The mass today was wonderful. Our Bishop said the mass and gave a stiring homily inspiring all of us there to not sit back but to speak up, take action and LOVE our grandchildren so much that they will follow us on the path to a stronger life in faith. My wish for you all is to hear this message and spread it to all your friends. If all things are possible through God than don't you think God should come first in your life? I'll say a prayer for you . . . can you do the same for me?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tonight's rambling is dedicated to the princesses of the world. Not the Royal sort of princess but the women who are "best friends" to someone. That is what a real princess is, a very special, great friend. I learned this from my good friend Glo, whom I have just spent a week with surrounded by the beauty of Maine. Glo and I go wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back. I met her while I was visiting Augusta, Maine with my dad back in 1958. We became "best friends" immediatly and kept that friendship going through letters and an occasional visit every 5 years or so. But I'm not the only friend that Glo has, lucky girl. She also has "THE PRINCESSES" in her life. This is a group of women who also lived in Maine and were drawn together over the years of high school and college. They remain close friends to this day and thus have princess names befitting each of them. Their names reflect a part of their personalities, lives, likes and who knows what else. Glo is know as Princess Daisy . . . something . . .something (I never can remember beyond the Daisy part) But Glo is a Daisy for sure, Sunny, Fun and full of life. About 3 years ago Glo decided I deserved to be an honorary member of the Princesses, since our friendship was as old as the others, even if I didn't get to see them all that much. And so I became Princess G.T., named for a certain part of my anatomy and a tee shirt that I bought on a trip to Wyoming. (It's a long story and there are only a select few that know all the details, thank goodness.) Glo will tell you it stands for Gin & Tonic but we all know I prefer Vodka & Tonic. But I digress.
After spending these wonderful days with this great friend I have been thinking about how fortunate I am to have the circle of friends that are in my life. They are all Princesses of the most magnificent sort. When Glo and I are together we slip back to being teenagers. We get goofy and silly, (much to the chagrin of our husbands who are usually the brunt of our antics.) But it feels WONDERFUL to be with someone who allows you to just let loose and be yourself without the restraints of age and maturity.
Then there is Sharon, my little buddy from back in NY. We have been friends since 1973 when we were neighbors and found out we were both pregnant. When I am with Sharon she gives me the reality check that I often need, sweetened with a lot of laughing. How 2 people always can find something to laugh at, even at the most difficult of times, is a gift of gigantic proportions. If she had a princess name I think it would be Princess Giggles. We have spent many a day laughing so hard that our faces hurt.
Next in my Princess circle is Jeanne. My quiet young friend who always tells me I am her mentor. She thinks that Sharon and I give her wisdom. What she doesn't realize how much warmth and serenity she gives to us. When Sharon and I are ranting and raging about our lives Jeanne's quiet words bring us back to sanity and the realization that things aren't all that bad after all. I think Jeanne's Princess name would be Princess Angel.
I could go on naming the other wonderful women in my life, including my wonderful daughter and daughter-in-laws but I think they would all get swelled heads. I'll leave this for now and let you and your friends think up your own Princess names. Make it a good name because if you are one of the princesses you are a gift from God. I thank God every day for the princesses in my life. You know who you are . . . and I love you all.
After spending these wonderful days with this great friend I have been thinking about how fortunate I am to have the circle of friends that are in my life. They are all Princesses of the most magnificent sort. When Glo and I are together we slip back to being teenagers. We get goofy and silly, (much to the chagrin of our husbands who are usually the brunt of our antics.) But it feels WONDERFUL to be with someone who allows you to just let loose and be yourself without the restraints of age and maturity.
Then there is Sharon, my little buddy from back in NY. We have been friends since 1973 when we were neighbors and found out we were both pregnant. When I am with Sharon she gives me the reality check that I often need, sweetened with a lot of laughing. How 2 people always can find something to laugh at, even at the most difficult of times, is a gift of gigantic proportions. If she had a princess name I think it would be Princess Giggles. We have spent many a day laughing so hard that our faces hurt.
Next in my Princess circle is Jeanne. My quiet young friend who always tells me I am her mentor. She thinks that Sharon and I give her wisdom. What she doesn't realize how much warmth and serenity she gives to us. When Sharon and I are ranting and raging about our lives Jeanne's quiet words bring us back to sanity and the realization that things aren't all that bad after all. I think Jeanne's Princess name would be Princess Angel.
I could go on naming the other wonderful women in my life, including my wonderful daughter and daughter-in-laws but I think they would all get swelled heads. I'll leave this for now and let you and your friends think up your own Princess names. Make it a good name because if you are one of the princesses you are a gift from God. I thank God every day for the princesses in my life. You know who you are . . . and I love you all.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Return to Paradise
MOOOOOOOOOOOOO All aboard the Southwest Snowbird Express, leaving from Islip, NY and, God willing, arriving in West Palm Beach some time tomorrow evening. Assuredly we will witness at least a few miraculous recoveries from wheel chair bound to walking without the aid of a cane and I know we will also be subjected to the pissing and moaning of some idiot who "doesn't like standing in line". But we won't even notice because we are headed HOME. Aren't we blessed to have a home to go back to after spending 2 weeks in the company of some of our favorite people! And can you believe we are even related to some of those favorite people?
