This evening was just too good not to share and since Bridget remains in the Ukraine away from Abby and Kyle I thought she could use an extra chuckle over the antics of her girl and Kyle.
Kyle and Abby spent the day out and about. They set off this morning on their bikes heading for Windsor and didn't return till about 4:30. Ger and I had a FABULOUS DAY. We napped and read and relaxed for the entire day. (I did do a little laundry and ironing just to validate my existence.) Once K & Abby returned we started to think about dinner. At some point of their adventures today K&A went to a farmers market and one of the venders gave Abby a carrot to eat. In return Kyle purchaced some beans from the man and Abby decided we would eat the beans raw. I have never seen beans that huge. They looked like lima beans but were the largest lima beans I have ever seen. They tasted awful raw and were so well handled at that point that we decided to exclude them from our menu. Not wanting to be left out of the picnic planning Abby decided to contribute 6 containers of jello that she got from the bottom cabinet in the kitchen. She put the jello into a pastic bag and brought them out to the picnic. We had a disposable grill which did a fabulous job roasting the salmon, a bottle of wine and some home made biscuits. Our picnic was completed by smores. Abby and I have spent a day or two playing "Girl Scout" so naturally the topic of smores has been discussed. Abby has never toasted a marshmallow over a fire so this was a big event. Sadly we are in England where we could NOT find LARGE marshmallows or graham crackers or Hershey's chocloate bars. EVERY Girl Scout knows you need these 3 EXACT ingredients to make the perfect smore. But we made due with mini marshmallows, bakeers milk chocolate and some sort of tea biscuit. It was a pitiful substitute but then we were camping on the lawn of a Manor House rather than in the middle of a forest. The toasting of mini marshmallows was an adventure in itself. There were no small sticks to be found and the closest we could find for a substitute stick was half of a chopstick. Picture this . . . chopstick - mini marshmallow. It was amusing but served the purpose and the camping adventure was almost complete. The only thing left for a true camper is the "sleep over". Off went Kyle and Abby to find a nice spot in the sun and there the 2 of them settled to digest the picnic dinner. As I was gathering the remains of our picnic I looked over and there sat Abby with her 6 containers of jello neatly set out around her. NOne of them were ever opened but they gave a name to our English camp site . . . CAMP JELLO.
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