Sunday, July 25, 2010


My daughter in law, Kristen, has a blog on which she will occasionally do "Roses and Thorns". Here she lists things that she likes and dislikes or things that are going on in her life, good and bad. I have decided to do something similar and name it "Stupid and Stupider". This will be a list of things that husband says and does that I just stand and wonder at. I have been told by many persons that IT IS NOT ME ! who is crazy. I know that when you are the crazy person in the room you are the one who absolutely, positively believes you are SANE. Well, after 41 years of thinking I was the crazy one I have it on good authority that I am not nuts!
But then let me share with you some of the stupid and stupider things that I encounter in a day and you be the judge.
Today's exchange went something like this . . .
Ger and I are in the kitchen. I am making breakfast and he is watching.

GER . . . "Your plant is dying".
(We live in South Florida. My house is filled with potted plants and the yard and patio are covered with potted plants. All of which are presumably "mine" since I bought them, potted them and care for them.)

CATH . . . "Which plant?"

GER . . . "The one outside"
(This now narrows the choices down to about 40)

CATH . . . (who by now knows I should just stop here but can't help myself)
"Which one outside?"

GER . . . (ARE YOU READY FOR THIS . . .) (he answers in dead seriousness)

(As opposed to what . . . the pink with purple polka dot one?) THEY ARE ALL GREEN !! (Except for the BROWN one that is dying!)

I kid you not . . . this was an actual exchange that went on here today. After the response of "The Green One" I stopped playing . . . I just gave husband an "OH" and left it at that. I usually don't bust out laughing but rather walk away to a quiet room, shut the door, put a towel in my mouth and SCREAM! I really do need to just start laughing but that would hurt his feelings because he is dead serious when he says these things and finds nothing odd in them. In fact he thinks it makes perfect sense and he is perfectly sane. And yet I am the one in therapy and taking drugs. I wonder why?

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