In case you missed us, Ger and I have been traveling again. A packed flight from PBIA brought us to Aunt AnnMarie's home on Long Island. (Aunt AM is Ger's big sister and an absolutely wonderful woman in oh so many ways. I'll have to write about her one of these days.) We crammed all our luggage in her car and the 3 of us set off to drive to Portland, Maine. Slight setback when our LARGE 9:30 AM ferry was cancelled and we had to sail across Long Island Sound on the small 10:00 ferry. This normally wouldn't have been a problem but it happened to be a very stormy day. We all managed to make the one and a half hour trip without loosing breakfast but we can't say the same for many of our fellow passengers. At least when we arrived in Connecticut the rain had let up and the further we traveled away from Long Island the better the day became. We arrived in Portland and had a noisy, joyous reunion with Glo. (She too will be the subject of a future blog.) We all packed up and drove another 45 minutes to Frye Island in Sebago Lake where we had the best week ever with Glo and her husband John, some two pound lobsters, a lot of vodka, gin or beer (depending on the time of day and the menu), and a ton and a half of cake and ice cream. (Glo and AM LOVE their ice cream. I just love food in general.) But then, before we knew it, the week was over. How is it that when you are with people you really love, the time just flies by and you just never get to telling them everything you want to say? But we'll just pick up where we left off when we see each other next year.
And so we packed our ever expanding bags* and headed to Boston to visit Ger and AM's baby brother, Joseph and his wife Sue. While we were there we got to see their whole family. I don't know when the little nieces and nephews grew up but suddenly we were visiting with these beautiful people who have children of their own. What a joy to see these "children" with their families. It was a whirl wind weekend of visits and a tour of the new Greenway in Boston. Ger and AnnMarie and I all decided we needed to make another visit to this quaint, historical city to spend some time walking the streets and seeing the sights. Put that on the list.
After a much nicer ferry ride back to LI and a fabulous, famous (to East Enders) Cliff's Marinated Steak dinner at the ELBOW EAST we are back at AnnMarie's. Our flight home is tomorrow afternoon and we are ready to return to our patch of Paradise.
All in all, a great vacation.
* It seems that when AnnMarie and I get together the shopping gene kicks into high gear and no matter where we are we manage to find something to buy. Since my suitcase was pretty full to start with we are traveling home with a laundry bag full of dirty clothes. Heaven help us if the bag breaks!
In case you missed us, Ger and I have been traveling again. A packed flight from PBIA brought us to Aunt AnnMarie's home on Long Island. (Aunt AM is Ger's big sister and an absolutely wonderful woman in oh so many ways. I'll have to write about her one of these days.) We crammed all our luggage in her car and the 3 of us set off to drive to Portland, Maine. Slight setback when our LARGE 9:30 AM ferry was cancelled and we had to sail across Long Island Sound on the small 10:00 ferry. This normally wouldn't have been a problem but it happened to be a very stormy day. We all managed to make the one and a half hour trip without loosing breakfast but we can't say the same for many of our fellow passengers. At least when we arrived in Connecticut the rain had let up and the further we traveled away from Long Island the better the day became. We arrived in Portland and had a noisy, joyous reunion with Glo. (She too will be the subject of a future blog.) We all packed up and drove another 45 minutes to Frye Island in Sebago Lake where we had the best week ever with Glo and her husband John, some two pound lobsters, a lot of vodka, gin or beer (depending on the time of day and the menu), and a ton and a half of cake and ice cream. (Glo and AM LOVE their ice cream. I just love food in general.) But then, before we knew it, the week was over. How is it that when you are with people you really love, the time just flies by and you just never get to telling them everything you want to say? But we'll just pick up where we left off when we see each other next year.
And so we packed our ever expanding bags* and headed to Boston to visit Ger and AM's baby brother, Joseph and his wife Sue. While we were there we got to see their whole family. I don't know when the little nieces and nephews grew up but suddenly we were visiting with these beautiful people who have children of their own. What a joy to see these "children" with their families. It was a whirl wind weekend of visits and a tour of the new Greenway in Boston. Ger and AnnMarie and I all decided we needed to make another visit to this quaint, historical city to spend some time walking the streets and seeing the sights. Put that on the list.
After a much nicer ferry ride back to LI and a fabulous, famous (to East Enders) Cliff's Marinated Steak dinner at the ELBOW EAST we are back at AnnMarie's. Our flight home is tomorrow afternoon and we are ready to return to our patch of Paradise.
All in all, a great vacation.
* It seems that when AnnMarie and I get together the shopping gene kicks into high gear and no matter where we are we manage to find something to buy. Since my suitcase was pretty full to start with we are traveling home with a laundry bag full of dirty clothes. Heaven help us if the bag breaks!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
On the road again
How come I live in Paradise but never stay home long enough to enjoy it ? That seems to be the question that most people ask. I guess we just have the travel bug and are in a position to take advantage of it. Plus we have friends and family all over the place so that does get us moving.
Yep, We're on the road again . . . this trip will take us to Maine and Mass. by way of Long Island. We'll be leaving our beautiful home here in sunny Florida to head up the chilly, wet East coast. The weather forecast for Florida is sunny with possible showers and/or hurricanes. (But we are at the peak of hurricane season so that's par for the course.) Traveling North at this time of the year brings thoughts of cooler temperatures, chilly evenings and comfortable days. Sounds like Heaven until you check the forecast for New York through Maine for the next 10 days . . . RAIN . . . RAIN . . . RAIN . . . with a possible hurricane! If I wanted a hurricane I would stay home! But sure enough FRED is heading across the Atlantic and thinking of traveling up the coast along with Ger and I. So not only do we have to pack up the house here in FL. so, should a storm hit, nothing goes flying away or into the pool. (that includes patio furniture, plants and the roof) but we must pack for stormy weather. Do you know how heavy that makes my suitcase? Thank goodness for SW Airlines and my free bags.
Good thing we are visiting with some of our favorite people and really don't give a damn what the weather is. Rainy days just mean drinking and eating more than if the sun is shining. (Well, not really because we will be doing a lot of both no matter what the weather, but that is our excuse if anyone asks). We will spend some time with our forever friends Glo and John at their "cottage" on Frye Island in Sebago Lake. Their "cottage" is bigger than my house and just a beautiful. It is a dream come true for these 2 wonderful people. Many many years ago when their children were little they used to boat out to the island and would always anchor the boat off one particular beach that they came to love. They dreamed for years that they would some day be able to buy the property and build a "camp" on it. Sure enough, they bought the property and we got to go with them once or twice to camp with the 4 adults and 6 kids. Cooking and sleeping on the beach and peeing in the bushes. Good times !
Now our kids are all grown and working on families of their own. The property has the beautiful "cottage" on it and the good times just keep coming. (Someday I'll tell you about how Glo and I met, oh so many years ago) It's just wonderful to have such great friends, even when we have to leave one paradise to go to another.
Yep, We're on the road again . . . this trip will take us to Maine and Mass. by way of Long Island. We'll be leaving our beautiful home here in sunny Florida to head up the chilly, wet East coast. The weather forecast for Florida is sunny with possible showers and/or hurricanes. (But we are at the peak of hurricane season so that's par for the course.) Traveling North at this time of the year brings thoughts of cooler temperatures, chilly evenings and comfortable days. Sounds like Heaven until you check the forecast for New York through Maine for the next 10 days . . . RAIN . . . RAIN . . . RAIN . . . with a possible hurricane! If I wanted a hurricane I would stay home! But sure enough FRED is heading across the Atlantic and thinking of traveling up the coast along with Ger and I. So not only do we have to pack up the house here in FL. so, should a storm hit, nothing goes flying away or into the pool. (that includes patio furniture, plants and the roof) but we must pack for stormy weather. Do you know how heavy that makes my suitcase? Thank goodness for SW Airlines and my free bags.
Good thing we are visiting with some of our favorite people and really don't give a damn what the weather is. Rainy days just mean drinking and eating more than if the sun is shining. (Well, not really because we will be doing a lot of both no matter what the weather, but that is our excuse if anyone asks). We will spend some time with our forever friends Glo and John at their "cottage" on Frye Island in Sebago Lake. Their "cottage" is bigger than my house and just a beautiful. It is a dream come true for these 2 wonderful people. Many many years ago when their children were little they used to boat out to the island and would always anchor the boat off one particular beach that they came to love. They dreamed for years that they would some day be able to buy the property and build a "camp" on it. Sure enough, they bought the property and we got to go with them once or twice to camp with the 4 adults and 6 kids. Cooking and sleeping on the beach and peeing in the bushes. Good times !
Now our kids are all grown and working on families of their own. The property has the beautiful "cottage" on it and the good times just keep coming. (Someday I'll tell you about how Glo and I met, oh so many years ago) It's just wonderful to have such great friends, even when we have to leave one paradise to go to another.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Gag Me With a Spoon
T.G.I.F to all you working folk out there and may your weekend be filled with fun and not crap emails. I have decided to nominate today as "Gag Me With a Spoon" day for all the TOTALLY STUPID emails that are floating around. I mean, come on people, just because some one sends you something stupid it does NOT mean you have to forward it. The day that God zaps me with lightening from my keyboard because I did not forward something in the next 20 seconds to 60 of my closest friends, that is the day I will rethink this blog. There is that wonderful little button on the computer called DELETE ! Enough with the cutsie, "you are one of my favorite people", (even though we haven't seen each other in over 10 years and I can't remember what you look like), "you are my best friend", (even though you still can't spell my name right and we did only work together for 1 year), "I am sending you a smile today", (I would really smile if my inbox only had 5 messages instead of 30). Seriously, what is with the angel mail, the leprechan, the roses, the butterflies, the woman who is walking around the world for who know what ? WHO STARTS THESE THINGS ? I think there is some man sitting at his computer just thinking up all the ways he can keep us at our computer for another 10 hours. I have no idea why, just cause it is terribly ammusing to think of a bunch of women, (and come on girls, you know as well as I do that there is not a single man alive who would bother forwarding all this stupidity!) sitting at our computers reading and hitting "forward", "forward","forward" . Did you ever think it is a plot to keep us out of the stores so we don't spend money?
What happened to the women's movement of the 60's ? Come on girls, we fought hard for equality because we are intellegent, open minded, driven women. And here we sit hoping that 300 years of bad luck will not befall us if we only can forward the little frog and his blessings to all our contacts in the next 2 seconds. STOP ! . . .THINK! . . . WHAT ARE YOU DOING? . . .It's stupid, stupid, stupid ! Am I the only one thinking this ? If you want to let me know that you miss me just send an email that says, "Hey Cath, I miss you." I don't need cutsie bunnys hopping around my computer screen wishing me good luck. Gag me with a spoon and get me a gun. I'd rather spend my day doing pretty much anything else, (except washing windows or cleaning bathrooms) than going through stupid email.
What happened to the women's movement of the 60's ? Come on girls, we fought hard for equality because we are intellegent, open minded, driven women. And here we sit hoping that 300 years of bad luck will not befall us if we only can forward the little frog and his blessings to all our contacts in the next 2 seconds. STOP ! . . .THINK! . . . WHAT ARE YOU DOING? . . .It's stupid, stupid, stupid ! Am I the only one thinking this ? If you want to let me know that you miss me just send an email that says, "Hey Cath, I miss you." I don't need cutsie bunnys hopping around my computer screen wishing me good luck. Gag me with a spoon and get me a gun. I'd rather spend my day doing pretty much anything else, (except washing windows or cleaning bathrooms) than going through stupid email.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Power of Music
Did you ever notice that when you are feeling crappy all you have to do is crank up the music and you are totally FINE. Tonight Billy and I are sharing an evening of oldies. The "Piano Man" and I spend a lot of time together. The husband always has the TV on when we are at home but since my baby boy and his fantastic wife gave me an ipod I am in the zone when ever I want. I can't tell you what a weird collection of music I have but there is a purpose for every CD. There are the classics; The Beatles, Mamas and Papas and a few show tunes left over from my college years. I can't listen to "Monday, Monday" without getting goose bumps and going weak in the knees. I swear that was my theme song senior year oh so very long ago.
But isn't that just the most fantastic thing about music? It transports you. Yea, yea . . . Corny. But how else do you explain the glazing over of your eyes and the flash backs ? NO, it's not due to the 60's and too much acid. I never did get into any of that. Not through any thought on my part, just was never in the right place at the wrong time. But music works that way for me. Put on the ear phones or crank up the volume on the computer and blast the ceiling tiles off of "command central"* and I am back to a different time of my life. Time Travel is just a CD away. I love it !
I can even tell you where I was the first time I heard some songs. Take the Black Crows for instance. I had no idea who they were until my oldest son went to college. There was a talent night on a parent weekend and we went for lack of knowing what else to do with this stranger who had been our son. (That is a whole other blog . . . kids leaving for college.) Any how, there was a group of guys who sang "She Talks To Angels" by the Black Crows. I couldn't wait to buy the album. It was amazing! I've been a fan ever since. But you really have to be in the right mood for The Black Crows. More often my preference runs to jazz, blues, Eric Clapton and Billy Joel. Sometimes I will even feel classical but NEVER, NEVER COUNTRY. I just can't listen to the s..t kickin', boot stompin' yeeeee haw stuff. Even rap is better than country.
*Command central is the fond name my hubby has bestowed on the garage/playroom where I hide out with the computer.
But isn't that just the most fantastic thing about music? It transports you. Yea, yea . . . Corny. But how else do you explain the glazing over of your eyes and the flash backs ? NO, it's not due to the 60's and too much acid. I never did get into any of that. Not through any thought on my part, just was never in the right place at the wrong time. But music works that way for me. Put on the ear phones or crank up the volume on the computer and blast the ceiling tiles off of "command central"* and I am back to a different time of my life. Time Travel is just a CD away. I love it !
I can even tell you where I was the first time I heard some songs. Take the Black Crows for instance. I had no idea who they were until my oldest son went to college. There was a talent night on a parent weekend and we went for lack of knowing what else to do with this stranger who had been our son. (That is a whole other blog . . . kids leaving for college.) Any how, there was a group of guys who sang "She Talks To Angels" by the Black Crows. I couldn't wait to buy the album. It was amazing! I've been a fan ever since. But you really have to be in the right mood for The Black Crows. More often my preference runs to jazz, blues, Eric Clapton and Billy Joel. Sometimes I will even feel classical but NEVER, NEVER COUNTRY. I just can't listen to the s..t kickin', boot stompin' yeeeee haw stuff. Even rap is better than country.
*Command central is the fond name my hubby has bestowed on the garage/playroom where I hide out with the computer.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Serious thoughts
I'm back from 4 fantastic days with grand daughter Abby and her mom and dad and am digging through my email and favorite blogs. I came across something that my fab DIL, Kristen had posted re. a young couple that had been in a horrific traffic accident. The girls mom is blogging each day and asking for prayers. My heart goes out to her and her family but I am also filled with joy at the thought that others haven't forgotten to pray. Corny as it sounds, the power of prayer is beyond belief. There are miracles happening all around us and we don't even realize it. How can anyone not believe in GOD ?
I guess as we get older we tend to look for something to help us cope with the ravages of time. We often begin to hope that there is something after death just so we don't feel quite as afraid. Those of us, who have believed all along that there is a GOD, start trying to get closer to HIM so we feel we have a chance of going to Heaven and not that other place. Wouldn't it be great if we started making this journey toward GOD a lot sooner in our lives? I have read that it is not enough to be "a good person". We have to try to be saints. I laughed myself silly when I first heard that. ME, A SAINT . . . NO FREAKING WAY ! But the more you think about it, WHY NOT ? And here comes that power of prayer. All things are possible with the grace of GOD. Think about it . . . If you believe there is a GOD, then you believe that He is the creator of all. We were taught as children in Sunday school that God is all loving and all powerful. ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS ASK ! But don't forget that GOD also wants us to be happy and at peace so if your prayers aren't answered maybe you're asking for the wrong things. Try rethinking what you are asking and ask in a different way. I remember when my husband's aunt had a heart attack and was suffering quite a bit. Her brother began praying for her recovery but nothing was happening. When he thought about what he was praying for as he watched her suffer he decided to change his prayer. He began to pray that his sister would be at peace and that God would do what HE thought best. That night his sister died peacefully in her sleep. You have to believe that GOD knows what's best for us and believe in HIS love.
We have nothing to lose by praying and we have so much to gain.
Thank you God for all your blessings each day. Bless and watch over my children and their families. Please hear the prayers of all who call on you this day. Amen
GOD Bless you all.
I guess as we get older we tend to look for something to help us cope with the ravages of time. We often begin to hope that there is something after death just so we don't feel quite as afraid. Those of us, who have believed all along that there is a GOD, start trying to get closer to HIM so we feel we have a chance of going to Heaven and not that other place. Wouldn't it be great if we started making this journey toward GOD a lot sooner in our lives? I have read that it is not enough to be "a good person". We have to try to be saints. I laughed myself silly when I first heard that. ME, A SAINT . . . NO FREAKING WAY ! But the more you think about it, WHY NOT ? And here comes that power of prayer. All things are possible with the grace of GOD. Think about it . . . If you believe there is a GOD, then you believe that He is the creator of all. We were taught as children in Sunday school that God is all loving and all powerful. ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS ASK ! But don't forget that GOD also wants us to be happy and at peace so if your prayers aren't answered maybe you're asking for the wrong things. Try rethinking what you are asking and ask in a different way. I remember when my husband's aunt had a heart attack and was suffering quite a bit. Her brother began praying for her recovery but nothing was happening. When he thought about what he was praying for as he watched her suffer he decided to change his prayer. He began to pray that his sister would be at peace and that God would do what HE thought best. That night his sister died peacefully in her sleep. You have to believe that GOD knows what's best for us and believe in HIS love.
We have nothing to lose by praying and we have so much to gain.
Thank you God for all your blessings each day. Bless and watch over my children and their families. Please hear the prayers of all who call on you this day. Amen
GOD Bless you all.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm Back
I have returned, survived, enjoyed my trip to NY. The "Girls" are fantastic and we had a great time doing absolutely nothing. Picture a Seinfeld episode crossed with The Golden Girls and you have my weekend in NY. We did go to the movies to see "Julia/Julie" and it was wonderful. We all came out of the movie hungry. I wanted to buy the cook book and start cooking. Jeanne and Sharon wanted me to start cooking so they could start eating. ( I told you we made a great team.) We rode over to Smiths Point to see the ocean waves caused by Hurricane Bill passing by out in the Atlantic. The beach itself was closed to the public which was a good thing since the waves were washing all the way up to the dunes and there was no beach. We also got to play with Jeanne's 2 grandsons, who are adorable. Tyler is 3 and Sal is 6 months. They are such a blessing. My first day in NY we got together with our friend Lynne who was in town from Ohio. We had dinner with her and her wonderful kids and 4 dogs. It was a circus with lots of laughs, good food and wine. And that pretty much sums up the entire weekend. All the time in between was spent talking. Thank you God for these wonderful women in my life !!
As for the actual flight to and from NY, the SOUTHWEST MIRACLE FLIGHTS were packed to the brim. I lucked out with window seats both ways so my trips were fairly comfortable. I also lucked out with skinny people occupying the middle seat. Any "overflow" into adjacent seats was MY overflow not some strangers. I do pity that poor slob in the center seat. That will teach them to forget to check in on line in a timely manner. The trip to NY was most entertaining thanks to the cabin crew. A very talented bunch of stewardesses did some stand up comedy routines and sang a couple of songs . . . IN TUNE ! I wonder if that is what caused the "miracles" to happen? Or is it that Southwest flies closer to Heaven than any other airline? What ever the reason every time I fly SW there are at least 5 people in wheel chairs boarding the flight and when the plane lands PRAISE THE LORD . . . Those 5 people jump up and RUN off the plane! It's Miraculous ! There are occasionally one or two of the original "handicapped" group who, for some reason, don't get healed. I guess they were sleeping when God visited the plane. That would be just my luck. I did sleep most of the flight home. Getting up at 7:30 and staying up till 2 really catches up to me. When I don't get my usual 12 hours sleep a night I'm one tired camper. And I'm not catching up on that sleep any time soon. I was home for 36 hours and then Ger and I were in the car driving to Atlanta to see Abby. I'm not getting a lot of sleep here either but that is another blog in the making . . . I"ll be back one of these days soon. Till then . . . Remember
As for the actual flight to and from NY, the SOUTHWEST MIRACLE FLIGHTS were packed to the brim. I lucked out with window seats both ways so my trips were fairly comfortable. I also lucked out with skinny people occupying the middle seat. Any "overflow" into adjacent seats was MY overflow not some strangers. I do pity that poor slob in the center seat. That will teach them to forget to check in on line in a timely manner. The trip to NY was most entertaining thanks to the cabin crew. A very talented bunch of stewardesses did some stand up comedy routines and sang a couple of songs . . . IN TUNE ! I wonder if that is what caused the "miracles" to happen? Or is it that Southwest flies closer to Heaven than any other airline? What ever the reason every time I fly SW there are at least 5 people in wheel chairs boarding the flight and when the plane lands PRAISE THE LORD . . . Those 5 people jump up and RUN off the plane! It's Miraculous ! There are occasionally one or two of the original "handicapped" group who, for some reason, don't get healed. I guess they were sleeping when God visited the plane. That would be just my luck. I did sleep most of the flight home. Getting up at 7:30 and staying up till 2 really catches up to me. When I don't get my usual 12 hours sleep a night I'm one tired camper. And I'm not catching up on that sleep any time soon. I was home for 36 hours and then Ger and I were in the car driving to Atlanta to see Abby. I'm not getting a lot of sleep here either but that is another blog in the making . . . I"ll be back one of these days soon. Till then . . . Remember
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm outa here ! My bags (both of them) are packed and sitting by the front door. My flight is at 4 and I'm winging my way to NY to spend some time with my best buddies, Sharon & Jeanne. They haven't figured out yet that Florida is the place to live. But then, they both have grand kids in NY so I know they won't be leaving there any time soon. So I am taking advantage of the fantastic prices on Southwest to take a long weekend with "the girls". I must take a moment to note that I think the president of Southwest Airlines should be running our country. This airline is "no frills" but also the friendliest, cleanest and cheapest airline I have ever flown. (and we have flown on quite a few) It makes me nuts when I'm at the airport waiting to board and the inevitable complainer is mouthing off at full volume about having to stand in line, not having an assigned seat, blagh, blagh. blagh. I just want to slap them. If you want an assigned seat fly some other airline. Of course you'll have to pay an extra $20 for YOUR seat on the isle or by the window or with extra leg room. (middle seats are no extra cost) And then you can pay another extra $20 for each of your bags PLUS $2 a bag to check in at curbside. And when you get to the gate you can wait the extra 2 hours for your flight that has been delayed ! (Southwest is almost always ON TIME if not early. I have never flown on time on Delta . . . NEVER)
And when you get on a Southwest plane you will probably be entertained by a singing steward or stewardess, some corny jokes. and some just plain nice crew members. And don't forget the FREE snack and coffee, tea. juice or soda. Not only does Southwest treat you super they also give you a FREE FLIGHT anywhere they fly after you make a certain number of round trips with them. AND get free alcoholic drink coupons.
Now come on folks, what are you complaining about ?? Either get with the program or dig out your wallet but for heavens sake . . . Stop moaning about you're treated like cattle. Have you looked in the mirror lately? There isn't a cow alive who would wear that outfit !
And when you get on a Southwest plane you will probably be entertained by a singing steward or stewardess, some corny jokes. and some just plain nice crew members. And don't forget the FREE snack and coffee, tea. juice or soda. Not only does Southwest treat you super they also give you a FREE FLIGHT anywhere they fly after you make a certain number of round trips with them. AND get free alcoholic drink coupons.
Now come on folks, what are you complaining about ?? Either get with the program or dig out your wallet but for heavens sake . . . Stop moaning about you're treated like cattle. Have you looked in the mirror lately? There isn't a cow alive who would wear that outfit !
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I just want to say that kids are the greatest gift God has given us. No matter how old they are or how old I am, my kids are the biggest blessing I have ever received . . . with the one exception of my fabulous grand kids.
I look forward to every day that I hear something from or about my kids. I am living vicariously through them.
K&K in Ft Laudy are my most entertaining. Mostly cause they both have blogs and I am super entertained by that. I keep telling my DIL that she is a fantastic writer and should make a living from her saucy writings. This girl can do everything she puts her mind to. What a lucky guy our son is to have found her.
K&B&A, in the peachy state of Georgia, keep us entertained in a different way. We keep trying to surprise them with our super "coolness" and they keep rewarding us with being surprised. They have yet to learn that Cath & Ger are just 2 old farts who really don't make a lot of judgments about what you are or are not doing. In fact, we really don't care much about anything these days. Just give us a drink by the pool and we are good to go. (Ger does need his daily dose of Fox News)
K&S&K up in the farm country of Southern Maryland never fail to entertain us with their down home living. Here is our daughter, born and raised in Small town Long Island who is loving life in small town Maryland. She was always a country girl at heart and found the perfect husband and the perfect place to make a life.
How does that happen? . . . Everyone is where they should be . . . God Bless their little hearts !
I look forward to every day that I hear something from or about my kids. I am living vicariously through them.
K&K in Ft Laudy are my most entertaining. Mostly cause they both have blogs and I am super entertained by that. I keep telling my DIL that she is a fantastic writer and should make a living from her saucy writings. This girl can do everything she puts her mind to. What a lucky guy our son is to have found her.
K&B&A, in the peachy state of Georgia, keep us entertained in a different way. We keep trying to surprise them with our super "coolness" and they keep rewarding us with being surprised. They have yet to learn that Cath & Ger are just 2 old farts who really don't make a lot of judgments about what you are or are not doing. In fact, we really don't care much about anything these days. Just give us a drink by the pool and we are good to go. (Ger does need his daily dose of Fox News)
K&S&K up in the farm country of Southern Maryland never fail to entertain us with their down home living. Here is our daughter, born and raised in Small town Long Island who is loving life in small town Maryland. She was always a country girl at heart and found the perfect husband and the perfect place to make a life.
How does that happen? . . . Everyone is where they should be . . . God Bless their little hearts !
Saturday, August 15, 2009
So, when you are just hanging out with nothing to do but wait for the muscles in your back to ease up, one gets to thinking. Now for me that is a dangerous thing. Usually I make more trouble for myself because I think too much. My thoughts are never profound but they sure do entertain me.
Today's thoughts are about stupid things people think about. ( I told you I was bored!) But seriously, with the world on the brink of total chaos, famine, murder, and all sorts of evil things going on, why do people concern themselves about which way the toilet paper should go? There seems to be quite a list of "DUMB THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT" and I welcome your additions.
1. Toilet paper . . . tear from the top or bottom ?
2. Pillow case opening to the outside or inside of the bed ?
3. Which side of your dinner plate does the bread plate go ? (that's not opinion, it's etiquite. But
if you can't afford bread, do you really need a plate for it ?)
4. Is Country music really music ? And what country did it come from ?
5. Which came first, the chicken or the egg ?
6. Top sheet on the bed . . . good side up or down ?
7. Republican or Democrat ? Who cares, they are all liars.
8. If your cell phone isn't working how can you call "service" ?
9. Do we REALLY need to have a phone attached to us 24/7 ?
10. Why would anyone want to put their thoughts out there for all the world to see ?
Today's thoughts are about stupid things people think about. ( I told you I was bored!) But seriously, with the world on the brink of total chaos, famine, murder, and all sorts of evil things going on, why do people concern themselves about which way the toilet paper should go? There seems to be quite a list of "DUMB THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT" and I welcome your additions.
1. Toilet paper . . . tear from the top or bottom ?
2. Pillow case opening to the outside or inside of the bed ?
3. Which side of your dinner plate does the bread plate go ? (that's not opinion, it's etiquite. But
if you can't afford bread, do you really need a plate for it ?)
4. Is Country music really music ? And what country did it come from ?
5. Which came first, the chicken or the egg ?
6. Top sheet on the bed . . . good side up or down ?
7. Republican or Democrat ? Who cares, they are all liars.
8. If your cell phone isn't working how can you call "service" ?
9. Do we REALLY need to have a phone attached to us 24/7 ?
10. Why would anyone want to put their thoughts out there for all the world to see ?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Ouch !
It was only a matter of time. I spent 2 weeks celebrating husband's 70th birthday with all of the family coming and going. 2 weeks with the grand kids, who are better than grand. (Kaelin 1 and Abby 4) We partied and played, swam and swayed to the rhythms of South Florida. Sea breezes and hot summer days filled with incredible joy. But now it's time to pay for it all.
Woke up this morning feeling GOOD ~ that should be the first warning of trouble brewing. I actually said to myself, "wow, my back feels good today." Then I went to get the wash out of the dryer and all those good vibes blew up in one stabbing pain in my lower back. As soon as I bent down I knew it was an "OH S__t' moment. My plans of going to Curves and running some errands evaporated and were replaced by a stop at the chiropractor and an afternoon of lying on my back on an ice pack or heating pad, depending on which 20 min. cycle I am on.
It seems that my lower back is my Achilles heel. Almost 33 years ago I bent over my daughter's crib and experienced back pain for the first time. Child birth has nothing on this. Been there, done that, 3 times no less. Yeh, yeh . . . child birth is a bitch but there are happy drugs if you care to partake, you know that you get a break between contractions where you can move. It's over in a couple of hours and you get that amazing gift of a child as a bonus prize for enduring the pain. There is no up side to back pain, just varying degrees of of pain and duration. Thankfully, I am not in a major, all out, "KILL ME NOW" episode. Just a run of the mill, "Damn, I really need to loose some weight and stretch more" event. Hopefully with another visit to THE WITCH DOCTOR, (my husband's name for the doc, not mine), some much appreciated down time (that includes writing on my blog and watching lots of HBO movies), and just plain slowing down for a couple of days, I should be up and running to Long Island next week to spend a couple of days with my best buds. (Even if I am doubled over in pain, I'm going. Nothing is getting in the way of "The Girls" get together.) Actually this back pain could be sympathy pains for Sharon who just had eye surgery and had to sit or lay FACE DOWN for 7 days. Now that is some suffering time for a person with a bad back. So MY little episode shall pass with any and all pain offered up to God. Maybe He can use it for some good.
Woke up this morning feeling GOOD ~ that should be the first warning of trouble brewing. I actually said to myself, "wow, my back feels good today." Then I went to get the wash out of the dryer and all those good vibes blew up in one stabbing pain in my lower back. As soon as I bent down I knew it was an "OH S__t' moment. My plans of going to Curves and running some errands evaporated and were replaced by a stop at the chiropractor and an afternoon of lying on my back on an ice pack or heating pad, depending on which 20 min. cycle I am on.
It seems that my lower back is my Achilles heel. Almost 33 years ago I bent over my daughter's crib and experienced back pain for the first time. Child birth has nothing on this. Been there, done that, 3 times no less. Yeh, yeh . . . child birth is a bitch but there are happy drugs if you care to partake, you know that you get a break between contractions where you can move. It's over in a couple of hours and you get that amazing gift of a child as a bonus prize for enduring the pain. There is no up side to back pain, just varying degrees of of pain and duration. Thankfully, I am not in a major, all out, "KILL ME NOW" episode. Just a run of the mill, "Damn, I really need to loose some weight and stretch more" event. Hopefully with another visit to THE WITCH DOCTOR, (my husband's name for the doc, not mine), some much appreciated down time (that includes writing on my blog and watching lots of HBO movies), and just plain slowing down for a couple of days, I should be up and running to Long Island next week to spend a couple of days with my best buds. (Even if I am doubled over in pain, I'm going. Nothing is getting in the way of "The Girls" get together.) Actually this back pain could be sympathy pains for Sharon who just had eye surgery and had to sit or lay FACE DOWN for 7 days. Now that is some suffering time for a person with a bad back. So MY little episode shall pass with any and all pain offered up to God. Maybe He can use it for some good.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Where to begin . . .
Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time. I have been enjoying may hours of "blog surfing" since Kristen and Kent introduced me to the world of blogging so it was inevitable that I would give this a go for myself. Since my therapist recommended I keep a journal, I figured why not "journal" 2009 style. (Yes, I am part of the millions who are in need of therapy and actually go.) I'm sure that will be a huge part of my sharing with you but we'll save that for another day, month, year . . .
Right now I am just trying to get my feet wet and figure out how to actually set this whole thing up. Bear with me and we can journey together to see where this goes.
I'm thinking if Erma Bombeck had a blog she would have been even more famous and been able to reach oh so many more of us old housewives. Or what about George Carlin? Would you not have been checking his blog every day to see what outrageous thoughts he had come up with each day.
Don't get your hopes up. I'm no where near those two when it comes to outrageous thoughts but then, you just never know!
Right now I am just trying to get my feet wet and figure out how to actually set this whole thing up. Bear with me and we can journey together to see where this goes.
I'm thinking if Erma Bombeck had a blog she would have been even more famous and been able to reach oh so many more of us old housewives. Or what about George Carlin? Would you not have been checking his blog every day to see what outrageous thoughts he had come up with each day.
Don't get your hopes up. I'm no where near those two when it comes to outrageous thoughts but then, you just never know!
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